The Republicans have a "two white MAGA men" problem. The Vance choice looks even worse now that Kamala heads the Democrat ticket. If she chooses either Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro for Veep, it's game over for the Republicans. Trump's best choice was either Rubio or Haley.

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I agree that Trump should definitely avoid the DEI talk because it inspires nobody but his base. Just chalk it up to yet another double standard the Dems get away with. Biden says in advance that he will hire a woman of color, which by definition makes it a DEI hire. He just couldn't help himself because he wanted to make damn sure that he got credit for it. But in reality it's unfair to the hire (in this case Harris) because any performance failure will now be attributed to the self-imposed limited candidate pool. Biden put that label on her all by himself so he could pat himself on the back.

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Controlling trolling assumes anonymous political trolls are sincere. How hard would it be for trolls to pose as over the top caricatures to damage their actual target and cause destabilization?

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These black voters who are unhappy with Kamala Harris and the fact that she (as someone said) ain't black enough ... why did they fall at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama? Did The Lightbringer live, even for a brief day, the "black experience"? History tells us Barry Soetero lived the coddled life of an academic raised in middle class households.

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Too many of them have had their hirings questioned as perhaps the product of affirmative action and not their merit....

Yea, it is why Justice Thomas wrote his own concurrence...


Harris makes them all look bad.

Pointing out "facts" about Trump is not vilifying and inspiring assination attempts, but pointing out Harris is, if not stupid, incompetent and incapable is racist, sexist, and bigoted.

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This misses the boat by a mile.

There are two simple political camps. The upper class that tends to live on the coast and big cities, and everyone else. With respect to the political parties, it is all about good vs bad branding. The Republican party used to be considered bad by the working class and poor because the Republican party aligned with big business and big business demanded policies not in favor with the working class and poor. The Republican party used to be the upper class. The Democrats the working class and poor, headed by some upper class liberal charlatans and academics that exploited the dissatisfaction of the working class and poor,

That changed. Now the dominant Trump wing of the GOP is the working class, and a growing percentage of the poor. However, the Democrats still benefit from branding the GOP as the party of big corporate money. And 20-30% of the GOP... the old establishment GOP... still clutches that money and power-making sandbox even though the Democrats dominate it all.

It is those old Republicans that continue to prevent the needed branding that would turn around elections. The electorate still sees the Democrats as supporting the working class as the Democrats also promote the globalist corporatist order that is gutting American working class economic opportunity. Trump is almost alone is trying to stop this fake messaging from the Democrat media. He is doing so while being attacked by the old GOP guard that demand the Global Order and the Military Industrial Complex continue to feed them cash.

The Democrats are much better at shedding their petty differences with their eye on the prize of winning the election. Republicans deserve to keep losing because they cannot get out of their own way. Republicans are petty. They would rather destroy the election over hurt feelings from mean Tweets than actually save the Republic.

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It doesn't miss the point you do. "Old Republicans that continue to prevent the needed branding" ? If so quit giving them stuff to use. Why can't these trolls (and not all "old guard") realize they are hurting Trumps chances? And why aren't they called out more? Why isn't someone getting through to Trump that these personal attacks are backfiring and it is policy and actions that will win it this time. Same for JD Vance. MTG etc. Trumps voting base is already going to vote for him but the voters he needs are easily turned off by insulting them, others like them, or making personal comments like a two-year-old. They are running for President after all and time both act like it.

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Trashing woke does nothing to scare voters away from Trump. DEI is dying. Moderates are done with identity politics and gender ideology. Trump's base is going to vote for him, but if he appears to be woke-friendly, then why not just vote for Kamala?

By the way, you are a racist, fascist threat to democracy according to Kamala and her people.

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Like I care. You really do not interact with people if you think that trashing does nothing. Woke friendly??? No one would believe that ever. There are plenty of ways to let the disaster that are Kamala's policies/stances out without losing votes for childish personal attacks or insulting comments. DEI not dead yet and companies are still being sued, especially smaller ones that can't or won't fight back. Plus, many still believe it helps more than it hurts. Yes, I know that many of those that will vote for him don't care, but if you think we can afford to throw votes away go for it but you risk much for an easily fixed message. The abortion issue already a sticking point with voters on all sides so yes let's just keep folks reasons to say no by being stupid instead of strategic.

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" She’s a deeply beatable candidate, but uncontrollable Republican trolling will blow up in the GOP’s face."

Seeing that it's necessary to point this out is about enough to make me give up

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In my opinion (an experience), when Erickson says "...many Republican activists pride themselves in pushing every button, racial and otherwise, to get a rise out of the left", the term "Left" refers to anyone and everyone to the left of the activists. I have been a conservative since I voted for Reagan in November, 1980. My biggest frustrations are not with the Left. Those biggest frustrations are with those who want to be seen as mini-Trumps.

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Many on the right are pissed off and rightly so as the left puts on their double standard glasses. DEI was a good thing with the left until Kamala was outed as such. Now DEI is bad. And we have various media outlets covering for Kamala by editing articles and denying certain claims about while at the same time talking heads are trying to put Project 2025 on Trump which he has nothing to do with.

We're seeing double standards on steroids.

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This is spot on. The Dem NPCs are already generating memes that "DEI hire=n-word".

Although you could make the argument that "blowing off Netanyahu=k-word".

Let's stick to her record.

Idea for a 30-second campaign ad: To the background of a "California" song like "California Dreaming" or "California Girls" (if you can't get the rights have AI generate a sound-alike that reminds people of the song), show a bunch of b-roll of CA wildfires, poop on the streets, stores cleaned out by shoplifters, etc.

Done right, it could be as effective as the LBJ "Daisy" ad.

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Heaven forbid Kamala wins in November, my prayers will shift to an 'extinction level event' like a giant asteroid prior to January 20, 2025.

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Yesterday I lost an hour of my life, when I knew better.

Yes, I did indeed tune in to FOX to watch the Biden swan song. 2% of me thought he would rise to the moment, for history, but I was confirmed to be a wishful fool.

I, like millions around the planet, tuned in to watch the car wreck. He had no message we cared to believe in, but we wanted to know if we could catch him drooling or filling his pants. We heard the fantabulous dreams of a shelled-out Brandon who told us he would CURE CANCER before he left the office, in only 6 months.

His head spun, his jaw set, and he looked right out at me to tell me he hated me for wanting a strong leader to keep my family safe. He used the imagery of the Resolute Desk to confirm his hatred for me. He called me MAGA with his covid spit spraying out from his fangs.

So, his is now gone, and good riddance. KJP can deny it all she wants, but Brandon goes down in history as being a lame duck the earliest in a first term. He is toxic to any Dem who wants to be reelected. His agenda is over. No more judges will be added. No more last-minute laws will happen. No more trillions being pissed away. And this symbolic government shutdown is a good thing.

But I won’t forget his personal message to me and my family. We don’t matter to him or his party. We are just white trash who cling to our bibles and guns and sense of right and wrong.

But this white trash MAGA follower does indeed VOTE. And I write checks where I feel the fruits of my honest labor will make the most impact.


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BRAVO! and this proud Black woman applauds...well written!

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Erick, I encourage you to watch Chernobyl on HBO/Max.

Many of the problems that lead up to that disaster was managers and people in charge that were placed there not because of merit but because of party affiliation or because of certain criteria. The head of the safety department for the entire nuclear energy division was a former shoe shop owner and had 0 training in physics.

Why is this important? Because this type of incompetent leadership is what is happening right now. Heads of big businesses like Boeing and others are being replaced by unqualified or foolish people who have no idea what they are doing. At the Gov. level its even worse.

Its not wrong to point that out but I agree it doesn't need to be a focus. The media lies like the gaslighting video shown above needs to be run in every state across the US. That and clips of the media defending Joe Biden's competency along with the clips of that disastrous debate.

The media is the problem. But looking at the current polls I don't think the media blitz of negativity is going to work now. Not after the assassination attempt.

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Erick, with the AFLAC/CHC Care-a-thon today and tomorrow on WSB, how can we listen to you?-

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Go to ErickErickson.com at noon and click the livestream button.

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Thank you.

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Look people we know the Biden administration is incompetent,Kamala was and is part of that administration we just need to point that out it’s still the economy stupid and she has to take ownership of it

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My mind froze at your opening paragraph which reminded me that Biden "had originally flirted with the idea of failed Georgia candidate Stacey Abrams." Now that's terrorism! Think of where we would be now if SA was VP, standing with bated breath, waiting for Biden to fall one time too many. Talk about dodging a bullet! USA was Providentially protected on that one.

Your two most cogent statements: "News broadcasts relied on by low-information voters will cover the ties and tweets. Republicans must be careful" and "She’s a deeply beatable candidate, but uncontrollable Republican trolling will blow up in the GOP’s face," because the media from the first statement will use the second statement's reality to attempt to eviscerate, to shame, the entire field of GOP by their insistent association.

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KH is just as bad as Stacey and has the same Medal of demographic on her lapel pin. Female black.

In reality this distinction alone shouldn't warrant a reason to vote for her but it does and thats the issue and why we keep saying DEI.

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