NBC wasted a golden opportunity with Megan Kelly. Instead of putting her on 'Today' - they should have put her on 'Meet The Press.' A fair but tenacious interviewer, she would have been worthy to host the show Tim Russert helmed so magnificently.

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"Concurrently, the liberal publication The Atlantic is imaging the horrors of a second Trump term. It would, progressives believe, become a dictatorship. I fully believe Donald Trump could very well get re-elected and decide he will not leave. But I also fully believe the American system of government is far stronger than the writers of the Atlantic or talking heads on CNN think. Trump may not want to leave, but the Congress, the Supreme Court, the military, the several states, and the Secret Service would toss him out on January 20, 2029."


Donald Trump would not leave? WTH does that mean? Where does that fantastical belief even come from? In 2020 for the few days after the election, more than half of the nation thought that Democrats had cheated. Today about 1/3 of Americans still think that the Democrats cheated. Personally I think that number would be higher if the mainstream press was not corrupt as a Democrat PAC and would have reported honestly and accurately on everything related to the election including what is uncovered in the Twitter Files.

If Trump is elected in 2024 his second term would be up in four years. How would Democrat cheating in the 2028 election even play a part in DJT? It makes no sense.

The ONLY reason that Trump and others in his administration challenged the 2020 election results is that he won all the precincts for the in person balloting, and Biden won most of them with the mail in ballots. That profound difference had never been seen before in all of the US election history. It was inexplicable... still is unbelievable to have occurred without cheating and likely fraud. If cheating and fraud had occurred, it was Trump's responsibility to challenge it and make sure that we did not have a fraudulent election result. After Congress certified the election, Trump conceded.

I think we need an army of therapists to help people with TDS. They are really screwed up.

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Fantastic compilation of thought and message. If not for the 2nd Coming I’d be a raving lunatic at where our country is going. Thankfully, I rest in the comfort and knowledge of The Good Book and the end of the story.

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Well said once again. It is so hard to understand why the general public seems blind to the reality.

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"I fully believe Donald Trump could very well get re-elected and decide he will not leave."

Yesterday, Biden said, "We can't let him (Trump) win." I truly believe that if looks like Trump is going to win, he'll meet his maker prior to November, 2024.

"We cant let him win" is a 'dog whistle" to those in the Administrative State who see Trump as a threat.

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Hilary clinton and the resistance, Stacy Abrahms still hasnt conceded.

I will agree there are probably more foolish Republicans than not. And I would love to see a true conservative lead our Country. We are potentially stuck with 2 octegarians, one of which is demented and the other of which is an "evil genius", both of who are supported by less than 30% of the population. What is the solution?

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Calling Trump a Dictator while they Parade their personal Dummy before us who is a Dictator would be hilarious if it were not true. I don’t know if y’all missed it or not but the closing of all coal fired electricity plants by Biden the Dictator will drive up your electricity bill.Ahh the Climate Lie promoted by the False Prophet ( Biden)

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Erick's comments today are 90% brilliant and 10% Democrat-Media-deep state approved talking points about the "so called" J 6th rebellion. The so called J 6th riot was nothing more than a government created excuse to crush Republicans, like Hitler did in Poland just before his invasion in 1939.

What would a real Republican revolution look like? Figure this; millions of Republicans hunt and target shoot. Many of those millions also saw combat in places from Viet-Nam to Afghanistan and Iraq. They would have been openly armed, wearing face paint, and there would have been no women or old people anywhere near the capitol. They would also have had the knowledge to shut down the utilities to the Capitol, if not the city itself. Unlike Progressives, these people work for a living. They would probably have also planted ambushes all along any routes used by police and FBI reinforcements.

Yet the so called Republican terrorists seem to be only old people and women. and the only direct casualty of the day was a female protestor shot by a police officer.

You usually do better Erick.

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Thank you for that. It annoys me no end to hear republicans and conservatives spout the democrat narrative that the Jan 6 mini riot was anything at all like it is portrayed. The government plotted it and executed it with the aid of a few gullible, mostly older folks who got sucked in.

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Don't forget that anti-gun protestors stormed the Tennessee capitol in 2023... and I'm pretty sure that the Wisconsin capitol incursion happened in 2011, not 2018. Otherwise, I do agree that January 6th would not have happened if the participants of the Wisconsin and Texas incursions had been vigorously hunted down and prosecuted.

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Owning and managing some of the world’s greatest golf courses, I think Trump has far better more fun things to do than barricading himself in the White House. The reason the polls are the way they are is because the world was a far better, safer place under Trump and the American people - at least the Republican side of it - have an incredible sense of right and wrong. They know the first Trump term was disrupted by a lying Democrat party and a complicit media. They know both interfered with the 2020 election. People get fair play. The Dems and the lying sacks of you know what that make up today’s fourth estate play anything but fair.

You’re right about Megyn Kelly, but now it’s time for DeSantis, Haley and the rest of the crew to throw in the towel to save what’s left of their political careers.

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Anyone on the right who is willing to give Trump the pass, regardless of what job Biden is doing, is living the same lie the left is if they are willing to vote for Biden. The bottom line that 3 of the 4 candidates on that stage last night were afraid to attack Trump is the same reason many in Congress are afraid to attack Trump. They are attracted to the cult of personality that is Trump and his followers. Trump, as Christie says, is unfit to lead our country ever again. To this day he denies the 2020 election, mostly because he has to, as that is his defense during his couple trials. He is a self absorbed narcissist who cares only for himself. He creates the alternate reality surrounded with his lies, and so many people have bought into it, hook line and sinker. We are a foolish nation to have an opportunity to get beyond these two old has beens, and move forward to a brighter future, instead of one hell bent on retribution, and hoping to stay out of prison by avoiding what he’s been accused of. Those are his focuses, and we are following him down the rabbit hole. God help us if we do not wake up sooner than later, or WE will all get what we are asking for. The 2020 repeat and whatever we get, we deserve it!

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I wish I could "like" your post more than once.

I had such a love-hate relationship with Chris Christie last night. He was dead-on about Trump, which was great. Then he had his lips glued to Nikki Haley's butt in an apparent audition for VP.

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I think I would give Christie a shot, but I am registered as an Independent in Maryland. I cannot vote in the Primaries, so I am left with who is left. But I won’t vote Trump, that is for darn sure. I am still holding out hope for Ron. A lot of time left, but those on the right need to open their eyes quickly. We do NOT have to repeat that mistake again. We can choose door number 2 or the like. So many are choosing a person over the party, and Trump loves it. Feeds that huge ego of his, and helps keep him out of jail.

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I'm curious. As an Independent, what are your thoughts on RFK, Jr.?

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I think RFK Jr is a nitwit, and a conspiracy theorist. I think he stands no chance, but may pull some votes from each party. Right wingers might like him some. Truth be told, if Manchin runs as an Independent, I may end up voting for him. I have to see how things play out and what he says. I will be watching for sure.

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I hate to comment on RFK, Jr. on a day when I have so little time to engage. Six months ago I was with you; I thought Kennedy was a loon. Ironically, Megyn Kelly started me down the path of thinking otherwise. After listening to a couple of her interviews with Kennedy, I've watched dozens of others (Jordan Peterson, Glenn Greenwald, Dave Smith, Dennis Prager, Jack Carr, Patrick Bet David, Russell Brand, to name a few). I also went to hear Kennedy speak in Atlanta a couple of months ago. I don't agree with him on several issues, and I won't tell you what to think, only that I've changed my mind about Kennedy.

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I should note that Kennedy is not my first choice. If Trump is my only option on the right, though, Kennedy will likely get my vote.

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It would be super freaking awesome if, in the year with the best chance for a third party candidate to finally win, someone under the age of 75 could be a nominee. ;(

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So to all of you. I ask the question; Are we then to sit back and allow those in power to use the resources of the federal Government to prosecute any and all of their challengers for merely questioning outcomes? They are threatening us with "Trump the Dictator" if he is elected. They are blindly warning us of what might happen, when's its already here!

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So Trump DID “merely question” the outcome of the election with all of his court challenges, which is how it should be and is the process for which to challenge. Many of the judges he put in reviewed these challenges, and it did not yield the changes he had hoped for. So what was HIS next move? He decides to have a rally in DC, the day, and time of when the election was being confirmed. He spewed his lies, spoke of a stolen election, riled up the right nutters, and kept speaking of a rigged election. “We will never give up, we will never concede”. STOP THE STEAL! I hope Mike is going to do the right thing…? Pence did not have the power to do this. “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we are going to cheer on our brave congressman. Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to be strong”. So much evidence he promised to show. Release the Kraken his lawyer Sidney said. Now she’s plead guilty. The “Republican” party is a mess, and has become a shell of itself by buying the lies of one man.

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I've listened to Megyn Kelly every day for quite some time. (At least she doesn't pretend Vivek doesn't exist!) Last night I tuned in to test the waters of the debate. Megyn sucked me in with her first question of DeSantis and had me for the duration with the second question directed at Haley.

It was nice to hear someone other than Vivek point out that Haley has become wealthy from her ties to the defense contractors. Haley flat-out lied at least three times last night: the $9 trillion Trump added to the debt (actually $7.8 trillion), the transing of the kids with parental permission, and the identity requirement for posting on social media. Even DeSantis called her out on it. Nikki Haley came across as authoritarian and establishment Neocon as ever. Her "fellas" comment made my stomach churn. Remind me, again, Haley... are you a woman?

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The scorpion will always sting the frog. Someone said it best on your show in a sound bite you played, "When someone tells you who they are, you should believe them." Everyone should be watching who is supporting Hamas, chanting from river to sea, and being absolutely silent as actual fascist, racists vocally parade around in public. The scorpion is telling the frog she is going to sting him.

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The version I've always heard was the scorpion and the fox..... but the result is the same.... "It's my nature"...

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Absolutely true, the democrats, ‘...have no faith in the American constitution, just the liberal elite. ‘

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There are many examples of nations that were ruled by a dictator who eventually stepped down voluntarily. Until these leftist crazies are driven out we may require a temporary suspension of civil liberties. The intolerant nonsense cannot be tolerated. If it comes down to my intolerance or theirs I'm going with mine- no matter the cost

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