Airborne and my mind wishing I was behind a microphone right now, let me note one more thing. I think a lot of people on the right make too big a deal out of Saul Alinsky. Random people who have never actually read him cite him as much as George Soros for the left’s patterns and practices. Both are relevant, but both also overblown.
That said, there is a relevant quote from Alinsky worth pondering today. “The real action is in the enemy's reaction.”
Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Satan, and advocated “controlled conflict” for community organizing. He argued that, when fighting against the established order, it was necessary to push, through action, the established order to overreact. Through that overreaction, the progressive activists enhanced their leverage, usually through a backlash in public opinion against the overreaction.
Some on the right do want to overreact to the verdict. Nothing is out of bounds, every hill is one to die on, and every bridge can and should be burned.
A better reaction is simply this — win.
Win the election. The left hopes that the right’s reaction to this verdict will alienate middle class and independent minded voters.
Instead, it is worth noting that James Comey chose not to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton. A recent special prosecutor argued that Biden committed illegal acts, but is not mentally fit to stand trial. Only the left pursued their opponent in court. They have engaged in law fare.
Point out that the District Attorney and New York Attorney General and Democrats all specifically singled out Trump and promised to pursue him. that is not real justice, just revenge for beating Hillary Clinton.
Then win the election.
And winning the election means picking real candidates who are not going to alienate middle class, independent voters *cough* Kari Lake *cough*. Frankly, in 2022, the GOP nominated clunker candidates who scratched itches, but made independent voters squeamish. In other words, the right’s reaction to the left’s actions was to nominate candidates who could “fight,” but lost all the fights.
So win elections this time. Candidate quality matters. Outside of Arizona’s Senate race, we’ve got some good candidates and there is time to find a better candidate in Arizona. Trump’s team should work to ease Lake out and insert a better person to improve the odds of capturing the Senate — something he will need.
Win the election. Win by not overreacting. This election is not going to be won by airing grievances to people who cannot make ends meet. This election is going to be won by pointing out these same people could make ends meet when Trump was President and they cannot make ends meet because of Joe Biden.
And once the election is won, get back to putting as many conservative judges on the federal bench as quickly as possible to blunt the left’s law fare approach to American politics.
I know you bread and butter is radio and you want to be behind the mic. But please don't diminish the value of your substack. I don't have time to listen to much, but I do read a lot and read you all the time. It's valuable.
I think that so far, Trump is leading the way on this. His comments yesterday were not hysterical. He didn't vow revenge, just urged winning at the ballot box. Hopefully this will continue.