I’m active in a large Republican community where I live in GA. No one I know thought the speech went too long, it was so entertaining (even funny), it’s the first in a long time I didn’t get bored. Granted, it was indeed long, but it didn’t bore. And the democrats were surely part of the show, albeit a very small part. So we loved every minute… 🇺🇸
Then if it's a matter of 'want', I must conclude they are, indeed, insane since their current strategy is killing their party in front of the whole nation to see. The final stages of TDS must be public insanity.
I always thought 'Stage 4' was the worst stage a disease could reach. But the Dem's TDS has gone waaaaay past that point.
How could Speaker Johnson not instruct the Seargant-at-Arms to not allow those signs in the House Chamber?
This was one of the most shameful displays I've ever seen - including MTG and Joe 'You Lie' Wilson.
It was interesting watching Vance. His eyes kept scanning the crowd. Might have been his Marine training scanning for threats against his Commander in Chief.
The lord is at work praying psalm 109 works Texas Dem Sylvester Turner died last night after that great speech by Trump rest in peace. The Lord is at work will see many more of these is 2025
It was NOT too long even though long. Sadly though it could have been even better by pre-answering everyday-conservative (and democrat) voter questions about (1) exactly why the egg price, (2) will this "tariff war" "hurt me or not?", "and I'd like to hear the details," (3) the real cause of inflation; that it's actually pretend money and not a rise in prices; rather the Beltway-caused rise in volume of fiat money, "thanks to some the people you see here in this building tonight to whom I'm speaking," (4) why democrats - even if they win in 2026 or 2028 - won't be able to reverse the current and near-term future MAGA victories. The latter point being a tough assignment to prove. Anyway, all that and more such.
It was a good speech...long and filled with bombast, but moving at times and definitely good. As a result, I've concluded several things. Trump is never going to tire of complementing himself. That's fine. I can put up with it, because I believe he really loves this country and wants to do what's best for it. I can also put up with some of his outlandish ideas. If the 12 people who live in Greenland want to be annexed to the United States and Denmark is willing to let them go...well, that's fine with me too. We should take back the Panama Canal and tell the Chinese soldiers who are now running it to take a hike.
It was depressing and revealing, to see the democrats sit there stone-faced and refuse to applaud little D.J. Daniels, who the President surprised by making him a member of the Secret Service, or when he announced he had renamed a federal park in honor of Jocelyn Nungary, murdered by an illegal alien, the Laken Riley Bill, or keeping men out of women's sports. Showmanship? Maybe, but watching the face of Jocelyn's mother choked me up.
We need a robust two party system, but that presupposes both are grounded in reality. At the moment, only one is. If the lack of response from the Democratic side is an indication of where their minds are, then perhaps a round of collective shock treatment is in order. They are so out of touch with where the majority of Americans are it's difficult to comprehend.
Donald Trump was right; they wouldn't applaud him if he cured cancer, poverty, hunger and brought world peace. Like the man or not, he's our President and as Americans we should all get behind him. I wouldn't have been happy if Kamala won, but I damn sure would have supported her if she had become my President. Stephen Decatur had a point when he said, "My country, right or wrong, my country."
I was raised in a Democratic family and I remember when that party stood for common sense values that weren't woke or weighted down by D.E.I. Unfortunately, they can't seem to get that albatros off their neck. I'm now convinced, I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me.
I came from a Democrat family too - mother's side, not father's. I remember her voting for Carter - BIG MISTAKE! After Reagan, there was no going back. I can accept an opposing party if they are sane and willing to compromise. But we've gotten to the place in this society, where it's either black or white. There's no grey. We have to be completely on one side, and we can't compromise with each other - because each side thinks the other side is pure evil. The problem is I can't find any sane Democrat to compromise with these days. Imagine how great America would be if both parties could agree on the 80/20 issues.
It's funny to think that if JFK were alive today, modern Democrats would call him "MAGA".
I was always a bit left-of-center, leaning liberal on social issues while leaning conservative on fiscal ones. Then in 2016, the Left moved even farther left, dragging then center with them. Practically overnight, my progressive friends started calling me every name in the book, including "Nazi".
I have a similar political journey. I came of age during Reagan so I was always a fiscal conservative, and I voted that way, but socially, I leaned left (women rights) until I became a born again Christian. At that point, I became fully conservative. You're right about JFK. My mother adored him, and he's the only Democrat my father ever viewed favorably. Both were too young to vote for him. I never thought I'd see the day that Clinton actually looked reasonable. LOL
Honestly... what a contrast between Trump's speeches and Biden's speeches!
Trump extols the values and virtues of America, with the promises of a brighter future for all. Biden spouts how America is a crappy place full of crappy people who need to suffer.
Trump lifts Americans up, while encouraging them to do their best. Biden tears Americans down, telling them that if they were born with white skin, they're bad people, and if you were born with brown/black skin, you're forever oppressed and have no future.
Trump emits positivity. Biden drowns everyone in negativity.
I think I'll re-watch what has to be the most politically tone-deaf speech in modern American history.... that being Jimmy Carter's "Malaise Forever" speech.... just as a reminder of the type of gobbledygook that we avoided the past November 5th...
Good Morning People DJT had a Party last night and rambled on and on like he always does but touched on most of what got him elected and what America needs now let’s get behind him and help and Pray he can get it done God Bless America
It's never too long when it's music to your ears! Honestly, why show up at all if all you are going to do is sit there like some demented pink Easter egg with a sour look on your face waving stupid signs? When they couldn't honor a cancer victim, a newly-appointed West Point student, you know their souls are shriveled beyond hope. And when they can just stare woodenly ahead when sympathy is offered to the families of the victims of their unwillingness to provide basic safety to our population at our borders, you know you are looking at people who have a dark void where their soul should be.
My wife teaches kindergarten. A friend told me congress was acting like a bunch of kindergartners last night. He offended my wife's class with that comment.
Salty! Salty! So much saltiness last night! Just like the Democrats' tears -- which, I'm thinking, Trump drank as a pre-bedtime tonic. I'll bet he slept well. Better than Al Green, anyway.
When they had to throw Rep. Al Green for disrupting the speech, I figured that would be the first of many.... but the Dems simply sat on their hands. Otherwise, the fact that the Democrats couldn't even clap for a 13 year-old kid with cancer is telling..
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire speech, despite it's length, especially the precise timing of live shots of the Dems throwing their tantrums. There's no telling how many more votes he picked up prior to the next election.
I did find myself wondering what, if all the circumstances were the same, would Reagan have done?
If you're with Tren de Aragua, MS-13, the Latin Kings, the Mexican Mafia or any of the other illegal alien criminal gangs that have now been designated by the Trump Administration as terrorists, then yes, absolutely, you're going to have a rough day.
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want the Democrats to change their strategy. The more they wail and rend their garments; the more upbeat and positive Trump and his administration looks. The contrast is stark. The stick wielding senator's performance was disgraceful, and I wonder at Texans rational at re-electing him. How do you cry "impeach him" on inauguration day? On what grounds? And, this is just my opinion, Jasmine can go with him. Both of them are acting out and playing the fools.
I’m active in a large Republican community where I live in GA. No one I know thought the speech went too long, it was so entertaining (even funny), it’s the first in a long time I didn’t get bored. Granted, it was indeed long, but it didn’t bore. And the democrats were surely part of the show, albeit a very small part. So we loved every minute… 🇺🇸
Then if it's a matter of 'want', I must conclude they are, indeed, insane since their current strategy is killing their party in front of the whole nation to see. The final stages of TDS must be public insanity.
I always thought 'Stage 4' was the worst stage a disease could reach. But the Dem's TDS has gone waaaaay past that point.
How could Speaker Johnson not instruct the Seargant-at-Arms to not allow those signs in the House Chamber?
This was one of the most shameful displays I've ever seen - including MTG and Joe 'You Lie' Wilson.
It was interesting watching Vance. His eyes kept scanning the crowd. Might have been his Marine training scanning for threats against his Commander in Chief.
The lord is at work praying psalm 109 works Texas Dem Sylvester Turner died last night after that great speech by Trump rest in peace. The Lord is at work will see many more of these is 2025
Al Green? THE Al Green whose hit song is Let's Stay Together? A perfect choice, I thought. Lol, then I realized, oh, it's THAT Al Green...
It was NOT too long even though long. Sadly though it could have been even better by pre-answering everyday-conservative (and democrat) voter questions about (1) exactly why the egg price, (2) will this "tariff war" "hurt me or not?", "and I'd like to hear the details," (3) the real cause of inflation; that it's actually pretend money and not a rise in prices; rather the Beltway-caused rise in volume of fiat money, "thanks to some the people you see here in this building tonight to whom I'm speaking," (4) why democrats - even if they win in 2026 or 2028 - won't be able to reverse the current and near-term future MAGA victories. The latter point being a tough assignment to prove. Anyway, all that and more such.
It was a good speech...long and filled with bombast, but moving at times and definitely good. As a result, I've concluded several things. Trump is never going to tire of complementing himself. That's fine. I can put up with it, because I believe he really loves this country and wants to do what's best for it. I can also put up with some of his outlandish ideas. If the 12 people who live in Greenland want to be annexed to the United States and Denmark is willing to let them go...well, that's fine with me too. We should take back the Panama Canal and tell the Chinese soldiers who are now running it to take a hike.
It was depressing and revealing, to see the democrats sit there stone-faced and refuse to applaud little D.J. Daniels, who the President surprised by making him a member of the Secret Service, or when he announced he had renamed a federal park in honor of Jocelyn Nungary, murdered by an illegal alien, the Laken Riley Bill, or keeping men out of women's sports. Showmanship? Maybe, but watching the face of Jocelyn's mother choked me up.
We need a robust two party system, but that presupposes both are grounded in reality. At the moment, only one is. If the lack of response from the Democratic side is an indication of where their minds are, then perhaps a round of collective shock treatment is in order. They are so out of touch with where the majority of Americans are it's difficult to comprehend.
Donald Trump was right; they wouldn't applaud him if he cured cancer, poverty, hunger and brought world peace. Like the man or not, he's our President and as Americans we should all get behind him. I wouldn't have been happy if Kamala won, but I damn sure would have supported her if she had become my President. Stephen Decatur had a point when he said, "My country, right or wrong, my country."
I was raised in a Democratic family and I remember when that party stood for common sense values that weren't woke or weighted down by D.E.I. Unfortunately, they can't seem to get that albatros off their neck. I'm now convinced, I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me.
It was the speech that America needed to hear.
That being said, it was long-winded and self-congratulatory... to be expected with Trump. He likes to hear himself talk.
I think the only other person who gave a speech which came as close in length and self-love was Bill Clinton in one of his SOTU addresses.
I can only imagine the kind of rotten speech we would have gotten from Joe Biden last night..
I came from a Democrat family too - mother's side, not father's. I remember her voting for Carter - BIG MISTAKE! After Reagan, there was no going back. I can accept an opposing party if they are sane and willing to compromise. But we've gotten to the place in this society, where it's either black or white. There's no grey. We have to be completely on one side, and we can't compromise with each other - because each side thinks the other side is pure evil. The problem is I can't find any sane Democrat to compromise with these days. Imagine how great America would be if both parties could agree on the 80/20 issues.
It's funny to think that if JFK were alive today, modern Democrats would call him "MAGA".
I was always a bit left-of-center, leaning liberal on social issues while leaning conservative on fiscal ones. Then in 2016, the Left moved even farther left, dragging then center with them. Practically overnight, my progressive friends started calling me every name in the book, including "Nazi".
And so, here we are.
I have a similar political journey. I came of age during Reagan so I was always a fiscal conservative, and I voted that way, but socially, I leaned left (women rights) until I became a born again Christian. At that point, I became fully conservative. You're right about JFK. My mother adored him, and he's the only Democrat my father ever viewed favorably. Both were too young to vote for him. I never thought I'd see the day that Clinton actually looked reasonable. LOL
Nah. JFK would not be MAGA. He believed in standing up to Russian aggression rather than appeasing it.
Heh. Today's Democrats would have kicked him right out of the party, regardless.
You are right about that. They’d kick Clinton out too.
As someone said, if Trump pulled a democrat out of a burning car, the democrat would see who saved him and climb back in. Yes, they are that far gone.
Truth 💯💯💯 🎯🎯🎯 👏 👏 👏 🤣🤣🤣
That IS funny. Speaking as one who has TDS in spades, you're damn right . . . so long as I can drag that rotten son of a beaver in with me.
Wouldn't it be easier to kind of get over the TDS?
That’s so funny thanks for the laugh and they would for sure just climb back in 😂😂😂
Honestly... what a contrast between Trump's speeches and Biden's speeches!
Trump extols the values and virtues of America, with the promises of a brighter future for all. Biden spouts how America is a crappy place full of crappy people who need to suffer.
Trump lifts Americans up, while encouraging them to do their best. Biden tears Americans down, telling them that if they were born with white skin, they're bad people, and if you were born with brown/black skin, you're forever oppressed and have no future.
Trump emits positivity. Biden drowns everyone in negativity.
Reagan lifted Americans up. Trump not so much. But he does lift Russians up.
You remind me of Marcia Brady... "Russia! Russia! Russia!" 😆😆😆
That’s funny. Trump reminds me of Marcia. Everything he does is for Putin, Putin, Putin.
Trump emits positivity? Did I watch the wrong speech?
I think I'll re-watch what has to be the most politically tone-deaf speech in modern American history.... that being Jimmy Carter's "Malaise Forever" speech.... just as a reminder of the type of gobbledygook that we avoided the past November 5th...
Where's Joe? (Biden)
Probably biting a baby somewhere on a beach.
Probably trying to take a shower with his granddaughters..
I think at this point he's in one of those step-in tubs. Shower is too risky.
And that granddaughter he refuses to acknowledge is better off without having to get in that tub with him.
Good Morning People DJT had a Party last night and rambled on and on like he always does but touched on most of what got him elected and what America needs now let’s get behind him and help and Pray he can get it done God Bless America
It's never too long when it's music to your ears! Honestly, why show up at all if all you are going to do is sit there like some demented pink Easter egg with a sour look on your face waving stupid signs? When they couldn't honor a cancer victim, a newly-appointed West Point student, you know their souls are shriveled beyond hope. And when they can just stare woodenly ahead when sympathy is offered to the families of the victims of their unwillingness to provide basic safety to our population at our borders, you know you are looking at people who have a dark void where their soul should be.
As the Bible says, their conscious are seared with a hot irons.
My wife teaches kindergarten. A friend told me congress was acting like a bunch of kindergartners last night. He offended my wife's class with that comment.
Salty! Salty! So much saltiness last night! Just like the Democrats' tears -- which, I'm thinking, Trump drank as a pre-bedtime tonic. I'll bet he slept well. Better than Al Green, anyway.
When they had to throw Rep. Al Green for disrupting the speech, I figured that would be the first of many.... but the Dems simply sat on their hands. Otherwise, the fact that the Democrats couldn't even clap for a 13 year-old kid with cancer is telling..
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire speech, despite it's length, especially the precise timing of live shots of the Dems throwing their tantrums. There's no telling how many more votes he picked up prior to the next election.
I did find myself wondering what, if all the circumstances were the same, would Reagan have done?
It's morning in America.... Again.
And it's going to be a rough day.
If you're with Tren de Aragua, MS-13, the Latin Kings, the Mexican Mafia or any of the other illegal alien criminal gangs that have now been designated by the Trump Administration as terrorists, then yes, absolutely, you're going to have a rough day.
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want the Democrats to change their strategy. The more they wail and rend their garments; the more upbeat and positive Trump and his administration looks. The contrast is stark. The stick wielding senator's performance was disgraceful, and I wonder at Texans rational at re-electing him. How do you cry "impeach him" on inauguration day? On what grounds? And, this is just my opinion, Jasmine can go with him. Both of them are acting out and playing the fools.
Democrats "seemed out of touch." SEEMED?
You are entirely too kind to them this morning, Erick.