I don't know a lot about Ken Buck, but i do know that his constituents voted for him to represent them for a 2-year term in congress. If he is such a good guy, why doesn't he fulfill his "contract" and finish his term? It must be what he wanted, or he shouldn't have run for congress. Also, with the very slim republican majority i the House, he is also putting that at risk. That doesn't seem to be the good guy image that you portray. He should finish his term and then not run again if things are so bad.

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I did question that, as well, David.

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Good luck Ken, thanks for your service.

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I see a lot of bitching about the GOP and what a bunch of clowns they are. Well they are a reflection if there respective districts You voted for them you sent them there so it’s up to you to hold them to the standards you want as for Ken Buck he ran for office was elected and re elected so buck up Congressman Buck finish your term you can still do some good for your state and country

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What a shame.

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On his way out Buck managed to (most probably) take Lauren Boebert with him. He’s my hero.

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I am beyond disgusted with the current GOP. We are absolutely "seeing a breakdown of civility, a breakdown of, really, priorities in terms of what the American people want."

"It is the worst year of the nine years and three months that I've been in Congress, and having talked to former members it is the worst year in 40 or 50 years to be in Congress," Buck told CNN. Worse than any time since Vietnam. That's saying something.

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Great commentary. We are losing all the decent ones and getting nothing in return

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While I wouldn't quibble about the conservative tributes of Buck, I would still have to point out that the very reason we got Trump in the first place is because the establishment republicans have failed over and over and over to deliver literally anything they promise. They couldn't hold together and repeal obamacare. They don't hold together on anything. They sat on their hands and didn't recognize the radical social issues that were being foisted on Americans by lunatics in the Dept of Education, EPA, etc. They announced that they are fiscally responsible, yet followed right along with ridiculous spending. I suggest looking in the mirror for the reason we are where we are. I no longer want representatives who sit on their hands in decorum, while the left burns the country down.

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It is a sad commentary when the Ken Buck’s of the world opt out. Rather than waste time and effort on the superfluous he dealt with issues that really matter to the welfare of the Nation. Our party would do well to take a lesson.

Thank you for serving ably and well.

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Now this is interesting:

"Young Donald Trump predicts Joe Biden in 1980 interview"


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I love that female reporter from Sky News. She had a bit about Kamala Harris that made me laugh out loud. Her Harris Venn diagram was spot on!


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"Thinking" conservatives just don't seem to do very well in today's almost comedic atmosphere. It is too bad. They are the people we need! Who in their right mind would even want to run for office?

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Ken Buck is my congressman, and you're right on the money. I don't always agree with him, but in this day, I so value having someone who thinks about each issue, holds to his principles, and thinks for himself. He will be missed. And heaven help us if there are enough gullible Republican voters in CD-4 to allow carpet-bagger Lauren Boebert to win this seat.

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Win or Lose, this is the last 4 years of Trump. The party will heal again. Be patient.

Vote for Trump one more time, because the alternative is stinky and may result in another Trump run in 2028.

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Respectfully DON'T AGREE...He needed to quit and quit NOW? Good riddance...we all need to move on....I love Erick but some of the people he supports I don't always agree.

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One of the guys from the Ruthless podcast made a hilarious statement on Megyn Kelly's show yesterday. He said the Republicans in Congress should get one of those signs they have on construction sites that read something like "47 Days With No Injuries." Theirs could read "Zero Days Since We've Lost a Republican."

Seriously, though, Ken Buck is making a wise move. I wish him the best.

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Speaking of turmoil within the Republican party, what is going on between the Georgia Republican Party and GRP, INC.? (Emphasis on the "INC.") Some say the "Corporate" version of the GRP is biased against the conservative, grass-roots, tea-party-like folks. What are the facts?

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