Put 10 men and 100 women on a deserted island. In 100 years, you'll find a growing community of men, women, boys and girls. Now, do the same thing with 10 men and 100 transgender women. In 100 years, you'll find 110 male skeletons. That is not mean. That is not hate. That is not transphobia. That is SCIENCE.

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I highly recommend Michael Shellenberger's coverage of the WPATH files on Jordan Peterson's podcast.

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If you had any doubts that secular humanism is a religion and that it's adherents are actively trying to push Christianity out of American culture here's exhibit A. The Leftist response to this that this was already a holiday and it wasn't intentionally set up to conflict with Easter misses the forest for the trees. The Biden Administration and the Trans cult sees this day as a day to celebrate a made up identity meant to satisfy a delusion or at worse a fetish while Christians see it as a day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. What's more important Anerica? Gratifying worldly desires or recognizing that we have been rescued by sin and have a hope beyond this world? Because we are a debased and declining culture our leaders believe its more important to choose the first.

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Can someone explain to me why Biden has not been excommunicated?

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Biden's official Easter message was rather good actually, except that it was sent to "Christians around the world." It would have been better to say, "to Christians throughout this great land," or something similar. He's not the pope.

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Mr. Biden had the chance to show who (or what) he worshipped as a "practicing Catholic". He made it perfectly clear which one.

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I refuse to have discussions about things that require logic and intellect with people who, in the same breath, ignore X and Y chromosome science but scream at us to "follow the science" on all the other dogmatic beliefs of their Climate Faith. Nope. Until they admit there are two genders and men cannot become women or women men, then I cannot take them seriously on other, more weighty matters. Their judgment is too damaged to be relied upon. You will know them by their fruits. That's a double entendre by the way.

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"Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina." - Kindergarten Cop 1991

How far have we sliden in 33 years?

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Romans 1:24-25

24 Therefore God gave them up to vile impurity in the lusts of their hearts, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

True believers understand the lies and deceit of our current "political correctness." It's simply the world's way (and certainly not God's) of manufacturing a morality. As a Christian and as an American citizen, I'm appalled and disgusted with the work of the Biden administration that is an absolute insult to the believers in Jesus Christ.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

I don't understand transgenderism. But Jesus basically said I don't have to, it being none of my concern.

"Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following . . . . Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me." John 21: 20-22.

Theologians debate whether this was a pronouncement of general applicability, or one specifically concerning whether the disciple in question would live to see the Resurrection. However, given all that other stuff that Jesus said about not judging others, I read him as telling Peter that the sins of others are between them and Him; that is, that Peter should mind his own business.

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Rarely do i agree with almost every comment on one of your posts, Mr. Eric. i didn't believe this when i first heard about it...and then i went to whitehouse.gov. Between this and 'no religious symbols' on the National Guard's egg painting contest, my guess is God isn't just 'shaking his head,' He's angry. Ref. Romans 2:5-8.

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Dems are pathetic - using performative stunts to pander to a segment of their base.

Its a good thing the other side doesn't do this or worse (like exploiting the base for money)


And at least our side has morality (the 5 second teleprompter apology at the end is worth the price of admission).


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Don’t tell me they weren’t kind of gleeful at the coincidence.

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So very sad

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It is difficult to say anything. It is just shoving their agenda down your throat and you will like it or else.

What next? Tossing the aborted children onto the arms of a Moloch statue and cheering as they sizzle?

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