"Six feet between Americans and plexiglass panels were not going to stop a virus. Everyone knew except the bureaucrats."

I'm going to speak up for those of us in the medical profession and point out that very early on we did not know what we were dealing with. It is not that any of us thought six feet, masks, and plexiglass would "stop a virus" and frankly I'm very annoyed at hearing the accusation of stupidity more than three years later by anyone pretending they knew everything already and all along when they didn't.

Of course we knew the virus itself would not be "stopped" by these measures, but it certainly made sense to do common-sense exposure preventatives just like you all learned from your grandmothers to "cover your cough" and just as nurses and surgeons do in the operating room and ICUs ensuring the protection against infecting our patients by coughing and sneezing on them.

Whatever all went wrong in the handling of covid, the common sense of preventing of direct over-exposure was not one of the mistakes. Shutting down the economy and schools and later inappropriate vaccine mandates were disasterous mistakes made by politicians and bureaucrats, not by those of us in health care.

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I disagree. They are not all idiots. The ones who are really pulling the strings know exactly what they are doing. They have the idiot puppets to do their bidding.

The plan is for social collapse of America and Donald Trump is in their way. President Trump made them speed things up. They have tried desperately to get rid of him but they can’t. Everyone is starting to see the desperation of the left and the extremes to which they will go.

Personally I think it remains to be seen if there were others involved in the attempted assassination. I don’t think the powers that be recruited a 20 year old punk but they certainly could use his derangement to their benefit and drag their feet to respond or deny enough protection to secure his safety.

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Can't help but think, in the context of Romans 1:28-32, that JRB has been 'tagged' "mene, mene, tekel, parsin." (Daniel 5:25) Is the Sovereign Ruler of all things giving us another chance? Pray that is so. A few months ago, political observers (including Erick?) thought it unlikely that JRB would not be the democrat candidate or that DJT would be assassinated. Today? Heads-up, y'all!

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Time to really trust in our Lord. “Without Him we can do nothing.”, Jn 15:5.

God Bless


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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

People get really confused about the role of authority in public life.

Here are the goals, or directives, of authority, in order:

1) First is to preserve and protect itself.

2) Second is to establish itself as competent.

3) Third is to maintain order.

4) Fourth is to provide safety. Safety and order are two very different things.

5) Fifth is preservation of rights and law, and not necessarily in that order.

These rules can be observed in ANY authority. When authority goes "wrong" it helps to look at the above priorities and if it had to revert to any higher priorities, possibly through the use of deceit or any other "measures of desperation".

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I agree with you, Erick. This has been true for a long time. The founders of this country knew the people could tell incompetence when they saw it, and tried to design a system that would allow them to rid the government of it. The two party system has corrupted that beyond recognition. All we can do today is to vote for the least harmful idiots.

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Agreed on the flaw inherent in the two-party system. I suspect the Founders just did not predict that their successors would be so self-centered, lazy and power hungry as to take us to the irreducible minimum we now have.

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Here’s a prediction: biden steps off before the convention.

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There is actually a third component. Idiots/incompetence majority, evil/malice absolutely but probably less than 10% higher when subject Trump! But the majority is apathy, many have given up the fight, some will step up when confronted with a choice others will simply look away and tell themselves what good is me losing my job in the scheme of things I have my family to feed, etc. Society used to give more support to doing the right things now very rare. Add in the shift to me, me, me more will look away.

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Anybody remember Rush’s “kook test?” I think it dated to the Ross Perot campaign. Rush got away from it in his later years, and I always regretted that. We seem to have such an oversupply of kooks these days on extreme political views in multiple directions.

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Well said.

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And never confuse malice for incompetence. What's really confusing is the combination of the two!!

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I totally agree with you. The current administration is completely incompetent. The Secret Service director should have been fired immediately.

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And never confuse COVID with a true "medical condition".

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While I largely agree, there are a few too many variables to chalk it up solely to incompetence.

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These same people are in charge of almost everything.

Everyone should have water, and food for at least two weeks in case we have a real problem

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I would suggest more than two weeks.

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I said to friends a long awhile back before DEI that being politically correct was going to get someone killed then this DEI crap comes along and we know people are getting killed the Whole Biden administration is DEI hires and PC BS the most incompetent people are in this administration and no one falls on there sword for this or any other screw up. I believe in accountability and personal responsibility this administration just wants to sit on there ass and get paid for being idiots

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