Our Governor of Georgia is doing the right thing, are we suppose to stay inside our homes and live like a hermit I don't think so. It's time to get our lives back in order and back to business. Being in health care and a Caregiver myself I know this is serious, but also my gut feeling inside me also tells me this is political to and its to get our President out of office because the Demecrats impeachment did'nt work. Well this virus isnt going to work either, Trump 2020, Thank You Governor Kemp for opening up Georgia, now if the Mayor if Atlanna would get her head out if her butt lol

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I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia every individual has equal representation, a day when unilateral power is a thing of the distant past, a day when all of our representatives work together for the greater good, a day when ALL lives are valued. Maybe - just maybe - 2020 will be the start of a better Georgia.

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Thanks for this interview with Gov Kemp. What he says makes sense. Individuals have responsibility.

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Right now the Republicans are divided (as they always seem to be) and the Democrats are united (no matter how much they hate each other). Nationally, Trump's poll numbers are picking up with IBD Tipp today (Trump 43, Biden 43) and Hill Harris yesterday (Biden 42, Trump 40), and with Gallup's Trump approval/disapproval yesterday being 49/47. Trump's popularity took a hit at the peak of the Corona crisis - on the left for NYC/NJ's Corona Death March and on the right because of herd immunity advocates. But by election time, it will be clear that the Democrats were at least as guilty of ignoring Corona risk as Trump was and that it is the Democrats who want to keep the economy closed indefinitely. Too many Republican factions would rather lose the general election if they can't win the primary, which is why AL has Senator Doug Jones. If GA elects a Democrat as Senator, instead of either Collins/Loeffler, and if GA elects Biden over Trump, the GOP will have again shot itself in the posterior orifice.

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Erick, thanks once again for just presenting the facts.

Right, wrong or indifferent, I respect what Kemp is doing. This is a TOUGH decision, one that no one should have to make. But Kemp is making what he believes is the right choice despite it not being the popular choice, and I have to respect that.

It is a very safe position for those who don't have the responsibility for such decisions to sit back and armchair quarterback what should have been done or should be done. And those who climb aboard that bandwagon are even worse because they don't THINK to arrive at their position, they allow someone else do their thinking for them. How many of these people see the multiple downstream consequences of each choice in this pandemic? Probably not many.

Consequently, I don't appreciate anyone busting Trump's cajones for how he's handled this, but I also don't appreciate anyone busting de Blasio or Cuomo's cajones, either. I understand the underlying reasons each made the decisions they made; some were good, some were not, but none of us have experienced anything like this in our lifetime and these are arguably the biggest decisions these politicians and policy makers have ever made, or will ever make.

This point in time is a fulcrum upon which the election rests. Although the numbers support opening Georgia for business, the decision to open has to be made now if the economy is to recover enough by November to salvage the GOP. If it works out well for Georgia and those states who are following suit, Kemp and Trump will be safe. If it backfires, they're both toast.

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Well said ! Let’s pray this does not backfire for Kemp or Trump as the thought of Democrats in full power running our Country is beyond scary. I do not want my children and Grandchildren in a country where Socialism is the norm and your freedoms are gone .

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