I don't know if it is still a requirement, but when our kids went to school, we had to provide a "shot record" proving that they had been vaccinated against certain diseases. How is the COVID vaccine any different?

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Hillsboro ISD (Texas) has made face masks part of their dress code. I love it!

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The only reason I get upset with people that do not want to vaccinate, AND not wear a mask, is that the data shows that the community is safer is you do.

And because some stubborn people insist not doing either, we all are still subject to this debate.

If they just did either… we would not be wasting time and resources on it! Nor be having mandates from big brother because some children don’t want to play ball as adults.

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How many of you responding to Erick's post are medical doctors? How many of you have taught in public schools? How many of you have or are related to someone with a compromised immune system? How many of you are opposed to mask mandates and vaccines out of contrariness?

I have taught in public schools for 38 years. I have had a compromised immune system since age four.

I have many friends who have expressed some of the same sentiments that I have read today who have contracted covid and will now live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.

I personally believe that it takes all of us working together to defeat covid and its variants as opposed to just some of us doing what we can.

In short, how is this different from going to war with only half the munitions and manpower than what is needed to win?

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Completely agree!

This “my right, my freedom” is so childish, selfish/self centered…

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Good read Erick. What you are describing is freedom of choice without coercion.

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Bravo! The vaccine is not a preventative; it's a palliative. Great points!

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Lots of wisdom in this column. I am at the point of keeping my opinions to myself. You can’t fix “stupid”.

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Your closing paragraph is perfect. I know people who have never gotten the flu shot and are suddenly VAX OR DIEEEEEEE, and those who have always gotten the flu shot and are suddenly VAX AND DIEEEEEEEEE. (I recognize it’s not that black and white, but I believe my point still stands.)

I’ve always gotten the flu shot to hopefully prevent getting it, have lessened severity if I do, and maybe help others who can’t get the shot. It’s the same reason I got the COVID vaccine. After reading and listening to people I trust, I made the choice to get it. I don’t regret my choice. I assumed that risk. If you choose not to, I’m fine with that, too. This is my choice, and that’s yours. Just like with the flu, I hope people don’t get sick, and I would never blame you if you do and aren’t vaccinated. I just want to make the choice (mask, vaccine, whatever) and not have both sides vilify me at the same time for essentially the same thing.

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On the other hand, I have always found irresponsible when people that carry a desease like the regular flu or even a cold, go out and do not restrain themselves from handshaking, sneezing and coughing on your face, etc.

Why would people that don’t want to vaccinate (and for that matter everybody) have a problem with taking a small measure that provides a little safety. By wearing a mask?

I do not wear a mask to protect myself, but to protect others around me.

It really surprises me how much people get excited around this. But then, Erick’s designation of post-Christian, and thus self centered, society explains that.

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I agree with that. I stay home and away from others when I don’t feel well. The way we’ve been conditioned to feel guilty for missing work/ social events because we’re a “little sick” is maddening. I am sure that’s change for the most part. Everyone, from the top down, needs some serious humility and empathy if we ever want to move forward.

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For the record, the teachers in Broward County Florida died last week. Schools open today in that county so the teachers clearly did not contract Covid from their students. It’s true that these educators were unvaccinated. Also, Broward County, the most Democrat county in the state, is requiring masks of students despite the governor’s mandate. I think Brian Kemp, the governor in Georgia, got it right: local school superintendents should decide if masks are appropriate for their students and staff. As he said, “one size doesn’t fit all.” Georgia is a diverse state as is Florida.

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Good for Kemp!

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Personal observation only...but the more insistent the government is in demanding people accept the vaccine shot (or prick, or jab, or whatever the current terminology is), the less likely those who are hesitant are going to be to submit to it. People just don't like being forced into something against their will, or being "shamed" into doing anything they don't really want to do...if people would chill with the virtue signaling and insults towards those who have legitimate concerns, I think there would be less "resistance".

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Agree, people behave like children!

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Well, children are people...kind of.

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A state government No Mask mandate is just as bad as a state government Mask Mandate. Conservatives used to be for local control.

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As to your point of the media doing "it's job" where masks are concerned, just note the number of single individuals in cars - wearing their mask. I'm sitting here shaking my head.

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I would postulate that the individual that you observe in the vehicle alone wearing a mask is due to the circumstance that they just left an establishment where they had their mask on and simply forgot to take it off. One gets accustomed to having it on. It has happened to me many times.

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Yeah, that is funny…

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Well written, Erick.

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Amen, amen, and amen from beginning to end. Thanks, Erick.

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As someone who despises getting shots, I'd like to call a moratorium of news articles showing pictures of those getting a shot.

I don't think it is necessary for Gov's to outlaw mask mandates. It comes across as...idiotic.

I just spent a few days in Newark. There's a big mall near the hotel where I stayed...and not much else around...so I ate at the mall. I will say, much of the population at the mall falls into that demographic of those not getting the vaccine (hint: it ain't rednecks). As one who identifies as vaccinated, I didn't wear a mask there initially...then I did.

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Sorry, I am curious, What is that “demographic” you are referring too?

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simply look at which demo is the lowest vaccinated...then you'll know.

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We live in an age where binaries are suddenly non-binary (e.g. gender) and where non-binaries are binary (e.g. mask mandates.) The false binaries ignore the middle ground, where common sense lives. Outlawing mandates is silly. There are places where masks make sense, and without a limited mandate there will be limited compliance. I happen to think mandates in classrooms makes sense FOR THE MOST PART. Not every classroom, not every school, and not every district. Schools generally have lousy ventilation. Windows, if they exist, are usually sealed shut. Kids are notorious germ-spreaders (flu, colds, strep), so masking makes sense. Kids are also highly adaptable. If everyone is wearing a mask inside, it becomes just another accessory. Schools should also provide masks. Outside, however, let the kids breathe free. They need the fresh air, and who wants all those stinky sweaty masks in the classroom?

Masks don't have to be all or nothing, and forbidding mandates is just as ridiculous as insisting on them.

Frankly, I'd be happy for students to wear masks inside during cold and flu season, too. When I was teaching, I regularly caught everything the kids brought to school with them. Masks in the classroom might let teachers teach without being miserable with colds for half the year.

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The last place there should be a mask mandate is in schools. It literally causes more health problems than going without. And, to top it off, it reduces the blood oxygen level. In kids!!! Whose brains are developing!!! Keep the masks off kids! And if you have ever met a kid, you know that everything they touch throughout the day is on that mask which they are then inhaling into their lungs.

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So it (everything they touch) is if they pick their noses…

Is there scientific data validating that oxygen reduction you talk about?

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Yes, there was a study done that showed within about 10 minuets of a child wearing a mask, the oxygen level dropped to a percentage that OSHA considers dangerous for an adult in the workplace. As for your absurd comment about picking noses, I can only assume you have never met a child of any age. They touch anything and everything in their surroundings and then touch their faces, masks, eyes, noses.

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