Well said, Erick. It's up to the states now to regulate abortion as they did before the liberals unconstitutionally violated dual sovereignty and imposed a federal ban, through the courts and not even through Congress, on all the states.

The Interstate Commerce Clause has been the primary source of federal regulatory power. Liberals on the Supreme Court during the Great Depression turned it into the Commerce Clause, arguing in effect that if everyone sneezes at the same time, it would affect interstate commerce, therefore Congress can regulate sneezing. In 1995, however, the Nixon-Reagan-Bush court put the "commerce" back into the clause in Lopez by overturning the Clinton ban on carrying firearms near schools. Any federal "ban" on abortion would apply onto to abortions for pay done across state lines. I know we would like to impose abortion bans in Taxachussetts and other such places, but that is not how our Constitution works. If many of the Founding Fathers who supported the Constitution could see liberals imposing a ban on states bans or conservatives trying to impose federal bans, they'd agree that the anti-federalists were sadly right about the proposed federal government after all.

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I believe life begins at conception. I also believe that each child has a right to life. I am not in favor of a federal ban on abortion, because what can be done is easily undone. Down the road, we’d be looking at a federal law allowing abortions in every state. As pro life advocates, let us fight in every state and city to end abortion. Giving the power to decide this issue to a few people in Washington not end well.

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What pro-life is... a conservative luxury belief. A hollow virtual signaling mechanism that is claimed to be righteous from a moral ego position. https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/luxury-beliefs-that-only-the-privileged-can-afford-7f6b8a16

Just look around at the state of humanity. Abortion should be considered WAY down the list. The state of the human condition is a mess today. People cannot take good enough care of themselves, and this fixation of protecting more that will not be able to take care of themselves is in fact cruel and evil.

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I respectfully beg to differ on this one point, Mr. Lee. You assume that all babies that are killed would not become productive citizens, I e. doctors, scientists, citizens that would bring help and solutions to many or even to a few. Perhaps they are adopted by a loving family, or the mother thinking of abortion may have a change of heart.

This has been proven over and over and over.

Life is precious and deserves that chance. And yes, we as a society in a broken world can do better.

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As usual you say common sense things and as usual not enough listen as their own drum beats to loud.

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Trump turns defensive on abortion and looks weak and timid when he says things like "we sent it back to the states." He needs to stress that Harris and the Dems are the true extremists on abortion by wanting to "bring back Roe." Vance could do this, but he's also in defensive mode. As a result, the Democrats own the issue. Republicans are forever branded "abortion extremists."

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He doesn't look weak, he looks like the normal politician who chooses the best path forward to get the most done like protecting this country. Abortion is not the issue to die on, too many men & women are against it and until the world is perfect there are times women will need one whether they want one or not and we really do not have the right to tell them overwise. We need to stick to education, and solutions, and how to help especially low-income women to make better choices. Simply saying no because of your beliefs when not willing to put real skin & money in and get out an actually help these women having to make that choice is why we are losing those folks. As they say, talk is cheap. The main thing I dislike about dems/liberals is the many who demand conservatives change just because they think it is a good idea and tehy don't care about the consequences.

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He looks weak and defensive because he doesn't throw it back on the Dems for being the true abortion extremists.

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I agree that he doesn't look week. He looks like a federalist. He may or may not be a federalist in his heart, but he sure doesn't sound weak when he talks like a federalist.

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Trump doesn't know what federalist means.

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He mused that the Civil War could have been avoided if they only tried compromise and even wondered that his negotiation skills might have prevented it.

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I think he's a character in a political satire that was rejected by an editor in some alternate universe for being too unbelievable.

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Once again, this is life with Trump. The constant contortions from people on both sides continue. While I understand the point, it's odd to see Erick spin it that Trump's position is not really that big of a deal. If politicians can get by with saying, "That will never pass" as a reason to avoid issue, nothing will ever change.

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It's not surprising to me that Trump would change his views given that in his "heart of hearts" he's pro-choice. But the reality is the GOP position is out of step with majority opinion as reflected in KS and OH referendums. Perhaps more emphasis should be placed in crisis pregnancy centers, stopping abortion funding, and banning late term abortions.

I agree that Trump could have been more graceful in distancing himself from the prolife cause, but he's a guy who called out Gov. Kemp in a state he needed to win, and diminished the value of the Medal of Honor.

One could argue at least that Trump's abortion strategy is helpful to electoral chances, but the Medal of Honor comment and Kemp criticism were truly baffling. I think he's an awful candidate. I think my fellow Republicans were nuts to nominate him. It's like our party has a death wish.

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Birth control. Why not promote birth control and then there would be no reason for an abortion. I know, I know, rape you say or incest. Give the woman the abortion pill immediately they’ll never know if they were pregnant or not. Am I delusional?

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Throw out the baby because the bath water is dirty.

Rejecting a gift of $1 million because the $20’ are on the bottom of the pile instead of the $10’s

Something like that?

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Ericks earlier comments about Trump flying by the seat of his pants (on more than the abortion issue) and that in the process, he risks undermining himself with some pretty loyal voters is a decent summation of Trumps politics and Trump as a problem child. But we are up against utter evil and incompetent general superiority needs to prevail. Few serious politically mature pro-life leaders have insisted Trump make banning abortion his number one issue or even a leading issue everywhere. While some have expressed disappointment in the campaign's stupid statements and bullying ( the platform verbiage on the issue is as 'word salad' as they come) and called for better nuanced approach, most have fallen into line and have been trying to exert their influence that the comparison of the two nominees and their parties are overwhelmingly distinct, all things considered that relate to the issue.

But Trump being Trump makes it hard to do so and the disloyalty shown by his apparat to the those that allowed him, indeed helped bring him and have been loyal is hurtful and harmful even if pro-life leadership communicates that we must suck it up. Trump would never have survived the 2016 nomination winnowing had he been the indifferent, disdainful, go away candidate toward pro-lifers he is, or comes off as, now.

But most right to life activists are mature, and we will pull the lever, as we have for other desperate Republican bovines on the issue running for office because the wolves are about. And these grazers think they are practical but they are pretty pathetic little creatures because they could fight back and kick the heck out of the wolves if they turned and stomped them impressing the other creatures watching the battle. Instead they run for the low country and sacrifice even the ones who stand and fight.

Democrats and soft pro-choicers could be shamed on the issue , turning the matter into neutral at worst for pro-life if the GOP fought back even with a dime to the dollar of the resources the Dems will devote to it. I believe that is true even directed at the target the Dems are trying to make the clincher for them - the 18 to 40 female vote along with the 40% others (male and female) they can depend on.

But the Trump campaign is working to offend some, dampen enthusiasm, and transmission of good will in order to gain others that have a lot of reasons to vote Democrat - the female element that demands welfare, universal health care, free everything and have been receptive to other Marxist indoctrination.

The most sincere articulate president on the matter was probably Ronald Reagan and he won biggly.

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This is no real surprise - Trump always struck me as the type thats more of a consumer of abortion than a banner of it.

I heard a bit of your show yesterday where you basically said it's stupid to believe he is a threat to democracy because our structure of government is too strong / senior dems don't really belie it. While I agree that Trump will not serve more than one term, since when does it matter what senior dems think or media think? I can read the source information to see that Trump is lawless and already tried to end democracy as President. Also, why do you so narrowly view the refusal to leave office after his second term as the only potential threat to democracy that a sitting president who does not care about the constitution could pose? There are plenty of ways that he could continue his assault on the constitution short of remaining in office beyond 2029.

I also believe my kevlar vest would stop a bullet. Does that mean I should go in the backyard and have my friends shoot a pistol at me? smh

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I think it was Reagan who said he would rather have someone in Congress that he agrees with 80% of the time than someone who he agrees with 20% of the time ( presumably a Democrat)

I’m pretty sure you agree with Trump on border security, lower regulations and tax policy & probably nothing from the Harris-Walz side.

Trump’s Scotus picks overturned Roe & sent the issue back to the states where it belongs.

The evangelical community had a chance to influence people to their side and got foot stomped when abortion was on the ballot in Kansas & Ohio ( 2 right of center states )Yet, you wake up scold Trump and the online right.

Your close to the evangelist community, maybe let them know from your pulpit that they need to do a better job of convincing other to their side.

Trump is a blunt object & that is part of his super power & cryptonite .You can’t kiss everyone ass all the time.

I’m going to say it again. Which Republican alive would be competitive in Pennsylvania-Michigan-Wisconsin! He has a unique combination of supporters.

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You might dance with the ones that bring ya. But not Trump. Truth is Trump is just another politician. The system has bailed him out multiple times. Fine. Never mind this blunt object is his own worse enemy. His

helpfulness to the Dems helping them remove Biden by debating him so early ( having refused to show his prowess to Republican challengers) was the biggest political blunder in my memory. Maybe he can overcome their being rejuvenated. The unquestionably un-reelectable Biden is pushed out of the way with Trump's help. Brillient 4D chess at work.

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Help us Lord, he's blowing it!!! I really wish he would listen to you Erick. A Kamala presidency would be a disaster... I am praying Trump will just stop and listen to his advisors!

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While I understood your point about if it were 2nd Amendment people getting screwed we'd be just as offended. Concurrently though, the 2ndA for most is much more important and universal. If you have any common sense (the general you) you'll make sure you're stoked with guns and ammo to protect your own before you're worried about whether not the woman down the street did or didn't murder her unborn. I can whole heartedly condemn abortion and call it the murder of the unborn, while in tandem understand realistically it's never going to go away. Women have been killing their own babies for centuries when the pregnancy is too inconvenient for them. I'm not saying all women fall into this category, but #1 even many conservative women will believe the "my body my choice" to their bones because they refuse to be told by the government they can't do it, which is what makes them double down. #2 over those centuries women have been the only ones having those actual abortions, and it's so sacrosanct to the majority of women in general apparently especially in modernity, that it's just not plausible it ever goes away. While I can respect the diehard prolifers that will never compromise on the issue, for all of the grandstanding it will never amount to anything. Either take the small victories inch by inch towards the direction you want, or cross your arms and kick dirt while your cause right along side all of those aborted babies. Erick is right about that.

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Dies* right along side

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i'm a pro-life voter and i will vote for Trump (again). In 2019, i wrote and published "OMG We Are Killing Babies; Society has two choices, the Baby Lives or the Baby Dies." The $10 book presented objective facts, data, and photos. i sent a copy of that little book to the President and all 100 U.S. Senators, asking for help to educate folks about the reality that abortions kill unborn humans. i received few responses. Among them was a nice note from DJT thanking me for the book and a response from Senator Mike Lee pledging support. A very revealing response was from Senator Kamala Harris's office. They asserted-incorrectly--that they couldn't accept a ($10) "gift," so they returned the book without further comment. (Interesting sidebar: Jon Tester also returned the book.) This is only an "anecdotal event," but it underscores the reason why i would never vote for Harris...even though i am NOT a single-issue voter.

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We know this Erick. But it’s simple. Make this election about abortion and we lose. Bottom line.

Abortion is one issue that at this time, while important, is NOT the top issue.

But it is an issue that if we talk about it and make it the top priority we lose.

Win the election and then we can go back and deal with this. We earn nothing by being noble losers.

Trump is correctly countering the abortion argument and whatever small percentage of evangelicals, who are not your parents evangelicals, he may lose he gains other people.

And the whole gun ban to abortion ban is apples to oranges.

This is the second day in a row you are bashing Trump. It’s getting ridiculous at this point. So much more to talk about. I’m beginning to wonder whose side you’re on.

I think a good topic to ponder is Harris’s masquerade. Or the way she’s dodging the debate. Or her lack of any bounce in the polls after the convention.

None of that seems to matter to you.

Move on Erick. It’s much more fun to bash Harris than go after a rather small issue that will cost us the elections if we harp on it.

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If you think abortion is not a top issue, you're ignoring the campaign the Democrats are likely to run. Reproductive freedom will run a close second to defending democracy among the themes that Harris will be emphasizing. Trump can't avoid the issue, and it's a loser for him any way he tries to play it.

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It is a top issue but not the top priority for republicans. Why try to make abortion their top platform when the economy and all the other things like men in women’s sports mean more.

I’m not saying they abandon the babies but if we as conservatives go out touting our opposition to abortion and make it a key platform we lose.

My take on abortion is this push for banishment is no different than the war on drugs. And yes I know drugs are illegal but not my point.

We should focus on prevention and counseling as well as establishing some morale values. After all if a 15 year old doesn’t get pregnant what’s the point in having an abortion.

I know that simply saying don’t get pregnant is not reality but it’s not impossible either.

The problem with the left is they are adamant to kill babies. They mock and sometimes violently attack these pro life centers even burning some to the ground. Not right anymore than pro life activists violently blocking access to abortion clinics and assaulting abortion doctors.

Prevention is what we should focus on. Not outright bans or even restrictions

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I like your comparison of ant-abortion to the war on drugs, giving me something new to ponder that I never considered before. Thanks for that.

Indeed, this could be the exact way in which Trump might be able to thread this needle. (He won't though.)

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He’s not “Bashing Trump” he’s trying to help. Pretend for a moment that is his position, then re-read. Then, consider that Erick donated $1,000 to Trump’s campaign, and read again.

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I didn't expect to get up this morning and read another damn abortion piece by Erick

Enough already!

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The man’s Supreme Court nominees led to the overturning of Roe - a 50 year battle pro-life advocates have wanted. When he was last President he wrote an EO to end the govt paying for overseas abortions. He in his actions is the most pro-life president we’ve ever had. If his actions don’t speak more than his words then sorry, you’re not very bright. Pitch a fit and get Kamala elected and then whine, whine and whine….

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Exactly and I don’t get it. We get nothing by standing on the sidelines screaming about abortion.

Dems get credit on one thing. They know how to play politics. They know if they came out and said all the things they really want they would lose. Like gun bans, federal election laws, and taxing everyone.

They know they need to play conservative get elected and can then enact all their policies they want. Winning is what matters.

And as I pointed out yesterday and as you just did now. In 2016 trump won and we got 3 new Supreme Court justices who overturned wade.

Had Trump gone out there making that a campaign slogan he would have lost and the Dems, not us, would have gotten 3 new liberal justices.

It’s simple. Win first. Then we can go back and fix whatever we need to.

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Democrats are saying exactly what we want: (1) a ban on weapons comparable to those carried by soldiers (otherwise known as assault weapons), (2) election laws that allow every citizen to vote, and (3) taxing CEOs at at least the same rates paid by their secretaries.

It always tickles me when conspiracy theorists insist, for example, that Democrats secretly want to confiscate all guns. Two of the most extreme leftists that I know own guns!

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Let me break this down.

- a ban on weapons is unconstitutional. The point of the left is not to ban guns to save lives. But to 1. Disarm the public so they can have complete control. 2. Abolish the 2nd amendment. Abolish 1 and you can do that to them all. Freedom of religion would be next then speech. So on and so forth.

- election laws that allow anyone to vote is what you mean and anyone to vote fraudulently. All we ask is a federal ID program to ensure everyone that votes is legit. A ban on mail in ballots which are unconstitutional and fraudulent in my opinion. Dems want no regulations on voting. They want to ban guns and require 12 forms of identification for it but don’t care about voting. Why is that? Because a vote can be as dangerous as a gun.

3. A tax on the rich is a tax on us all. CEOs don’t pay taxes. Any raise in taxes gets passed on to the consumer so really it’s a tax on the poor. And dems say they don’t want to tax everyone but they do. And would happily institute a 60-70% tax on everyone. Poor or rich if given the opportunity.

And dems DO want to confiscate every gun in America because an armed citizenry is hard to take over. See Venezuela and what’s happening in Australia.

I don’t need to speak in conspiracy theories. This is fact and the dems aren’t hiding their hypocrisy.

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Well, abortion is a huge source of contributions for the Democrats. But wait, the planned parenthood political arm is separate from the abortion mills... right. And the moon is made of cheese.

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