My brief personal interaction in a small*group with Romney when his was exploring a Presidential run in late 2007 after passing his “signature achievement” Romneycare in 2006 convinced me that he had several characteristics that concerned me greatly. Most importantly, he was convinced that he was the smartest guy in the room by far and ignored suggestions and took criticism badly. He didn’t want to debate you, he wanted to tell you his opinion and then move on. IMHO - The smarter you are, the more important humility becomes. As Halberstam pointed out in THE BRST AND THE BRIGHTEST, it was their hubris about their ability and intelligence that led to so many disastrous decision during the Vietnam conflict. Second, he wanted to be viewed as the “non politician “ politician , probably essential for a Republican in MA but generally a big drawback if voters consider you a wealthy elitist, and I think that the Democrats successfully painted him as one and it was one the characteristics that really hurt his 2012 run. Third, he was very uncomfortable in interpersonal situations.

Totally agree with Erick’s analysis in this instance, and hope someone can convince him that to the country’s benefit, a much more likely argument to sway him that it is in his own self interest to be in the majority . To those of you disappointed by many actions of the Republicans , so am I. But given the choice we have , the Republicans are probably a B minus/ C plus and the Dems an F minus, it isn’t a close call. And no one seems to talking about the impact on the Court if the Dems hold the Senate for the next two years.. They will clearly ram through their choices if there are vacancies. And since a Dem Senate will be viewed by many commentators as perhaps due to Dobbs, they may read the election result as a cautionary warning on reversing precedent and rejecting stare decision, whereas I hope that they reverse several other precedents.

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I cant think of a vote I regret more than my 2012 vote for Romney.

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Ok. It’s 2012, the other two candidates that made it on the ballot in essentially all 50 states is Barack Obama and the Libertarian Gary Johnson. Which one will you vote for?

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Maybe 'disappointed' would be a better word. No way I'd vote for anyone other than Mitt (not voting wasn't an option.) But Mitt has been a colossal disappointment. I hope he loses in his next Primary.

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That’s kinda what I figured.

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Unfortunately, Romney is very similar to John McCain in that he might as well be a Democrat. While I consider McCain to be a US Hero, his need to be a “maverick” tanked the Healthcare bill the Republicans tried to pass at the beginning of the Trump Presidency. I feel certain that Romney will not help Lee. I very much hope I am wrong….

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Damn! Republicans are looking for a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Vote conservative!

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The stupid party vs. the evil party choice once again.

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Republicans are struggling to pick up 10 seats (9 house/1 Senate) in an election where they should easily win 2-3 times that number for one reason...they have no clear vision for the country. They have no coherent message other than not being progressives. Being against CRT and progressive gender ideology in schools is not the positive vision people want to see from national parties.

And the sad thing is, even with a vision, too many people don't trust the GOP to actually deliver. Look at thr Tea Party that swept the GOP into power on 2010...what did they get in return? Smaller government? Lower spending? Overturning Obamacare? No one actually trusts the GOP to deliver.

This is election is purely about rejecting progressive policies, it is not about supporting the GOP. Being the anti-woke party won't build long term support.

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Erick, appreciate your opinion. But, Sen. Lee's position on war in Ukraine and his refusal to help Ukraine fight Putin's Russia is good enough reason to NOT SUPPORT Lee's re-election.

Just my $0.02

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Excellent point. I didn’t know his position on Ukraine.

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Lee certainly makes himself difficult to support.

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The Democrats are really stupid. They had the high ground on the "save democracy" issue but put their tribe before their country and supported MAGA candidates in the Republican Primary to enhance their political chances. They did a disservice to their country.

As I wrote in a recent comment, parties are organizations designed to win elections. When they cease to do that, they tend reevaluate their politics. The Republican Party doesn't recognize itself. It won't do the necessary soul searching until its very existence is a risk.

And this is why Romney should not help Mike Lee. On a personal level Mike Lee didn't help Romney in his hour of need but that's secondary to Lee's efforts to support the autocoup.

Evan McMillan is a snake. He says he will not caucus with the Democrats but that's probably a lie. A lying politician, wow. There are many who voted for him in 2016 who regret that vote. No, they wouldn't have voted for Trump, perhaps writing in Ben Sasse or even Mitch Daniels would have been better. But right now, the Republicans just need to lose so Mitt needs to do the right thing for his country. Mike Lee needs to pay for his sins.

BTW, did you see the comment by the potential future Speaker Kevin McCarthy that aid to Ukraine may be reduced once the Republicans take the House? WTH? Yet another good reason for the Republicans to lose. We'll deal with the damage Democrats do later.

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Surely the people in Utah are no better off than the rest of the country. I can’t in my wildest dream imagine how anyone could vote democrat and that is exactly what McMullin is.

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Mitt Romney is a RINO. Always has been and always will be. McMullin appeals to Romney's RINO-loving base. I have zero tolerance for Mitt Romney and hope he is de-selected when next he comes up for re-election. It is somewhat irrational, I know, but if Romney is for/against something my knee-jerk reaction is to be a Romney contrarian. Go Mike Lee.

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