What we need to know is how many in theMSM academia and the rest of the left have become Muslims because if the Islamist win they will slit there throats as quick as anybody else are listening queers for Palestine

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Anyone with a thought process knows what Hamas has built and stored under the Hospitals in Gaza. What is the medias end game with all this gaslighting and blaming Israel?

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You refer to Donald Trump as the man who lost elections. Have you read this? https://voterga.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/VOTERGA-Raffensperger-Congress-Letter-Refutation.pdf

If you continue to claim election fraud never happened in Georgia, I can only assume that you are trying to protect your friends.

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Thanks Erick. A very good podcast about Israel is "Call me Back" with Dan Senor. He has excellent guests and a very thoughtful conversations.

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Very sad.

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Trump is blamed for all losses no matter. He is the only republlican than has stood up to the far left.

I have listened and read about all versions of how people characterize the current politics.

Number one the democrats describe whatever lie they want to identify Trump or his followers and a lot of GOP are duped into believing he is a demon and so corrupt that he is trying to destroy our way of government. Never Trumpers and some that doesn't feel he can win are dividing up the GOP. If we let the democrats succeed in this we are going to lose our freedom even more than we already have.

The democrats will do anything to win and go to any extreme to cheat, even voter fraud.

If you don't thing they cheated in all the elections described above you are wrong. They stick together no matter what the issue or who is involved. They could put up Camala Harris for President and you can bet they will vote for her and do anything to get her elected.

Until we recognize that Trump is going to be our nominee and all get behind him we will lose..

We need everyone behind all off our candidates or we may not have our country as it was established by oour forefathers. Quit undermining and join our people together for our country.

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The GOP undermining and not supporting non-establishment candidates is the reason for the losses in the years mentioned. As for the NYT? History shows they essentially denied the Holocaust while it was occurring. So any pro-Hamas position they take shouldn’t be a surprise. When I was as young and saw someone with a copy of the NYT, I thought they must be “smart”. Today when I hear someone refer to the outlet in a reverent manner? Not so much.

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Joe Rogan told a great story about delivering the NYT. Living in Boston, it was a difficult delivery route because there weren't many subscribers and he had to cover a lot of ground. Even so, he did it out of respect and love for the paper, which he read every day. It was a sentimental, heartwarming story. Needless to say, Rogan's opinion has changed.

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Don’t forget that Lincoln was a failed politician until he became president. If Trump is our next president, I hope that he is surrounded by Nathans who will tell him of his faults, not the boot kissers that he had while in office.

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I'm afraid the Nathans have fled the building.

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By Sebastian Vivar Rodriguez - Spanish Writer, November 21, 2004.

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz.

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims.

In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.

And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.

Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

* This is a free translation of an article reportedly first published in a Spanish newspaper. The editor of this site could not confirm the name of the author. A variant of the name is Sebastian Villar Rodriguez. The author's name appears to be a pseudonym, apparently to avoid attack by antisemites.

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Interesting, Richard..but he says "We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims." Surely the governments of most of europe opened their doors to too many muslims in a short period of time, but it was only one state which burned 6 million Jews.

I guess the author took the concept of the European Union quite seriously even as the holocaust predates the EU by many decades and was clearly at the hands of the Nazi's (and a few other sympathizing collaborators).

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President Biden is doing his best to fill this country with Muslims. Pakistan is moving 1.7 million people out of their country. Now I wonder if they will follow the yellow brick road to our open borders.

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Was happening even before Biden.

Muslims, per se, are not the entire issue. The sheer number and our disregard for E PLURIBUS UNUM in favor of muliticulturalism makes for a dangerous combo. Add in a border where we have near zero idea who is coming in and another attack here seems too plausible.

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Love you, Erick, but I think you got over your skis this time.

"Republicans, these are 750 people who should be rounded up and sent to GTMO. It is important that we compile the list of names on this letter and follow their careers and remind people constantly that these 750 sided with the terrorists."

First sentence? NO. NOT. NEVER.

Second Sentence? That's more like it. Make them eat/regret their words.

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On a happier note, at least Emory University fired or pushed out the antisemitic “physician” they had who bragged about hang gliders going over fences after 10/7.

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

I agree there is a pattern of GOP winning and losing and Trump. At what point, Erick, are you going to turn your guns on Ronna McDaniel?

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Erick did a piece whacking Ronna, but came back after doing some research and said she was basically powerless in chosing candidates and further it was either the locals or donors (I can't recall) which created the problem.

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The longer Trump is out of office, the more right on his claims and predictions he is proven to be.

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Wow, happy Friday...

"the losingest loser the GOP has seen since Dewey"

The other side of the coin... Proof white people are racist, they don't support terrorists.

Voted against condemning "support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff," as well as "all forms of antisemitism" on college campuses.

Earl Blumenauer, a Democrat for Oregon

Jamaal Bowman, a Democrat for New York and member of "The Squad" of progressives in the House

Cori Bush, a Democrat for Missouri and another Squad member

Andre Carson, a Democrat for Indiana

Maxwell Frost, a Democrat for Florida

Jesus G. 'Chuy' Garcia, a Democrat for Illinois

Jared Huffman, a Democrat for California

Jonathan L. Jackson, a Democrat for Illinois

Pramila Jayapal, a Democrat for Washington state

Summer L. Lee, a Democrat for Pennsylvania and a Squad member

Thomas Massie, a Republican for Kentucky. He said of his decision to vote no that there was no agreed definition of antisemitism, adding: "Free speech means protecting speech you don't like, not just speech you do like."

James P. McGovern, a Democrat for Massachusetts

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat for New York and founding member of The Squad

Ilhan Omar, a Democrat for Minnesota and another Squad founding member

Ayanna Pressley, a Democrat for Massachusetts and a further Squad founding member

Delia C. Ramirez, a Democrat for Illinois

Mark Takano, a Democrat for California

Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat for Michigan and founding Squad member, who is of Palestinian descent

Ritchie Torres, a Democrat for New York. He has since released a statement in which he said he voted against the motion "mistakenly," adding: "As a visible and vocal advocate against antisemitism on college campuses, especially in the wake of October 7, I have submitted a correction for the record."

Lauren Underwood, a Democrat for Illinois

Nydia M. Velazquez, a Democrat for New York

Maxine Waters, a Democrat for California

Bonnie Watson Coleman, a Democrat for New Jersey

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Yet these politicians ignore free speech by Microsoft and Google.

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I do think that Thomas Massie supports free speech in every case.

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They recognize free "approved" speech.

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"Republicans, these are 750 people who should be rounded up and sent to GTMO."

Please, please, please tell me this was written tongue in cheek. These people are abhorrent. Last I checked, though, we still have a First Amendment.

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Meanwhile, 750 terrorist sympathizers in the press have signed their names to a letter criticizing cover as being unfriendly to the group that chopped off babies heads.

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Let's throw away the Bill of Rights then.

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Evil within the news media will get progressively worse. During WWII

The Japanese had teams that raped

Women and the results were printed on the front page of Japanese Newspapers.

Empathy should be one Guideline.

Would they celebrate if their own newsroom suffered the same fate as the Israelis?

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I'm not going to defend the evil news media. I'm only going to defend the Constitution. Personally, I'd like the First Amendment to still be there for me and for you when we need it.

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"Vivek Ramaswamy, at the NBC Debate, blasted the Republican Party as a party of losers. He’s not wrong." True statement. Thank you for finally giving Vivek a little credit.

"So the people cheering on Vivek are not even going to vote for him." Not true. If Vivek is still on the ballot in the Georgia primary, he has my vote. If not, I'll vote for DeSantis. If neither is the nominee, my vote goes to RFK, Jr.

I voted for Trump twice. Never again.

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A no or don't vote for Trump is a vote for Biden or whoever the Democrats put up. Do you want to continue on the road we are now going?

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I've been told that my whole life. Just like I was told that Perot cost Bush the election until Erick debunked that misconception. I've held my nose and complied for too long. Now I'm calling BS. Kennedy is at 24% against Biden and Trump. In the poll, Trump still wins with 35%, but Kennedy is within striking distance, increasing his support, and pulling voters from both sides.

"Continuing on the road" is a straw man. We have to start acknowledging that some of Trump's failures put us on this road. He didn't close the border, spent like a drunken sailor, kept interest rates artificially low, and did absolutely nothing to drain the swamp. I've lost confidence in Trump's abilities and his ideology.

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"I voted for Trump twice. Never again."

Boy, I go back and forth in my mind over this one, EB. Trump would be one of those band-aids which are extremely painful to tear off.

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Any thoughtful person keeps going over this in his mind! I just don't believe that Trump 2.0 is the same as Trump 1.0. He's lost me on the complete dishonesty he's had about pretty much everything (DeSantis, Covid, the vaccine, the classified docs, the stolen election) since he left office and his utter betrayal of most people loyal to him. If I were to list those people, it would take the rest of my morning. Instead, I'll repost what Jonah Goldberg wrote a few days ago:

"It’s really amazing. Many of the same people who said we have to elect Trump because he will appoint conservative judges, fight for the unborn, and protect the Constitution are now utterly unfazed by Trump’s disdain for judges that were more loyal to the law and Constitution, his willingness to abandon the anti-abortion cause, and his demand to terminate the Constitution to be reinstalled in power. Trump has cut out the middle men. The Republican apparatchiks who thought it was necessary to support Trump for the good of the party now define the good of the party as what is good for Trump. He doesn’t need evangelical leaders, because he has evangelical voters. He doesn’t need pro-life leaders, because he has pro-life voters. He doesn’t need the Federalist Society crowd, or the military men he surrounded himself with, because the people who were once reassured by the presence of grown-ups in the Trump White House to keep his ego and ignorance in check now want to see it uncaged."

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I also voted for him twice, EB.

The dilemma: A completely destructive 2nd Biden term (or maybe worse Harris or Newsome) or a less destructive Trump which also includes down ballot losses and more damage to the GOP brand going forward. Thius my analogy to a band-aid. BTW, I support about 25% of the GOP, the rest are useless at best.

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I have similar concerns. If Trump is the nominee, the GOP will lose down ballot all over the country, something from which we may never recover. If Trump somehow wins the race, I believe his administration will be less destructive to the country and potentially more destructive to conservativism. Believe me, I've gone through something of a transformation in the past two years of watching Trump's effects on conservatism, especially in my home state. As much as I don't want another four years of another Democrat, there's a growing part of me that believes that's what it may take to elect a real conservative in 2028. I'd rather have that than four years of Trump and decades of Democrats. Both scenarios make me feel ill. Best case scenario, Trump isn't the nominee.

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