No harm no foul is valid legal doctrin.

SCOTUS has ruled that you can't bring a suit against someone just because a law was violated, there must be harm.

I am not sure if that applies to criminal indictments. It would seem that even if Trump did do these things, Bragg would have to prove harm.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

To my profound regret, I find this somewhat persuasive. However, one opening that I can still see despite Erick's arguments concerns New York's inability to prosecute a federal campaign finance violation, which it is not. The question is whether a crime that New York is not prosecuting (because it cannot) can nevertheless be used in elevating misdemeanor falsification of records into a felony.

This is such a novel question that I'd be surprised if there is any precedent on it whatsoever. This is not the case in which to be trying to make new law; the ramifications of losing in the prosecution of a former President being too great, especially in this political environment. If Bragg doesn't already have that precedent sitting in his back pocket, this is pretty sloppy lawyering.

The other question that I still have concerns the notion of the taxes on Trump's hush money payment having actually been paid, even if the Trump organization treated it as legal fees. (Legal fees are deductible. Pay-offs to porn stars are not.) The Politico article to which Erick's post links basically suggests that through the "grossing up" of the legal fees fraudulently paid to Michael Cohen to include the taxes that Cohen would owe on this income (because it really wasn't income), New York state actually received more in taxes than was due. However, I'm not sure that one can satisfy a tax obligation by remitting that sum to a third party (Cohen) for him to pay as if it were his tax obligation. I mean, what if Cohen skipped the country and decided not to pay his taxes? In sum, I can still see tax fraud as a second crime on which to base a felony charge.

All that said, even if these charges are ultimately dismissed, Trump may still manage to end up in the pokey. Were I this judge, I'd throw him in jail if he utters one more word about my wife and kids, even if it is just to wish them a Merry Christmas.

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Let me make a forecast right now which I hope doesn't become reality. This indictment as well as the other two that may or may not happen result in Trump becoming the Republican nominee. As Erick has said, a recession hits next year and the Russians wear down the Ukrainians into suing for a peace that looks like defeat. Biden, although he announces to run re-election does not end up as the nominee because he has to step down for his health prior to the election leaving the Democrats either with Kamala or pulling someone else into running such as Newsome.

Although things look really bad for the Democrat nominee, the establishment pulls out all the stops to ensure Trump is not elected because other than they hate him, he is looking for vengeance in draining the swamp and knows the system much better this time. The runup to the 2024 election is filled with protests - both left and right - some turning violent. The Democrat nominee - whoever it is - wins the election by a little less electoral victory than in 2020 - the only change is that Georgia goes for Trump.

Trump insists it's fraud and this time a lot of Republicans agree since the economy, the world situation, and the Democrat candidate is even more flawed than Biden (if that is even a possibility). There is also the widespread belief that the swing states - PA, AZ, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota - have election fraud issues.

Chaos ensues...God help us.

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Although I believe Trump deserves the hottest spot in hell I concede this is a weak case. I'm glad it gives you and all the other responsible Republicans like DeSantis or Mitt Romney or Peter Meijer a chance to bond with the Trumpkins on a minor issue, I just wish you would take more opportunities to speak truth to power to your audience on the major issue. Trump is to the conservative movement what Dathan son of Eliab was to the Jews in the desert; a despicable narcissistic demagogue that has led the gullible and weak minded astray.

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Question: What is one way Democrats increase voter rolls? Answer: Release jailed offenders and/or commute (downgrade) their felony sentences to misdemeanor status.

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This is actually just one more sign the end times are near. I know people say "They have been saying that 2000 years..." But if you look at the words of revelation in there is quotes about false persecutions against capable leaders. It also foretells the downfall of financial institutions.

The biggest thing it says is that the devil will cause many things that will give people strife, hardships, and pain. It will then place the blame on religion and Christs worshipers while offering a seemingly utopian solution to it.

Very akin to a fireman who starts a fire in order to put it out and be thought the hero. AKA Hero's syndrome. The devil will always come with a smile and a bucket of gold.

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But but but I thought rich people didn’t pay taxes ??? Cries in screaming liberal 😭

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Democrats have behaved this way since the Obama era. Feeding their hate and rage cult machine is effective. No need to be constrained by facts, truths, precedents and fairness. Take the most absurd position and run with it. As long as it benefits the left cult, the media will package it as something real, material and justified... and pump that narrative into the brains of the electorate.

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The worst part of this story is your last line, that the next hearing on this matter won't be until December. DECEMBER! The charges may be as hyper-inflated as that Chinese balloon, but the potential of dragging this out until 2024 are as real a danger to Republicans as the spy equipment attached to that balloon was to national security.

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Bragg is a losing player in his areana and using this process to make himself feel important. Obviously a self centered egotistical person. Looking at his person it appears he also is a person that is not disciplined in life. To me this is a pig whaling in filth.

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Even I, who has NO background in law- I am an artist- kept looking for what the charge was! I kept wondering if I were missing something, but being observant, like any other artist, asked what is the felony or even misdemeanor! Now the big question is, what in the world did Bragg say to the grand jury to get them to go along?! If it weren't so serious, this would be laughable!

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I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share my thoughts on the current news media coverage of the Trump trial and its potential to distract us from what I believe are more pressing issues. Specifically, I am concerned about the possibility of China and Russia joining forces, and Iran, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea agreeing to a peace treaty with China as the main negotiator.

I believe that these developments, combined with the prospect of these countries declaring economic war on the American dollar, pose a significant threat to our economy and way of life. If you realized that our dollar and economy were under severe threat and attack, what would you do differently today?

I understand that the days ahead may be challenging, but I take comfort in the belief that they will also magnify the light of our God. Thank you for taking the time to read my message. When you see ALL the messengers declaring the Emperor is wearing an amazing invisible cloak, look closer and see - the Emperor truly is defenseless and wearing no clothes whatsoever.

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Totally ridiculous.

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Who would have ever thought this would be happening in America? There has been a departure from God, a departure from our constitution and the rule of law. We are witnessing the decline and fall of a nation. Lord help us!

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