I hope Tim Scott decides to wait until 2032 to run. He can do so much good where he is and his support for Haley can boost her prospects. Two good candidates from South Carolina, but Haley is better known and has more international clout.

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I feel that if Haley and DeSantis were to pair up that would be an unbeatable ticket!!

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I'm excited at the quality of candidates we're likely to have in Haily, DeSantis, Scott, Pompao and more. However, the dread of Trump upending the process with his malevolent mouth and narcissistic need to win or no one wins is quite the damper on my enthusiasm and very sobering. Have enough Trump voters (I was one) seen that his faults far outweigh his potential for good? Boy, were going to find out. Talk about pulling the Trojan horse into your camp. Oye!

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Nice article on a fine candidate...she can be tough as nails. Our country will be well-served by having her pumps under the desk in the Oval.

Fortunately, we have several exceptional candidates who can serve ably and well as President.

Let our Nation choose wisely.

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I'm looking for the candidate that puts the American people first and who is willing to absolutely drain

the swamp top to bottom. And that does not necessarily mean Trump. Someone who will clean up and out every faction of our federal government.

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After Trump tried and failed, I am convinced that the Swamp cannot be drained. Too much money and power in the deep state, and it's not letting that go under any circumstances.

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They won majorities but not at the National Level. When we have states like CA that have 54 electoral votes, and are well over 60% Democrat it is really hard today to get over 50% of the electoral votes. Let’s face it, super large cities vote Democratic while the rest of the country votes differently. If you live in these cities, things like EVs, going all electric, getting rid of gas in the home, COVID restrictions, and more government power over our lives probably makes sense. People living outside of major cities do not want that but they do not have the population that a NYC or LA has. And when it comes to power restoration these higher population centers get priority ( lots of the grid is underground too). My point is we live differently and thus in a National Election a few states with these population centers contain more votes. How does the Republican Party turn some of these people? They must develop a strategy for them that appeals. Democrats can win because of entitlements. That is why Biden said what he said in his speech.

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When CA is excluded from the raw vote totals, do we not have a majority?

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

"The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them."

-attributed to Lenin

Please Mam, for the time being forget about the side show issues we see on Fox 24/7. Be the first out of the box to sound a clarion call for American companies and the American people to STOP FUNDING OUR ENEMY - BOYCOTT CHINESE PRODUCTS!

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I am curious to know what you consider side show issues.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

Side shows are an important revenue and entertainment source for every circus and they can't be ignored. But China IS engaged in asymmetric warfare that at this moment represents one of two bullets that are pointed at our head - Russia's unfolding collapse of it's command and control structures being the other.

I like NH. But she needs to sing from a different songbook when "business as usual" represents an existential threat. Sure, a corrupt Washington, an uncontrolled border, moral decay, and violence in our streets require our attention (and every other candidate will TALK about them) but we can't face those long and short term problems if China pulls a trigger or Putin pushes a button. By doing business with China we are underwriting the costs of our own castration, and perhaps the eventual end of Western civilization as we know it.

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I am certainly not disagreeing with you about China. However, to completely ignore other serious issues doesn't seem all that good an idea either. I have nothing against Nikki Haley, but I don't see her getting very far as a presidential candidate. She is too connected to the "business as usual" types.

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