"Pity progressives"? Absolutely not. Why under God's heaven should I have even a smidgen of sympathy for a motley collection of radical Marxist revolutionaries, Islamofascist seditionists, and other assorted enemies of the Constitution? Frankly, if a plane carrying half of them crashed tomorrow, killing all aboard, I'd pity the flight and cabin crews while calling all the other deaths a good start. Cold hearted? You bet it is, but for such enemies of liberty, I deem it to be the only honest response.

Now hopefully, the nascent banking crisis in China will become a full fledged disaster, as the Evergrande default sinks the Chinese Communists' seemingly invincible ship of state. That alone seems to be the only thing which would awaken the progs' tacit supporters among the sheeple, and once and for all time teach these woefully misled fools of the dangerous forces with which they trifle when they decide that mere fallen humanity has become so great that it is ready to assume the powers of the divine.

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad."

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Or in another context, "Sic semper tyrannis".

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I know you're fully invested in the GA Senate losses being supremely important but I think a case can be made that they are the best thing going for the GOP right now. With a 51-49 GOP majority Senate, the Murder Turtle would be in the position Chuck the Shmuck is right now, having his caucus lead by the Senators most likely to jump ship. Expecting Romney, Collins, or Murkowski to not follow the siren song of a 'bipartisan' budget busting package would be a forlorn hope. The simple fact that the GOP can't pass anything and this is an entirely intra-party Democrat fight is the only thing holding the GOP Senate together.

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We shouldn’t cave on the CR.

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Shutting down the government, especially with a Democrat in the White House, does nothing

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I disagree. It shuts down a feckless government. D or R in the White House.

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I am 100% always in favor of government shutdowns

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I know you are. People realize life goes on with very minimal disruption plus when they’re shutdown, the chances of doing damage goes down as well. If our gov was a business, it would be in receivership.

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Both of the Dem's "infrastructure" bills will raise taxes. Either on products directly or raise taxes on corporations. The first thing people need to understand is ALL taxes are paid by individuals. When you tax a company, it will mearly pass that tax along to those who use the products or services that they provide. Excise or "sin" taxes are paid by all, especially the middle and lower income workers. So tell your friends and family that neither of these bills will "cost nothing". When the government promises "free" stuff, someone has to pay for it. That is you and I in the form of taxes. My hope is that both bills never make it to law. Just my hope.

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Yes, I do pity the "progressives." They are victims of Mitch McConnell's playing of 3-dimensional chess while Schumer to Pelosi are playing children's checkers. Oh wait. We're supposed to really really hate Mitch McConnell now because the loser former president says so. Please.

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I agree with you Paul. It concerns me that Trump derides Mitch McConnell and doesn’t see how useful/essential he is. A successful leader finds the strengths in those surrounding him/her and uses them for the greater good. Sort of like Pres. Lincoln with his ‘Team of Rivals’. If Trump is to run again, I’d need to see that he’s learned something from his experience for me to vote for him again. Not trashing people is one if those lessons. I’m not picking up that he has learned anything. A smidge of humility-introspection would suit him well.

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Yep, it'll be fun, if watching the country you love fall apart before your eyes is fun.

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