Erick will respect to you and everyone on here saying to dump Trump you are playing right into the enemies hands. Respectfully you all are useful idiots. The inky way we can save the country is if DeSantis staves down and joins with Trump. Them and only then do we have a chance to save this great country.

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I respectfully disagree. Both Pompeo and Mulvaney have come out in the past few days with clear messaging of why they think Trump is the wrong candidate. It is not disrespectful or name calling, it is reasoned and logical and I agree with them. Secondly, I won't vote for an 80 year old candidate for president, regardless of party. If Trump would simply accept an "elder statesman" role and show and dial down the chaotic name calling and bashing fellow Republicans and stand aside saying he agrees age matters and 80 year olds shouldn't hold the presidency, it would be the final nail in Biden's coffin for sure.

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Erick, going to comment on the Arizona election later…at work now, but would enjoy reader feedback. Will re-write this later (if anyone cares) 😂 It’s just if they were trying to tap down the fears of ‘election deniers’ they could not possibly have done a worse job in Arizona.


Hobbs refused to recuse herself over her own election.

70 or so voting locations had issues the day of the election, when it was known Republicans would do most of the voting.

Hobbs refused to debate Lake … weak.

Then if you question any of this, the leftist press yells ‘election denier’ at you like children.

Lake may have legitimately lost to Hobbs, who practiced the Biden method of campaigning, but there was obviously not a smidge of an effort to allay conservative fears about this particular election. No excuse for the huge level of machine failures on election day.

Lake is smart and fiery and tends to cut people at the knees like Trump. This may ultimately be a disqualifier, but Arizona and America, deserved a better election than this.

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I agree 100 percent. If you loose hair it’s one thing but to loose like Lake did is totally different altogether. I wonder if this will turn out like Covid did. All the conspiracy theories coming true? We shall see won’t we?

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So, there is significant and justified perception that the election process has been corrupted by Democrats. This includes the evidence of Democrat collusion with the MSM and big tech. Even if only perception, it is reckless and dangerous to call it "whining" and dismiss it. It is even more dangerous to prosecute those that raise concerns. Perceptions are all the Democrat machine runs off of. So to dismiss the perceptions that we have election integrity problems favoring Democrats is, at least, blatantly hypocritical.

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What else should it be called, if not whining? Complaining without offering a viable solution is whining.

So the MSM is in the tank for the Dems. Who cares? Shut up and move on. Fox News is the largest network and largely in the tank for the GOP. Plus social media is full of right wing propoganda! There is no problem with getting the Republican message out.

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The AP did what it has been doing and just pushed the story that Russia filed missiles into Poland and killed two Polish farmers. All the MSM and the AP reported that Hunter’s Laptop story was Russian disinformation. These lies from the AP get pulled in by all the local news. Google filters out conservative information and elevates the left. There is collusion with the Biden Admin and big tech and the MSM… illegal per our Constitution.

This leads to brainwashing of the population to a Democrat-favoring news narrative. Fox News is a small percentage of the total news media persuasion.

There is a very big problem with the Republican message getting out.

And there is a large percentage of the population that does not think the election system is reliable. Even leading Democrats have bee crowing about it.

I think you should shut up and go away sweetheart.

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Maybe you have link to the AP story you allege states Russia fired missles into Poland. I just checked the AP site and there is no such story.

I guess when you don't feel compelled to be honest, it is easy to throw out wild generalizations.

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So I guess he wasn’t lying after all. I’m assuming your a democrat so you wouldn’t truth if it was staring you in the face. Not your fault though. They have lying to you your whole life.

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Bless your heart...

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It was their initial report. Is was all over the news. It came from a Biden admin official. Now since Biden said it was not likely the case, they have deleted those electronic versions and stopped the lying. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-zelenskyy-kherson-9202c032cf3a5c22761ee71b52ff9d52

More often they don’t retract the lies they report favoring the Democrats.

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So you are complaining because they did what any reputable news organization does? They used an anonymous source inside the government, reported what the source said (a very important distinction...reporting what someone else claimed vs reporting something as fact), they realized the source was wrong...and issued a retraction and correction.

Wow...it takes a lot to bitch about things working the right way.

The point being...it is not biased to report what someome inside the government is claiming...as long as it is clearly reported that way. And when the reporting is incorrect, they issue a correction.

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Oh come on now. No, a reputable news organization… especially the AP that feeds all the local newspaper and TV news channels in the nation, if real journalists, would not run a story like this until they confirm it before they blast it. But it favored Democrats and the American war industry that the Democrats collude with (as well as do the establishment Republicans) so they blasted it. They did the same things with COVID and stories related to the southern border. Running the lies of the Biden Democrats without any confirmation, and refusing to run reports that favor Republicans… especially Trump. They generally do NOT issue corrections. And when they do it is late and the damage has been done by injecting the lies into the brains of generally uniformed voters.

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How do think the overturning of the "Heartbeat" bill will affect the Senate runoff? Will it motivate voters one side of the issue more than the other?

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I'm still waiting on a better explanation than "I was wrong".

Yep, all believed a wave was coming.

Was polling wrong?

Your fave pollster...how'd he do in the races he was hired for vs his feeling during your interview?

Was early voting a wave, then day of a sink hole?

I really don't care what people say on Twitter.

I think the dems were able to shift the narrative based on the Pelosi hammer time.

Still, without early vs day of voting analysis, who knows.

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Could we not begin to "sell" what we are for? Should we not also look to high schools as a starting point? I agree with you: the current strategy in U.S. Colleges and Universities is not working. Retool & remessage. Work on forming relationships BEFORE you try to proselytize. It's amazing how receptive people are when they believe you actually care for them. Emphasize the strengths, the positives of Conservatism and the Republican party and develop answers to the objections. In the process, "growing a pair" might be advantageous--otherwise, the party is setting itself up for another electoral neutering....

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Erick why do you as a Christian support such evil? Why are you so blind? Do you really think we have free and fair elections? Prove it to me. You can’t? Don’t tell me cheating is minimal and don’t call me a fool for believing otherwise. We either stand together and fight this evil or we die as a nation. Seems to me you don’t want to fight.

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Erick what happened to you? Your a fraud. You government friends in the media who you are too afraid to call out as being evil. Your to invested in the corporate and old way of doing things. Mail in balloting sucks. Period end of story. There us a cheating and you are a fool not to admit or see it. The states you mentioned specifically Florida cleaned up there voting and looked what happened. Erick I think you complain too much. Instead of settling for the status quo get out and end early sbf mail in voting. Corrupt third world countries don’t allow it why do we? In person paper ballots and all hand counted that’s the only way to have secure elections. By the way also don’t have the commission head be out to defeat Maga republicans and the person running for governor of a state (AZ) be in charge if overseeing elections. Erick we are not fools nor conspiracy theorist who know fraud and theft when we see it.

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For the record, Florida has mail-in ballots and early voting, as well. Florida also employs voting machines.

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And that still doesn’t mean early voting and mail in ballots are a good thing. In order to to regain trust in the process all that has to go. Same day voting no machines hand count only

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That’s all fine and dandy. But how did they figure out how to call the election there in hours not days. They don’t allow the Dems to find the votes they need to win. Please don’t tell me it’s because he won in a landslide. Florida has run elections the right way since Bush-Gore.

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85% of OECD countries disallow mass mail in voting. They do so because ballot fraud happens and it is also the impossible to prove and irradicate. The problem is that we are a Republic with no common nor reliable standards. The system can be corrupted, and it clearly is… and where it is ALMOST ALWAYS favors the Democrats. For the states with delayed ballot counting, 70% of the elections favored Democrats. Early voting and mass mail in ballooning corrupts democracy already corrupted by biased media and big tech colluding with Democrats. Or we have a national election system that is standard and controlled like the banking system.

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It's not "whining," to complain that the election rules that were changed just before the 2020 election by lawyers such as Mark Elias and others featuring ballot harvesting and month-long early mail-in voting. And, it's not counter-productive to promote a 48-hour "Election Day" and voter ID. The method that Democrats seem to have perfected in the states they control serves to further divide the citizenry. I believe a good campaign to revert to a shorter voting schedule and other such fixes would be a positive not a negative for the Republican Party. And I'm not whining about it; I'm furious that it's come to this!

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The GOP will not recover as a political organization unless and until they realize people want to vote FOR something. That means having principles and STANDING ON THEM! They spent a decade decrying the ACA with the cry of "REPEAL REPEAL REPEAL" and then every single damn time they got power there was some excuse why they couldn't even try so why bother. Fight damn you. FIGHT! That's why Trump won, because he fought. That's his appeal. His approach sucks but his appeal is that he doesn't lay down and take it. You guys want to take it all back? Fine. Then LEARN SOMETHING FROM ELECTIONS. Ah, who am I kidding. They don't want to fight. That's too much work. They just want power like the dems. Prove me wrong....

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I believe the Republicans do not work the issues properly. Different messages appeal to different audiences and a few messages are universal. Also, Republicans kill each other during primaries.

There are a number of crooked things that go on like trolling the nursing homes and having people vote who are not capable of voting.

The also Republicans need to determine what kind of party they want to be. Will the Republicans support populism or support the big money of Wall Street? If Republicans continue to support big money they will lose the populist vote.

Republicans need to also quit the anti Trump message and let things be decided through the primary system. This could backfire if Trump loses and decides to become an independent. Like it or not he has a large following of loyal supporters.

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We don't need to cobble together a coalition like the dems. We need to get back to what Reagan did so well: articulating conservatism. They come to us then. Conservatism as a philosophy is attractive when explained simply and succinctly. Freedom, the Constitution, and personal responsibility. Build on that. Why is this so hard for them?

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In 2004 I showed up to work at GOP headquarters and they gave me a job. The place was packed! During the Romney campaign-nothing!

I think during Trump we got used to him doing it all with huge rallies.

Time for the grassroots to get to work and mobilize the vote again. Count me in.

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Not sure what all the angst is about. Red wave or not, Republicans won the house. The Senate lost by a razor thin margin. If leadership does its job and leads on the issues we should win on, their will be a red wave in 2024. Back down like they always do, and we’ll lose again.

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You know, the data is really good. Even The Washington Post today is noting every single county in America with few exceptions shifted to the right. We held the Arizona legislature. Made big gains in Iowa and North Carolina. We crushed it in New York and Florida. We didn't do so bad.

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That’s because they only cheated in the races that Trump backed candidates ran. The Democrats and establishment couldn’t have these candidates win. Does anything about this election make sense to you Erick. It wasn’t bad because they only cheated in races they hated the candidates in. Until we fix our system ie no early voting no mail in ballots etc the Republicans will never win an election that matters again.

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The angst is about the fact that if election deniers hadn't been election deniers we would have crushed them. We should have crushed them but DJT blunted that and he or his supporters aren't bright enough to come to grips with that reality.

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You my friend are wrong. If you can’t see the fraud and cheating then you truly are deceived. So people chose high inflation high crime open boarders over people saying there was cheating? Are you serious? You actually believe that line of BS. If your right we as a country are truly finished and ad El Rushbo would say it’s time to panic.

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The GOP nearly swept down-ballot races. The ONLY races they lost were the ones backed by Trump or fervent election deniers. You can feel free to disbelieve all the data that came out including historic Republican levels of voting at all levels if you wish. It wasn't stolen. People just disagree with your opinion and voted differently than you. Welcome to America. In the primary, Trump will have his campaign starved for small-dollar donations from average Americans and he'll fail to win that primary. When he does, can we please move on?

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The one thing that Democrats do "better" than Republicans is hold back votes in urban and suburban Democrat precincts that should report early in the evening, and then wait until the late Republican rural precincts report in. Then the Democrats pad the vote in the "late" Democrat precincts with just enough votes to eek out a victory. I saw the highly successful late precincts ploy for a decade with Des Moines in Iowa, and then for another decade with Richmond and Fairfax County in Virginia.

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Maybe people are sick of people refusing to believe that things have changed and denigrating us who have our eyes open.

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