"the press corps does not trust Americans to see stories the same way they do..."

I disagree. The so called journalist know the facts. No one argues over facts, they argue over the perceived implications and consequences of facts.

If they reported all the facts then legitimate debate could take place over the perceived implications and consequences and "solutions", if any.

They are not dupes or just willing accomplices they are the core of the American Bolsheviks. They seek to control the language, the narrative, and access to knowledge. When knowledge is power, inequality is inevitable.

They are not interested in being the purveyors of information, or even brokers, they are the gate keepers with their credentials.

This is not about trust.

They set the narrative and tailor and prune the facts to fit, asking, what is to be done, and providing the answer.

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People are generally smart enough to see when they are being played, with the exception that many Trump supporters are willfully blind to how he's been playing them for his own grift and benefit.

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I will continue to refer to the MSM as the American Pravda. I have not believed them for a long time, nor do I see any hope that they will change. If I read any article from them that touches on politics, BIPOC/SOGI, climate change, and a host of other favorite MSM topics, my first inclination is to disbelieve them. I think that a healthy state of mind is needed today. If anyone takes the MSM reporting at face value they will become statist robots.

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So...it is an imperitive that the climate change supporters get their agenda passed as quickly as possible to show all that their solutions worked (in five to seven years, as the excessive water vapor disappates). One thing that seems to be missing in recent anxiety about the heat is that the sun is at its peak sunspot activity, bathing the inner planets with higher than usual radiation. Ain't science wonderful?

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I just read in the daily paper that the month of July was the record setting month for ALL OVER THE WORLD. But we know why after your excellent article this morning. Plan for more to follow.

Again, Blessings on you and your family.

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Thanks for the reminder on the volcano

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You've often said Erick, that "you will be made to care." I think the press (or any elite, really) sees this as its job - making us care. They want us to care about the issues they deem important, so they leave out hard facts in order to scare the pants off everyone. There's little to no factual truth in their reporting, just scare tactics. It's precisely because we care, as Americans, as the Western world, that the media is able to play with our feelings. I've been to Asia, where pollution is rampant, unchecked, and people don't care about managing supposed climate change with EVs, limited gas stoves, light bulbs, etc... People just want a better life. Here, in the US, we're so blessed and take for granted things most of the rest of the world strives to have. So in the name of equity, the media has to scare us to give up all the things that make life better.

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The "news" is now commoditzed. Facts in reporting are secondary to "clicks" and advertiser $$$. The goal is to get advertiser money, not to be rigorous journalists.

Just as legal counsel shapes narrative to favor client's case by emphasizing certain facts while de-emphasizing/ignoring/discrediting opposition's facts, media's client is the almighty $$$, so operates accordingly. Keep in mind rags like Nat'l Enquirer, Midnight Star, et al, remain profitable reporting on junk sensationalist stories, not facts. MSM has adopted some portion of that model.

That said, we have the added complication of human nature itself. We all have presuppositions, and some have the power of the bully pulpit to "evangelize" their position in narrative. Journalists are, by-and-large, Dems/liberals. Their access to bully pulpit "reporting" tips the scale toward their positions, whether purposeful deceit or just editorializing while reporting. Frankly, bully pulpits provide power, and we know power can easily corrupt. Add that to fallen man, incentive to produce "clicks", and voila! you have MSM.

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Let's cast lots. How many hours before the left says, yes, the volcano eruption caused global warming, but man made global climate change caused the volcano to erupt.

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There have also been La Niña conditions for 3 consecutive years prior to the El Niño. While rare to have 3 consecutive years of La Niña, it is not unprecedented. But, of course it’s all due to climate change. El Niño and La Niña are naturally occurring phenomena that affect weather patterns all over the world and were first recognized long before the Industrial Revolution started spewing tons of coal dust into the air.

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Where is the press getting their raw material? Are they just making up the stories from whole cloth?

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Ask Al Gore. He invented the internet and may be CEO of Anthropomorphic Climate Change, Inc. as well ;-)

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I am so glad you covered this Erick. You did an excellent job of it as I have watched things change shortly after the volcano exploded. Colorado had a record amount of rain in June, and above the average in July. Look at all the bad weather in the east right now. But it is happening around the world as well. Years ago, when John Kerry started to talk about climate change, I knew he was nuts as I had flown around the world several times by that time and made a study of the worlds atmosphere and knew he was out of it.

It is really the Lord that is in control of this world as He made it and put man and woman on it years ago to make the best of it in our lives here. That is what we should be doing when things happen like the exploded volcano under water and we get a heat wave with lots of rain. Enjoy it.

Blessings to you and your family.

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The press has been telling their own version of the truth for years. Had high hopes for Fox when they started. But sadly, Fox just shades its news to the right, similar to the resf of the MSM to the left. Would love to have reporting that just gives me the facts and let me descide what to do with it.

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Trust in the press is collapsing amongst informed people, however many many uninformed and unwilling to be informed people believe the press hook line and sinker. That’s why we are in such a decisive time. The media loves the attention of the uninformed and unwilling.

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"Happening Now": CNN's exclusive interview with Chicken Little!

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If the mainstream media feel pressured to start reporting on the volcano’s effect, they’ll preface it with something like “has become a right wing talking point”, signaling to their viewers that it can safely be ignored.

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