Erick, You have appropriately identified one of the core reasons I will be voting for Trump and the republican ticket in my state this November.
I do not like the "me, me, me, or I, I, I" of the current president. I disapprove of his use of twitter to bash or extol complicated issues that can not be summed up in 40 words or less. I dis…
Erick, You have appropriately identified one of the core reasons I will be voting for Trump and the republican ticket in my state this November.
I do not like the "me, me, me, or I, I, I" of the current president. I disapprove of his use of twitter to bash or extol complicated issues that can not be summed up in 40 words or less. I disapprove of his personal conduct related to his wives. I fear for him as he appears to wrestle with "what is truth." I also fear that he has never really had the gospel presented to him, as surely how well he does "as president" is not the basis of entry into heaven or hell.
But, at least I know that he has chosen rightly related to the life issue.
The Democrats lost my vote when they chose wrong on this most fundamental right. The right of life is given to us by the creator. Life is more than a biological event. There is a spiritual dimension that is greater than "the right to chose." In fact I would argue that the choice of a woman or the man is whether or not to engage in the act that results in life being created.
Once the life is created, it is of much higher value than the inconvenience it may pose to the people blessed with that life. Children are a blessing from the creator. There are many who are not given that blessing. We now have more than 50 Million blessings that have been torn apart, and thrown back at the creator as "rejected...not wanted." It should not surprise anyone that other blessings that have been given in the past are now being withheld as well, since we as a nation have disposed of the greater blessing.
So, I will vote Republican and for President Trump not because I approve of everything they stand for. But I will vote for them because the got the issue of life correct. If Joe Bidden wins, I will pray for him. And I will pray that someone has the courage to preach to him the gospel as well. You can not really believe in Jesus and believe in killing our children. There is a narrow path and killing our blessings are not found on it.
Erick, You have appropriately identified one of the core reasons I will be voting for Trump and the republican ticket in my state this November.
I do not like the "me, me, me, or I, I, I" of the current president. I disapprove of his use of twitter to bash or extol complicated issues that can not be summed up in 40 words or less. I disapprove of his personal conduct related to his wives. I fear for him as he appears to wrestle with "what is truth." I also fear that he has never really had the gospel presented to him, as surely how well he does "as president" is not the basis of entry into heaven or hell.
But, at least I know that he has chosen rightly related to the life issue.
The Democrats lost my vote when they chose wrong on this most fundamental right. The right of life is given to us by the creator. Life is more than a biological event. There is a spiritual dimension that is greater than "the right to chose." In fact I would argue that the choice of a woman or the man is whether or not to engage in the act that results in life being created.
Once the life is created, it is of much higher value than the inconvenience it may pose to the people blessed with that life. Children are a blessing from the creator. There are many who are not given that blessing. We now have more than 50 Million blessings that have been torn apart, and thrown back at the creator as "rejected...not wanted." It should not surprise anyone that other blessings that have been given in the past are now being withheld as well, since we as a nation have disposed of the greater blessing.
So, I will vote Republican and for President Trump not because I approve of everything they stand for. But I will vote for them because the got the issue of life correct. If Joe Bidden wins, I will pray for him. And I will pray that someone has the courage to preach to him the gospel as well. You can not really believe in Jesus and believe in killing our children. There is a narrow path and killing our blessings are not found on it.