Whoopi Goldberg is a racist. If I, a white, married, male said "To me all black people look alike" or "To me, all Asians look alike" or "To me, all Native Americans look alike" or "To me, all Hispanics look alike," I would be a racist.
Whoopi effectively said "To me, all white people look alike". How is that not racist?
Whoopi Goldberg is a racist. If I, a white, married, male said "To me all black people look alike" or "To me, all Asians look alike" or "To me, all Native Americans look alike" or "To me, all Hispanics look alike," I would be a racist.
Whoopi effectively said "To me, all white people look alike". How is that not racist?
Whoopi Goldberg is a racist. If I, a white, married, male said "To me all black people look alike" or "To me, all Asians look alike" or "To me, all Native Americans look alike" or "To me, all Hispanics look alike," I would be a racist.
Whoopi effectively said "To me, all white people look alike". How is that not racist?