If staying true to your firmly held core beliefs is the "betrayal" of someone else, Erick, then it's their problem. not yours. In his Netflix show, Dave Chappelle said flatly what you, I, and anyone else who intends to stand on principle must say to those who object: "You will NOT summon me."

I'm 71. I no longer much care about making everyone happy, knowing that trying to do so is a fool's errand. There are but two beings to whom I have an obligation to please: The Lord and my wife. Everyone else can just deal with it.

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Jesus said the world would know us by our love for one another. Yes, we live in a time were demonstrating that love can be difficult and often misunderstood. Jesus died for me, while I was yet a sinner. His love for me is so totally unexpected that now it causes me to stop and think about what he has done for me, and it stops my mouth from speaking and fingers from typing things that I would have freely spouted before. We live in precarious times as people believe that they will never need give an account for their behavior or their thoughts. Hopefully more people will stop and realize that there is an accounting coming, and the one who judges has perfect understanding of who we are and what we have done. May we not be ashamed at that accounting. Stay the course, love even when hate is the response. The world hated Him, and he warned us, that the world will hate those who are his as well. May many be drawn to Him as you continue to tell the truth. Grace to you. Charles

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Erick, I have followed and supported you for a number of years. I like that you speak your mind and that you thoughtfully consider politics through your Christian lens. I also like that I don't always agree with you. And when I do disagree I know I need to do some thinking and research. And sometimes I change what I am thinking and sometimes not. But I am always better off because of it.

It grieves my soul how so-called Christians have treated you and your family. Particularly in a time of need. We are the family of God first and foremost.

Keep up the great work and God bless!

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Gotta laugh at the trump humpers and their sense of betrayal, while they completely ignore that their guy cost Georgia 2 freaking senate seats and possibly the governors mansion in the upcoming election. How narcissistic do you have to be that you will hand over the country, that you supposedly love, to liberals just to fuel your ego.

Trump is part of the elites that Erick has been talking about recently and we peasants, even though we may be in the top 5% of income earners and net tax payers, aren't in that group.

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I was married for 36 years and betrayal takes many forms. My former husband was a conspiritorist. I felt as betrayed by him as he felt betrayed by my affairs. Alas we can still be in the same room together and eat at the same table when Christmas rolls around in California. I dated a Persian for 3 years who apparently could not take my conservative views and my religion. He did not think I had adequate outrage over the Ahmad Arberry killing and called me a White Supremacist, yet he still purchased my Christmas tree and set it up in my house for me and delivered fire wood to me! We can still disagree and get along. I am Catholic and now dating a man who is not Catholic. I actually had a lovely friend in my women's group who sent a private message to me that I would not be allowed to take Eucharist unless I had an annulment. I responded kindly. She thanked me for responding and said she was afraid I was offended. No I was not offended. It takes a lot to get me offended or outraged. My point is that it is a lot more fun and certainly interesting to get along with people with whom you disagree. So let's try to get along. As you can see from my post I certainly lead an interesting life, get along, don't hate, am long suffering etc etc. Just trying to do my part.

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Ahh, the great confusion between superficiality and significance. Too many Christians find more joy in bashing other believers who exercise more freedom in their lives (and Paul's teaching would clearly conclude they are more mature as well) and they are angry for whatever phobia assails them--maybe they would feel better is a Freudian analyzed their motives. Loved the parallelism in this piece! "But you feel betrayed." I'd write more, but I have to go to the bathroom to betray someone.....!

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Sooooo accurate! I agree with you, but hate the way part of humanity is heading!

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I don't know if you actually read the comments. Still, I know exactly the feeling you're describing in your column. I was betrayed by a dear friend who wanted me to spy on my Pastor after he decided to leave our church. I refused to go along with that, so I lost my friend.

I'm a socially awkward person, so I don't have a lot of friends, just those in church family, and this loss of friendship really hit me the hardest. It will soon be 13 years since that betrayal, and honestly, it still stings me even now. To be sure, I'm healed mentally and spiritually from that betrayal, but it doesn't change the sometimes raw taste of betrayal. I've learned to move on, and if I recall one of your favorite sayings, learn to be a happy warrior.

I've always enjoyed your columns. I've been reading your articles ever since your former colleagues and you started RedState in 2004. When you decided to explore the world of radio hosting, I was and still am disappointed in you! Why? Because I'm deaf, so I can't hear your radio talk shows. Does that count as a betrayal of sorts? Ha, no. I'm just kidding. I know that you occasionally make short videos of your radio excerpts, unfortunately the auto captioning isn't that good. Any chance of you hiring a person to handcraft captions for your video excerpts?

I wish nothing but the best luck for you and the journey you're on now. Hopefully someday we could sit down and chat, though I'm not sure how that works out between a deaf person and you.

Keep your chin up and do good work! Thank you for reading my comment, just in case you do actually read the comments here.

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I think he does because we all learn from each other. Thanks for sharing your story.

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Amen Erick! Too many seem to take everything too personally when things aren't meant to be personal! Yes, too many can no longer laugh at anything! There used to be a time when we could all laugh at ourselves but somehow, culture has gotten so narcissistic that too many are just always angry if someone isn't constantly validating their emotions! Too sad and not sure I like where this is all going to end up.

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I used to describe myself as moderate, leaning liberal. I now describe myself as moderate, leaning conservative. I haven't changed a single one of my core beliefs in making that shift. It hasn't exactly endeared me to my friends and some family members, but we all love each other and can disagree respectfully. (I haven't shifted from Democrat to Republican, right now I say "a pox on both their houses."

A number of years ago, I made the decision to seek out thoughtful voices from the "other side," (whatever that means). Whether or not that decision changed my mind, it changed my life. I realized I had a lot in common with many people I disagreed with politically and that they had many of the same questions and concerns I had. I discovered they are human beings who care about their families, their friends, even their "enemies," and their country. I learned to ask different questions, I learned to question my "own side" (whatever that means).

Mr. Erickson, I agree with you on the questions and I glad you ask them. I don't often agree with you on the answers, but even when I disagree I learn something. This isn't just casual voyeurism, after all, I am paying for the subscription.

The people who support you (whether or not we agree with you) will never interrupt you while you are peeing to tell you so. They will not show up on your front porch nor harass your family. They may not tell you at all. But they are there and you know it, as your ratings tell you.

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Beautiful, Mary Jo. I’m right of center but have always enjoyed discussing ideas politely with those to the left of my positions. As covid emerged along with a contentious 2020 election, polite discussions have largely been cast aside. I agree with Theirn Scott below, I struggle with those I read about that I feel are betraying our country. Regardless I’ll continue to choose love over cancelling, because I’m called to. When your political ideas are within the confines of our Constitution, I listen respectfully and may agree to disagree. When ideas stray from constitutional barriers I struggle more, but will always choose love. God’s kingdom is the only thing that lasts.

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I am a moderate because, too often, we are presented with false dichotomies and our side must win at any cost. But the real world is not like that. Things are not simple. There are nearly always more than two options and there is rarely a perfect option. All decisions carry consequences, many of them unforeseen and unintended.

How do you and your wife solve disagreements? Do you fight to win? Or, do you work together to come up with the best solution, which may or may not be your solution? I suspect you do the latter.

Our country needs to do the same. We all live in this country. We cannot function with winner-take-all policy. Polite discussions have been cast aside in favor of vitriol and cancel culture, but neither side's hands are clean.

This is no way to solve a problem. Right now, my heroes are Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, not only because of their specific votes, but because of their insistence that members of Congress must work together. This makes them the darling of the Republicans right now, but I believe they are both savvy enough to not get sucked in by this--that will change as soon as they do something the Republicans don't like. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have any credibility at all as far as I am concerned.

Everyone is thinking only about the next vote, about owning and blocking the other side. We are on the verge of disaster and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

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Fully agree. Manchin and Sinema are patriots in my eyes and that won’t change. Know there’s plenty I wouldn’t agreed with them on, but they stood in the gap when it mattered. You’re obviously thoughtful and can see other sides besides your own and that is vital for us as a nation. I try to look at the other side as well to understand where they’re coming from.

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As you have written previously, this is the result of post-modernism playing out, both politically and within evangelicalism. An insatiable need to have one’s own “truth” validated is the root cause of tribalism and betrayal.

While I contend this began with Luther, I hardly blame him for it.

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Ok. so I have done many Beth Moore studies and enjoyed them all. She seems to speak exclusively from The Word. However, I heard something about her leaving the So. Baptist Church due to its stand on CRT ( among other things ). Can someone explain that to me? I see CRT as hate based and against all Biblical teachings. Please tell me what this fracture is all about.......or point me to some references about it.

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Thank you.

I feel betrayed by a couple of long-time friends and former work colleagues with whom I used to have long political and political philosophy conversations. We were still enjoying each other's company albeit with some occasional strain as the Trump years progressed. It got a testier after the election.

Prior to the election one of them made several trips to where I live to visit his daughter enrolled in an out of state college. There was no phone call to get together. I know his entire family. I've had dinner at their house. And then January 6 happened. It's been crickets on both sides.

I can't bring myself to reach out to them, so I'm as much at fault. But the betrayal is deeper than a personal one. I feel they are betraying the country, a country for which we all, for many years, declared so much love.

Your words have been helpful.

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Good view Eric of observation and pointing out a symptom of todays society. I want to say i have never seen this much anger in society. Then i step back and think back to the late 60’s and 70’s and Vietnam , Rap Brown and Racial and Campus Riots. I was a member of the Maryland Army National Guard which my step father pushed me to join while was a senior in high school other wise i might had gone to Nam. We were called out to the riots and had orders to go to Germany which was staging for Nam, but riots intensified and we stayed stateside. So really theres always been times of anger in society. I do think Trump got the vail dropped in politics and everyone started making there positions known in Politics which is a endless battle. I go to the Serenity Prayer Often, Craig

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Whining is SO easy. Grace is a lot harder.

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You articulate what so many of us instinctually know but can't verbalize - Thank You!!

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