To a communist, the everything no communist is facist or hitler

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The reporter obviously doesn’t know the history of the USA. Dave Barton American Historian on YouTube


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One can only hope that others will follow; pity the countries they emigrate to.

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What these people that are leaving our country don’t realize is: If they were leaving Germany in such a “Public” manner back when the real Hitter was in power, they and their family would be rounded up and put in a camp to be reeducated on the subject of patriotism, or be shot by a firing squad.

Our country is much kinder to allow them the freedom to do what they think they have to do. I wish them all a speedy and safe journey to the destination of their dreams.

Also as Joe Hatfield said, “……..Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.” 😂

Well I just noticed that I incorrectly quoted Mr. Joe Hatfield. He wants direct contact with the door, that’s okay too. Just don’t damage the door.

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They are going to find England an actual restrictive regime.

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I knew a man who built a real estate business. In 2005 he started to sell everything. He thought the world was coming to an end. Took all his money, moved to Switzerland before the 2008 banking crisis hit hard. He and his wife lived in europe for about 15 years and retruned to the states as their health declined. I would say his choice was spot on based on sound socio-economic analysis.

The progressive left does not possess the ability to make rational socio-economic anaylsis. They believe that government must intervene to solve the disparities in society. They are secular. Erick knows this better than most of us.

I just finished Black Earth by Timothy Snyder. He makes the argument that Hitler believed in the Law of the Jungle. Each race was a different species and should not intermingle and the strongest race will dominate the world. He believed Jews taught that humans (regaurdless of race) could work together to build a better society. I am paraphsing this in borad terms. But to Hitler and the Nazis, Jews were breaking the natural order of things and had to be exterminated. The Germans was the superior race and would dominate the world.

I bring this up becaaue I do not beleive progressive liberals will prevail, becasue individuals will hold government (including Trump) accountable for failing to preserve the American idea of self determination and individual responsibility, regaurdless of race, class, education, wealth, and sex.

Of course this is threatened by government spending and accumulated government debt. The consequences of such deficits and debt are unavoidable.

For a person owning real esate in 2005, price deflation was a real risk. Hence selling the asset class, moving to a secure country (Switzerland) and waiting for the realignment of the economic system was rational. Getting mad about Trump's victory (inflation is bad and illegal immigration is destablizing our socioeconimc structures) is not a reason to fear. It is a reason to hope that the federal government will make more rational choices. Georgia, Florida, Texas, SC, NC, and other republican run states demostrate how to do this in a reasonable manner.

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Good riddance and I hope the door hits them all in the ass on the way out!

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Who cares what Jane Fonda, George Clooney, Ellen Degeneris or any other celebrity thinks or where they choose to live? If this country and the present state of its politics isn't to their liking, they are free to live anyplace that's clueless enough to take them in.

Stephen Decatur said, "My country, right or wrong, my country."

If your're a loyal American. you love this country, and you feel something is wrong, you stay and try to fix it. You don't take your ball and leave in a huff.

Bon voyage.

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Confused .... Trudeau announced a few days ago that he was "sealing" the Canadian border, likely to block access to the coming wave of Trump deportations. Did Li'l Justin leave a back door open for American leftards?

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Good riddance and hope they don't come back.

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Do they think anyone is going to beg them to stay? How shocked they will be to find they are not missed..

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Bad Loser - Growing up one of my cousins( when loss at Checkers) would knock over the Checker Board, and Cry to his mother that he was treated bad.

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Or, when playing kickball, once they start losing they take their ball and go home.

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America is healing 😂😂😂

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Left-wingers leaving America is like poison being purged from the body....

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Is there some way folks can volunteer to help expedite that effort? Maybe help transport belongings to the airport with a positive reinforcement message that they are certainly doing the right thing. I would consider working overtime to insure their departure didn’t run into any hiccups that may change their mind.

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I wonder if there's a way to require them to take an oath of citizenship and pass the citizenship test given to immigrants before they're allowed back in. That would be sweet.

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Starbucks hardest hit

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