Love when the crazy zealots self-identify.

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Ok Erick maybe a bit of overreaction from me. But your data comes from the same people that are stealing the elections from us. And yet we are supposed to trust it? I don’t think so. Until mail in ballots are gone and it’s back to in person and hand count which means no machines it will be hard to trust any elections. You can kept your head in the sand if you want but I would advise waking up.

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The Kool-Aid must have been strong.

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You can only smile and laugh at the comments. This is not reflective of the Republican/ Conservative majority. Eric we appreciate what you do and the fact that you admit it when you are wrong. I am learned over the years and listening and watching various commentators how they play to their audience to grow in popularity vs. tell it like it is (bad and good). Keep it up. You have more integrity than most people in the media.

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That guy clearly does not get it.

Don’t worry

The voters of the GOP are tired of the drama . The policies that voters want can be done with the right leader( Ronald Regan type ) They are there….

Trump just needs to get out of the way.

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Nothing wrong with your post Erick. Republicans will continue to lose as long as they insist on elevating Trump to the throne. SMH. The vast majority of his hand picked people lost. The crazy people have hijacked the Republican party. Those are the facts. Let's move on from Trump and his politics. He only cares about himself, don't be fooled.

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So, he blames you and the devil for the Republicans losing instead of examining all the factors. There's things I don't like to hear but I know we lost for various reasons with Trump being at the top of everything---and the Dems want him to stay there so they can continue to use him against us. Some folks would just rather blame the messenger than accept the message. You wrote a fair, insightful piece, Erick--some just cannot hear truth.

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Always be mindful of poseurs seeking to discredit what they seem to advocate - through overstatement

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There goes my argument with my liberal friend that there are no extremist nut jobs in the Republican party.

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Wow! Way to go Erick, I don't think you would get such imbecilic tripe if you didn't hit a nerve at some point. Keep on doing what you do!

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No, you are not defending satan. But you are missing the forest for the trees.

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IT appears that you (Erick) only supports and votes for the perfect person.

That results in the Democrat Winning.

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Oh Lord, I voted for Herschel Walker.

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I read all your e mails, and listen to your show when I can.

I feel informed. THANK YOU

You are a wonderful person, AND very Professional,

We are fighting Evil, and must sometimes support the B player more than we would an A player.

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OMG, so what happened in your life today Ron? Did you help someone today, did you grow as a person or did you get meaningless validation because someone on the internet acknowledged your post?

Since you put all caps, I'm going to say it's the latter. Do better in your community of real people Ron. Don't look for validation on the interweb. Grow a set of balls and be a MAN

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I don’t believe you’re at all evil Erick, but I do believe we’ve known for years that mail-in ballots increases the likelihood of fraud. Wasn’t that the conclusion of the Carter-Baker commission on the subject? As I’ve heard time and again, if France can count the votes of 37 million people in one day, why can’t every state do the same. Assuming this was a clean election, wouldn’t fewer mailed ballots and counting delays rid most people of any skepticism?

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Oh I agree completely we need a system more people can trust. But we're not going to get rid of early voting. 5 million early votes were cast in Florida. We can win it if we try. Right now, there's so much distrust on our side that we don't even try.

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True. We also need to articulate our message better AND defend our message better. Why we allow the Democrats to tie the basic tenets of making America great to one person is beyond me. The reason why a big portion of the GOP supports Trump is because we’ve seen too few stand tall and too many run from the fight. Let’s see what happens with the pending CR. At $31 Trillion and counting, we can’t continue printing money. As interest rates continue to climb, servicing the debt will create even more problems. Hyper-inflation, a sever recession and perhaps even a depression are distinct possibilities. Fighters that can articulate the dangers are needed. We always cave. Trump for all his faults doesn’t seem to cave. Hence, the phenomena…

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Someone's been reading too much of the book "Behold a Pale Horse."

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Doug I believe you are going with the devil not Erick.

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