You know Erick I’d like you to do an article about the many, many things Trump and his administration did that was positive for this country especially what he accomplished with our foreign policy. Most of the good things he did was never lauded by the media and was overlooked, and so many people don’t even know about them. All of the negative in the media and with the Democrats about Trump are not true but because the media writes about it, the general public thinks it is. And now with the planned pile up of lawsuits by the judicial system right before election season and yet people still can’t see the left’s strategy to get rid of Trump. Now is the time, for the true conservatives to backTrump, not dump him. Prove to the Democrats that we aren’t just sheep, that we can see through their thin veneer of evil.

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The world is going to hell in a handbasket because of the people that voted in 2020 for a geriatric managerial class puppet that today would not qualify for employment as a Walmart greeter.

The continued legal/judicial attacks against Trump, his campaign people and his supporters are both disgusting in how so called conservatives and those claiming to be against government tyranny celebrate it, and telling in why Trump remains the front-runner in the GOP field.

If never-Trumpers want to understand why the House GOP cannot come together to elect a speaker, then look in the mirror. The Democrats threatening to destroy the finances of people working on the Trump campaign to get them to "confess" is the stuff of a tyrannical banana republic.


Russiagate, the unfair treatement of Jan-6 protestors (like the Canadian Truckers) and these corrupt trials in Georgia... all combined with the rest of the US and world declining in chaos are creating a perfect storm for a justification of retaliatory tyranny that someone like me is going to have a very hard time objecting to.

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You're outraged by and focused on past and present injustices. I'm concerned about the future. I voted for Trump twice and will never do so again under any circumstances. He needs people like me, as well as independents, to vote for him -- and we won't. I would vote for DeSantis or Haley in a heartbeat. Do you want to vote your outrage, or do you want to win?!?

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I doubt you voted for Trump. Sound more like a Democrat activist paid to write.

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The last time I voted for a Democrat was in 1976. I turned pro-life in 1980, voted for Reagan, and have voted Republican ever since. I could speculate that you never voted at all before voting for Trump; there are plenty of Trump voters who were never Republicans OR Democrats. But that's just idle speculation, while the world is sliding toward a precipice. I have no confidence in Trump's erratic style of leadership in these dangerous times. He has no ideological grounding and no message discipline.

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I love reading the comments on your posts. It’s the only place where smart people with intelligent solutions and common sense can be found.

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We’ve become an unserious people with serious power, and nothing good can come of that.

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Things the media may not pass on to you: Just read in Epoch News this morning that the Chinese have 6 warships in the Red Sea. To my knowledge, we only have one ship. We appear to be out-manned and out gunned. don't like the odds.

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Would love a Desantis/Haley ticket and I don’t even care which one takes the top spot. I love Trump and always have but the hate towards him is going to ruin us.

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Well said, Erick. Keep speaking g truth.

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The Democrat's view on the border and antisemitism just makes me think that a good chunk of the donations to the DNC is from foreign entities. Yeah, I know, they are illegal, but an Obama donations handler just got caught 12 years later bringing in, what was it... Chinese donations? Catching these bozos decades later does nothing to prevent the previous 10 years worth of donations. Well, at least the punishment will be so harsh.... I make myself laugh out loud... nevermind.

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The House debacle is embarrassing. The dedication to Trump is astounding. But the US is not a player on the world stage at Armageddon, so it has to fall in influence. One day closer to Jesus.

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It is really hard to understand why anyone would prefer a discussion of Biden vs Trump and try to rationalize why it's ok because the stats are playable. That gos for supporters of both octogenarians.

It's a ridiculous debate on its face. Let's debate the survivability of jumping off a 10 story building vs having 200 pounds dropped on you from 10 stories.

This really underscores all politics are local, and local in this case means America. The world is on fire because liberals won at the ballot box and implemented their policies.

The Brazilian's have a saying, hot peppers up the butt of someone else doesn't hurt me. If Biden wins the world and the U.S. will continue to decline. If Trump wins the same will occur because he won't be able to effectively govern.

Both men are bad only for different reasons. But hay, your old white guy won so it's not your fault and all that is bad is the other party's fault.

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Trump’s economy and world stage was lots better that the present state of affair in which we find ourselves.

You don’t HAVE to like him.

Just implement those policies. No other GOP candidate has the votes. 🗳️

Let’s move onto voting him into office. The negativity toward Trump on this forum makes people think that there is another choice….clearly there is NOT another choice, at this moment.

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Nope, sorry, unacceptable.

Winning the primary is not winning the election.

Both these fools will burn down America and the world, it's just a matter of how.

The only difference is Trump will burn down the GOP which will have far longer negative consequences.

The choice of two octogenarian fools who only get 4 more years is not a choice.

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Well said. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the truth.

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I remember when Trump proposed a ban on immigration from several predominantly Muslim countries which were considered high terrorist threats.

So when we start seeing terror attacks in America, I hope Americans remember the Dems opposed him. More Importantly, I hope they remember it in a little less than 13 months at the ballot box.

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They will remember nothing. They will blame the next Republican in office. The Left is tone deaf, blind, and destructive.

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Brief. Accurate. Ouch!

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We've been warned!!

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Oh the ignominy of it all. I’ve followed you long enough to see when you are extremely frustrated… the sarcasm light burns ever so brightly! Great piece. Too bad it is so true no one will listen.

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The Never Trump needs to stop. It has become irrational. Every other major poll has Trump winning nationally and in every battleground state except one which I suspect will flip by November 2024. As for the problems you mentioned, it was Trump - not Trump policies - that mitigated the challenges. The wall was the first measure of a strong border security policy that got started even though RINOs like Paul Ryan fought him every step of the way. As for the Middle East, two words - Abraham Accords. Again, enough with the Never Trump people. It’s time to get serious. The Republican’s contesting Trump are a joke. They need to drop out. Now. Trump will win north of 80 million votes if the same old same old just stop and do the right thing.

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And if Trump is elected - in light of Jan. 6 and plans around Schedule F - what makes us think Trump will leave after 4 years, rather than attempt an autogolpe?

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Who cares if we are safe and happy and economical dependent?

The forum spouts how anti American and horrible the Dem policies are.

Why would we ever want to have democratic policies forced on us?

This is a knee jerk reaction, but think about all the bad points that are made about Democrats’

Policies. They may be ok on individual basis, but not to legislate law onto the whole of a state or country.

The majority of those policies aren’t logical, Christian like, good for the vast majority of the population, etc.

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Well the SCOTUS. I don't see Congress not certifying the election, although some idiot may pull the fire alarm and try to delay it... You know only a Trump humper would do that, right Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.?

This same BS was put forth by Republicans on Obama. Seriously, we have a Construction and institutions that still function.

The White House is not the Presidency. The secret service is not a bunch of gun toting cultist that will defend Trump against arrest and forced removal of he was stupid enough to stomp his feet, hold his breath and say I'm not leaving.

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Since he won’t win it’s no worry. However, I heard that nonsense when he was President, but it always the Dems who are the authoritarians, always. I appreciate some of the things Trump did as President, but I can’t stand the man now. He’s a selfish narcissistic ass.

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I'm largely with you - except in sharing your confidence that he cannot win. His odds are indeed long but are not zero - not in a scenario where Biden is the only other viable alternative on the Nov-24 ticket.

The time for choosing is not November 24. The time for choosing is now, in the upcoming primaries, when we decide who's on that ballot. It's up to us to nominate a better candidate. It's also time for the Hutchinsons and Burgums and Pences and Christies and (sadly) Scotts and (please) Ramaswamys to step aside and to throw their support behind one of the remaining candidates not named Trump.

One more thought: I, too, once felt that such talk about his authoritarianism was toothless nonsense, until he demonstrated it and, internally, orchestrated it. He has told us and shown us what he intends to do. Back in '16, he had sane people who protected us from his whims and his cruel instincts and his narcissism. Those sane people will not be on the scene if there's a new Trump administration.

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I honestly don’t know anyone worth a damn that will join his administration. God willing neither he nor Biden are the next President. If our country isn’t serious now we will pay a price that will make the 30s and 40s look like a good time. The debt will have to be paid or paid down, China will make a move on Taiwan, China’s economy will falter and will be felt across the world, the Mexican cartels will become more aggressive, the theocrats have a death wish that includes America and on and on and on. Biden is corrupt fool and Trump is a corrupt ass. Wake up Iowa and NH - Don’t Be Stupid!

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Yes. We are an unserious people living in a serious time.

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If it is Trump vs Biden, round 2, I will sit this one out. When the choice is between dumber and dementia the only question becomes why bother? The country recovered from a civil war. The country has survived time of economic collapse. The country will survive with either one of these two in the White House. We the voting public will pay the penalty of the election in which the loser is the citizens of the United States. Taxes will have to go up. Gas appliances may or may not be banned during the next president but the outrageous left will never stop in their push for powering the world with pinwheels and rainbows.

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Sitting out the top line (President) is one thing, a lot of people will be doing that (including me if it's between those 2 old geezers). But I'll vote Republican down ballot, the left is ruining this country.

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That’s not a good attitude. You’re interested or else you wouldn’t be commenting. I’m sorry you see it that way. Please change your mind and vote Republican.

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