"I share their concerns about Trump but still prefer the policies I’d get from him than Harris." And i trust the sovereignty of God. Just FYI. //s//77-year old and (still) Independent.

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Erick, I just wanted you to know I plugged your new book on a RedState comment I wrote this afternoon. :)

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Well said.I am with you! I wish Trumph would listen to you. He needs to be more like Reagan.

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The very subtle and most curious thing in this piece today is the following.....

"we have a deeply flawed candidate who lost in 2020 or had it stolen"

After these years of vociferously denying the possibility of the election being 'stolen', today you seem to say that may have happened.... "or had it stolen".


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I think the point Erick was trying to make is that regardless of what actually happened, Trump was in a better position to have prevented it than he is now; thereby sidestepping the inevitable "But he didn't lose - it was stolen" reaction.

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The smartest, most concisely stated advice for Trump, if he wants to win, is that given by "a boomer", an "over 60 old guy", Victor Davis Hanson.

Perhaps you can ascertain that I'm not thrilled with the intended slight "boomer", and "old guy" that I regularly receive on social media, when I challenge leftist views of millennials and younger.

I agree with most everything you say and you're the only person I read five days a week and pay for a subscription. Don't cause me to question that. I doubt that "ALL" complaints are from the "older than 60 crowd".

I certainly agree with your charges of "lack of discipline" and failing to "stay on message" with Trump. That's the same thing Hanson is saying, as well, including defining Harris/Walz and their actual history, with that being the on point, unending message.

You may be a 'young whippersnapper', Erick, but like you, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. My protest vote, because I didn't believe Trump would do anything he said, went to Evan McM, who proved to not be who he said he was. Trump won my vote in 2020. He'll get it again this year.

Why? For the same reasons that come "From the Brain of Lynn Cardia". She is smart and wise and funny and might be over 60. I'm not sure. Her reasons to vote for Trump would also be mine........

"I don’t vote for a person…I VOTE FOR THE WORLD I WANT TO LIVE IN.

I vote for a good economy, the rising tide of which will lift all boats.

I vote for an equal playing field.

I vote for pro-business.

I vote for if you can work, you should work.

I vote for safe, clean streets and neighborhoods.

I vote for a hand-up that doesn’t become a way of life.

I vote for retooling the immigration process to make it more efficient and less costly, and closing the southern border until the process is completed.

I vote for energy independence.

I vote for strengthening our military.

I vote for rewarding hard work.

I vote for putting American citizens first.

I vote for empowering families.

I vote for a strong America that adversaries don’t want to mess with.

I vote for protecting free speech.

I vote for affordable healthcare that doesn't compromise quality.

I vote for giving Americans the tools they need so THEY can be successful and prosperous. (This often means government getting out of their way.)

I vote for live and let live.

I vote for letting our kids stay little and protecting them at all costs.

I vote for the American Dream (yes, we can still have it)

I vote for COMMON SENSE."

I'm 72 and I know you can out think and out talk me, Erick Erickson, but you're invited to come to stop in fly over country and we'll spend a day working cattle on the farm. I guarantee, you won't outwork me.

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I want to vote for all those things too!

Is there a candidate I don't know about?

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Best response ever! Than you Mr Neese.

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Matthew 7:1-2

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Dan Orlovsky specifically mentioned his employer’s viewpoint in his retraction. He didn’t say that he changed his mind - good for him! It’s understandable that he doesn’t want to be fired.

I have wondered if Anheuser-Busch miscalculated the negative reaction to Dylan Mulvaney because their employees don’t react negatively to DEI. Bud Light customers didn’t have to worry about losing their jobs, or being permanently stalled in their careers, by protesting Mulvaney via boycott.

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“The GOP looked like it’d be coasting to victory, and now, not only is the presidential race tied, but there are disturbing signs the GOP could lose the House and maybe not gain the Senate.”

“The reality is pretty simple: we have a deeply flawed candidate”

So, the GOP can only win if it has a perfect candidate by some measure of pristine conservative moral and performative judgement? Right. Name one GOP candidate for president that fits this bill. Name any candidate for president that fits this bill.

Meanwhile the Democrats put up a vegetable and a cardboard cutout and win elections.

Erick, you are too stubborn on this. Your role is NOT to cheerlead the candidate, but your role is to get it right for where the criticism belongs. You keep draping Trump with baggage for basically not being perfect as required to fill the giant deficiency of Republican party performance. The problem is the party. The problem is the life at conception radicals (yes, they are radicals). The problem is the Republican anti-Trumpers. The problem is the percentage of Republicans that have their hand in the corporatist, globalist ruling class cookie jar and vote for their own personal greed rather than the country.

The Democrats are playing to win. Too much of the GOP party is playing weird hypersensitive morality games along with greed money games to satiate their wants at the detriment to success of the party… and thus the detriment to the country and likely the entire world.

If the GOP loses in this next election those same people, including you apparently, will blame Trump. Of course you will. Meanwhile Joe Freakin’ Biden and now Kamala Freakin’ Harris were made winners by THEIR party apparatus.

Can you even grasp the dichotomy here?

The conservative message is a more difficult one to sell. Democrats can just pledge more government spending for everything and buy votes. Because the conservative message is more difficult, we need all hands on deck to deliver a consistent message that, frankly, is targeting young voters and female voters. Yes, we have the opposite. We have a ton of infighting in the conservative/GOP arena. We have too many hypertensive girly men in the party like Adam Kinzinger that cannot handle any mean Tweets. The leftists feminists kick his ass in terms of political toughness. Thankfully Trump fired him, but for every Kinzinger Trump has fired, there are hundreds just like him committed to disrupting the GOP so it fights internally and not against the real collectivist enemy that is the modern Democrat party.

Wake up people! Get in control of your damn emotions... your propensity to be a reactive baby when your fragile moral ego is challenged. We are at war. Either lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!

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Trump is not just flawed "by some measure of pristine conservative moral and performative judgement." Set aside his utter inability to stay on message, he's a convicted felon who has also been found liable for business fraud and lying about his sexual assault of a woman. For crying out loud, you nominated a candidate who if elected, will likely have to periodically check in with his probation officer. When high school kids read about this election 20 years from now, they will wonder whether the GOP was even trying to win.

And as I tell me friends on the left, we are not at war. We just disagree.

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I am a septuagenarian double hater who voted for Trump in ‘16 and regretfully in ‘20. There is nothing that would convince me to vote for him in 2024. I would classify myself as a classical liberal, John Locke, his 2nd Treatise on Government, the Federalist Papers, etc. I know you understand where I’m coming from. I appreciate you saying what you believe, whether I agree or not. I’m here to learn. I also appreciate your willingness to bring in your faith. Those are the reasons why I renewed my subscription. Thank you!

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Erick, buddy, you are speaking my language! Keep it coming; people need to hear this.

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First, I am a septuagenarian double hater. Also, in that role there is nothing that could ever convince me to vote for Trump even though I did so in ‘16 and with regretted. I do so appreciate

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Thank you for the "common sense" approach! Trump likes to use this term but I think it's just that a term he knows but doesn't understand. Keep telling us the truth, many, many are listening. Oh yeah I'm 73!

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be “more like Rush Limbaugh” ....

My chief criticism of Rush was he was a cheerleader for Republicans and avoided valid criticism. The GOP needs to actually be conservative and [not] try to please everyone. You can look at the Democrats, at Kamala, and see what they do, tell everyone what they want to hear by demographic; no principals. They hump your leg to get your vote.

Trump Humpers want me to hump his leg. He will get my vote, but he will also get my criticism.

Thank you Erick for not only have principles but living them and your faith.

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I hear the Chinese adage "May you live in interesting times" ringing in my head more and more each day. So many think its a positive saying, but every day is proving to be the curse that it was intended to be. Its certainly interesting, and more so each and every day as an abyss in front of us grows wider and deeper. Not only that the charge toward it gets faster and faster.

Its amazing how people are not grasping what is clear to so many through the fog of their own presumptions and unwillingness to learn. Especially when it runs counter to their desired outcome.

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“To thy own self be true, thou must not be false to any man.” With Trump and frankly Kamala (if she wins it will be a pig poop mess), however, it reminds me of a quote from Atlas Shrugged at the end when things were falling apart for the masses which can be directed to either side, “you asked for it brother…” DeSantis or Haley would’ve been much better candidates, and Kamala and the left’s proposals will create a terrible mess for many. I’ll do the best I can and go in faith.

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Social Media and Mainstream News has killed the American ability to think for itself

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