Keep calling out the villains and hucksters on both sides. It's our only way out of this mess.

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Thank you, Erick!

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The problem is the media. Who will call out the few splinters on our side while ignoring the huge festering oak tree in their own. 2 or 3 anti semites among the right does not even closely equal the many thousands of not millions of those on the left.

Yes these people need to be called out shamed and discredited for the idiots they are.

YET let’s not pretend like this is a huge dealbreaker for us.

Almost every single dem politician agrees with Hamas and is proud to be in support of the protesters. The anomaly are those who don’t. Contrast with the right which is overwhelmingly opposed to this antisemite movement and with a few very few anomalies. It’s not even a comparison.

We can’t “both sides” this. This is a dem issue through and through.

They alone are in full support of this maddening view. And we should be calling out the media for the apologies they make for them instead of waisting time on calling out the very low level few on ours. As justified as it is.

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It may be a splinter vs oak, but it is several important people that are splinters. And they are very wrong thinking.

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Conservatives once held our own to a higher standard. We still should.

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Having both close friends and family members that are Jewish, this whole antisemitism movement is sickening and frightening to me, and I have no words to explain why it is happening nor do I understand it. But I do know that all the Jews in this country are scared and on edge now, for good reason. If, God forbid, we ever have to have an Underground Railroad for our Jewish neighbors, I will be leading the way. In the meantime, I will support them any way I can.

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Pretty sickening, huh? And here I thought stupidity wasn't a communicable disease.

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I’m at a loss for words as well.

Hate for the sake of hating is all I can make of it. We got to let our better side show.

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"TPUSA has been flirting with a lot of anti-Semites lately."

Which is why every true conservative should have nothing to do with TPUSA.

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Appreciate you calling this out!

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I am not in the least opposed to calling out antisemitism anywhere it exists. Which is not the same as much of the "both siding" you do. In very few instances are the "sides" equal in whatever the wrong is, and that is also true of the antisemitism. How about just naming names or groups rather than portioning equal blame to "both sides" for whatever the wrong is?

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I’m disappointed. No one claims we Freemasons are controlling everything. (Sarcasm).

Everyone needs a “boggy man or woman” to foster distrust and separation. If you get people to fight over imaginary puppeteers, then they will not notice you pulling strings.

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People hate success if there own situations are not what they thought it would be thus we have Jew haters and anybody else that seems to be doing better than themselves. Plus you can raise money and grift off this supposed manipulators Glad your calling them out

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Why is TPUSA trusted? Not a fan.

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As to the major theme/meme here: Anti-Semitism. As best as I can tell, there is no American or Israeli "Jew" boasting of Polish, Russian and/or Eastern European (Ashkenazi) heritage who is anything more than an everyday, non-Israelite gentile. The Ashkenazi did not descend from Noah and the line of Shem as did Isaac and Ishmael through Abraham. Nor is there any substantiated evidence that Bible-Israelite DNA even still exists on the planet today. Many theorists would like it to, and thus go to great lengths to explain that it "probably" does. But scientifically? No. Not a hint of objective scientific backing. The point? Let's get off the "antisemite" kick and evaluate people behaviorally based on what they say and do. Not on "who" they are, once were, or claim to be.

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You got it right, Erick.

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