If more time would be spent on crying out to our Lord and Savior, FIRSt we could rest knowing that God is in charge and SECOND we would become wiser!

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I like this. Keep it Simple.

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We all know that the insane judge on Trump's case is sending him to prison. More than likely, immediately as of his decision on July 11th, days before the convention. What then. This is a "war" of good and evil, Satan and God, all prophesied and coming to quick fruition. We aren't in control, God is and he's angry with his people.

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Thank you, Erick. I’m at the Colson Conference where the theme is “Courageous Faith”. May we be moved to act by our faith and not zealots on the other side

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Perspective. We think we got it bad in the US with the Woke Left and the use of lawfare against a former President and leading candidate to replace the existing president. But Russia just re-elected its president for the 4th time (maybe 5th). Russia has also suffered over 500,000 causalities in their war against Ukraine. And they are losing 1200 a day. Or 30,000 a month. At what point do the Russians say enough?

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Bravo!! Looney candidates out of the woodwork should be squashed before they become nominees. But where is the leadership in the Republican party to do this? There are a few scattered here and there but unified leadership across the nation is lacking.

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Winning is the best revenge.

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Regarding Saul Alinsky - Community Organizer! Sound familiar. I think a lot of people on the right make too big a deal out of Saul Alinsky. Random people who have never actually read him. REALLY?

Alinsky grew up in Chicago a hotbed of hate in the 60's. I grew up in New York and we heard him and read him. To make a point, there were two roads to take: The teenagers and college kids back then who listened to Alinsky and Bill Ayers are PROFESSORS in our colleges today and for the past 20 years teaching the Alinsky model "quietly". That is why we have the turmoil in the colleges and people ask, "What Happened with kids today?" What happened is the parents did not sit down with their kids when they came home to hear what they were learning. We have the Obama/Biden Administration that wants to fundamentally transform America. PAY ATTENTION.

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I think they have been quite successful in their transformation. The question is, can we claw it back?

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Absolutely right. Over reaction got us Jan 6 debacle, for once Republicans need to stick together, use sense and Win!

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I’d never heard that about Saul Alinski’s book. How perfectly awful. But, made me think about Jan 6th. The left counted on, needed, the assemblage on the Capital to occur, and the Capital incursionists’ foolish antics were used to brand all conservatives as ‘insurrectionists’. It’s clear to me that there is a real insurrection going on. It’s sometimes slow, mostly incremental, but it is a continual push to policies that will destroy our nation, that’s being done by the far left and their democrat enablers. They lie when they say Trump’s a danger to democracy and they lie when they say Biden’s the antidote to democracy’s fall. It’s entirely the opposite. So, Erick, good advice. Let’s chill but carry on to push for victory in November.

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I think, when the dust settles, you will see that not only did the left need the assemblage on the capital, they were actively involved in seeing that it got out of hand. And I also think that republicans "chill" just a bit too much. Though I am absolutely not suggesting any activity that could be instigated into any sort of riot or violent eruption. That we must avoid at all costs.

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Yes, they were actively involved in making it as bad as possible. ‘Security’ agencies at work.

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I’m all for the reasonable-guy-response…yet, that seems to be what republicans are all about, being reasonable.

Look at how many votes the Ds vote together in lock step compared to the Rs.

I guess I wish our elected had a dang spine.

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First of all, prayers to your wife.

I agree 100% that we should be cool as a cucumber. Don't overreact.

However, the one thing we have learned from cancel culture is that sometimes the only thing that will work is Mutually Assured Destruction. If all's fair in love and war...we didn't ask for this war but here we are.

Take out a few lefties and send them to Club Fed and they will cry uncle, eventually.

Now, the Left will call the Right hypocrites for this. Let's unpack this.

It is a Marxian, if not outright Marxist, desire to eliminate all contradictions (never mind that this is impossible for people here on planet Earth). This is why lefties are so quick to play the tu quoque or hypocrite card. Unfortunately for them, it's not a winnable game as long as you don't give up against them. Always check, never checkmate.

The reason the tu quoque is a logical fallacy is that it pivots to an ad hominem attack while deflecting attention away from the underlying questions.

It can often be aikidoed against one's opponent by flipping the script--if the Left screams at the Right for now "endorsing" lawfare, then scream back with "y u so mad now"? Both sides can play. Again, neither side will win but it "satisfies" the dummies that think this kind of "hypocrisy" means something meaningful. Alinsky wants to make the enemy live up to their own rules? Two can play that game!

Yes, the Right will have do deal with a partisan MSM. Just keep hammering. You don't get to choose your enemies or circumstances.

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Correct. We need to elect some normie Republicans. Who do you recommend we write-in for President?

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Well Erick, maybe you have come around. I don't know. But the verdict has clarified what has been clear to many informed and educated Trump supporters for maybe decades. That there is an establishment Regime in power and control, that is is headed by the Democrat Party and supported by the old GOP, and it will stop at nothing to maintain power and control. It has always been that way, but changes to the economy and the growth of Wall Street have resulted in many more trillions concentrated at the top and connected to the establishment Regime. The money creates the incentive for abuses of this power and control shedding all standards of civility, laws and morality against any that would threaten the establishment Regime.

Yes, the only real solution to this nation-killing problem is to win the election. But you, along with other establishment GOP types, gave us this four years of hell.

Have you learned your lesson with this verdict, or are Trump's mean Tweets about John McCain still the reason you will vote for Biden?

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I believe Erick said he voted for Trump in 2020; however, the point of his article is that even if Trump wins in November, he needs a Congress that will enable him to get legislation passed that will help our country. Trump cannot do everything through executive action. The only way to do that is for Republican voters at the local level to vote for Congressional candidates that can win in a general election. With a very evenly divided country, neither party can win general elections without the support of independent voters. We have to nominate candidates who will appeal to a broad spectrum of voters.

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I don't remember Erick saying he voted for Trump in 2020, but maybe I missed it. He certainly has put a lot of early effort into opposing Trump for the 2024 election.

There is no more working across the aisle. It is mostly because the Democrats have decided they will exploit every ounce of power to get their way. Maybe once we have a big enough majority of reform dedicated Republicans that pass enough legislation to hobble that corruptive power exploited by the Democrats when they are in power, then we can get back to some level of bipartisan cooperation. But while the Democrats have tasted this power abuse that has zero negative consequences for them, they will just keep doing it.

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I think your question would be better directed at the moderates who didn't like Trump's mean tweets and voted for Biden. And not posed rhetorically, either.

If the GOP had nominated a more serviceable candidate (coughHaleycough), this election would be stick-a-fork-in-it done.

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Haley is 100% establishment.

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Neither party can win without the support of independents. If you wish to influence this election in a positive way, educate those independents. An on-the-fence nonvoter is a vote for the other side (whichever side meets that definition at the moment). Here's a fine post from a military & intelligence veteran who came off the fence after becoming educated. If you agree with what he says, please share this: https://x.com/shaunmmaguire/status/1796293774794268747

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As usual, Erick, you have very common sense suggestions. That's exactly why they will be ignored. At least, that's why I fear they will be ignored. The Trump wing of the GOP are some very difficult people to talk to when they think they know what's what and right now they are screaming about what's what. I'm not trying to talk to them right now. I'll wait until the blood-lust dies down and then see if a conversation can be had. I hope so because we have a shot at twelve years of GOP control that could make significant reclamations of the stuff the progressives have whittled down.

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You mean like the Trumpy types on social media who insult former rivals when they declare support for Trump’s campaign? Real winning strategy.

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Good luck Bill. Your strawman is waiting for you at home.

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