Thanks for the pictures from your recent Capitol visit. Prayers for your wife.

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Erick - My wife and I will be praying for your wife. I was DX with Lymphoma while on active duty as a PCA chaplain. I have gone through chemo twice (2018 & 2020). I am told that my type of Lymphoma is not curable. It will come back one day. We know what it is like to live with the expectancy that cancer brings to a family. How to love each day and continue doing the Lord's work until he comes or brings us home. We will be praying.

Rev. Thomas Eddy

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Very interesting stuff! I listen every day. I would love to join you at the gun club. But thanks to our president, I can't afford to. Love your program!

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Thank you for sharing those pictures, as well as your insights they are all very much appreciated, And of course sending good positive thoughts to you, your family and your wife for her continued good health.

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God's supply of health and great peace to your wife, you and your family, Erick. And thanks for the great photo!

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Prayers for your wife and your family, and that her faith and further medical advances that may be made while she is alive may be made that prolong her life for many years. From a cancer survivor whose surgery was 9 years ago and who has been in remission;since then.

Thanks for the photos and unique views of DC.

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You've said it before. It's the hope that kills you. Hard to imagine nothing happening to insert feet into Republican mouths. There are still 18 days to go.

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We'll be praying.

God Bless

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As a young Christian I remember hearing the term "warrior for Christ" and fantasizing about one day being that warrior. I assumed it meant leaving my home to deliver the gospel to far-away lands. In the decades since, life has delivered the good, the bad, and the very ugly, and I've learned that being a warrior for Christ sometimes means just getting out of bed and putting your left foot in front of your right. Your wife's journey may have started as such - simply getting out of bed - but now has her in front of a national audience at arguably her peak spiritual strength. She passed warrior status long ago; she's now more akin to "Amazon for Christ." Continued prayers from this household.

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I agree that DC needs liberating to be returned to the people. No surprise that some politicians have enjoyed hiding from constituents and working from home. Praying for you and your wife.

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Lord, hear our prayers on Erik's wife. 🙏✝️❤️

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Erick - lovely photos of our capital. From what I can see, the photos of the landscape make your point. No people. God save us from ourselves.

Prayers continue for your wife and your family. Lola W

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Good morning Erick

I have to ask, do you and your wife believe in what the Bible tells us in James 5:13-14? Well I do and 42 years ago I fell off a ladder outside when it was 10 degrees and very icy. My L-3 and L-4 in my backbone were demolished. I was paralyzed from the waist down and crawled with my elbows for about 30 feet and my one daughter saw me from the glass sliding door. My wife, and RN, got the neighbor to help her put me in the car. The Dr's at the hospital said that only one Dr. that they knew of would be able to possible do anything to help. When they called the hospital miles away where he worked, he had just left for a two week vacation.

On Sunday, when I went to Church in a wheel chair, our Pastor ask me the same question I just ask you and your wife. I said "I really do". The Pastor and two Elders, that were strong believers, came out to our ranch on the next morning and Prayed over me for God's healing and anointed me with oil on my forehead. I crawled out of my wheel chair that night to get into bed, BUT THE NEXT MORNING, I GOT OUT OF BED ONTO MY LEGS AND HAVE BEEN WALKING AND GETTING AROUND JUST AS BEFORE. I continued by flying career as well as others and still going strong today at 88.

Erick, I pray you and your wife are strong believers and will follow His word. I will be Praying for you two and your decisions.

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Your wife is also fortunate to have such a strong supportive husband and I doubt she would have had such a good course if not for you, of course I will include her in my prayers.


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God bless you and your family. And thank you.

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Erick - while I totally agree with your statement on the reopening of DC to the citizens of our great country, I worry about generalizations. Were "all" of the offices that had mail and newspapers stacked up truly just offices of elected officials that are of the Democrat party, or was it just the ones you looked at? And voting remotely (when did that even become possible/allowed?????) - again is it only members of the Democrat party that is doing this, or members of both parties shirking their duty to their constituents and to our country? Congress, as also all of us, should be voting in person. Stand up and be counted. Be proud of how you voted, and understand that others may not agree with you, but that is their right as it is yours, to vote how you want - not to be bullied into voting one way or the other, or to not even vote at all. As a citizen, it is your right - but more so, your duty.

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