Erick, You need to change your wording to "Meet the Dumbest Hot Take Ever" to "Meet the Dumbest Hot Take So Far (or yet.)

Max will go even more dumb in the next few days.

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Max Boot, Nicole Wallace, etc., are babies whose ideas have been rejected by the majority of Americans. Instead of asking why, they place blame on everyone but themselves. Narcissists. The corporate media will collapse well before our democratic republic does. It’s already happening. Notice the terrible ratings. Once the oxygen of stupidity gets turned off - and it will - the collapse will be complete.

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Joe, this needs to happen (corporate media collapse). They’re horrible - America’s current version of Soviet Russia’s Pravda. They should be embarrassed by their lack of calling out obvious truth. They’re actually the ones undermining our democracy by being activists, not journalists. Supporting Erick is my small bit to try to hold some light in the oppressive dark.

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Erick’s terrific. I have first-hand knowledge. We worked together when I was handling Human Events and RedState. I may not always agree with him, but his head and heart are totally in the right place. One of the nicest, kindest, smartest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!

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Sounds like Max Boot wants be a Facebook Child. Look how many likes I received. Totally childish. We are a Republic a Democrat Democracy would destroy Us. The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.” The

DNC as always is Deceiving Needy Citizens

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To quote you Erick, "Max Boot and his ilk are belittling voters for voting for their economic interests and not for democracy as Boot defines it." Biden was asked if he thought the election would be fair and just? His answer should be alarming. Biden said, "I don't know. We'll have to see who wins." The fairness and justness of the election does not hinge on who wins but on how it was conducted. This just heralds the fact that the democrats, who are going to get shellacked, are going to cry foul when they lose.

You are right to warn everyone that violence is coming. If the press sticks with this, "this is how democracy dies" line when Republicans win we might as well just arm up now and kick off the second civil war because it's going to come thanks to the fear-mongering of the state-run media (I like your term by the way.) If we're going to have an internal conflict, let's just get it over with now. Better in my lifetime than my childrens.

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Max Boot’s only consistencies are his inconsistency and fear of being ignored. Eric nailed it. In the distant past he occasionally made some interesting and debatable points. Now, watching his is like watching a train wreck.

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A side note regarding Trump and the ramp at West Point. I was in attendance for graduation in 2016 and watche Biden, after his idiotic address walk down that ramp gingerly. Never saw that in the press.

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I stopped listening/reading Max Boot and his ilk (e.g. Jenn Rubin, Bill Kristol, etc) years ago. Arrogant elitists who have disdain for working class voters, and always push for war.

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I was a charter subscriber- courtesy my late father - of The Weekly Standard and read every issue. Then, Trump happened.

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I was a subscriber early on with Weekly Standard. Then TDS set in, and the neoCons lost their minds.

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Well, I don’t like that term since it was used by leftists to slur former leftists who reformed, but I get your point.

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I voted yesterday in Sandy Springs. Voting took me all of 3 minutes. Straight Republican for me even if it was for the dog catcher.

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I just finished my ballot in about the same time and the same way.

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