I support these laws, but concede your fears are legitimate. When passing novel legislation, why don't we include a sunset clause in 5 or 10 years, so if your position is correct the law will expire, but be given a fair trial. The 2nd Amendment does not say every Yosemite Sam has a right to a rootin' tootin' good time and the public be damned, it says the States need a well regulated militia and an armed trustworthy citizenry is needed to provide that on short notice.

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Of course red flag laws will be weaponized against those with political beliefs unacceptable to the left. McConnell knew this would be a hard sell to most senators and put the 10 most likely to go along with the Democrats on the case. They know better, know it will be used against conservatives and other law abiding citizens, but insist on doing it anyhow. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they compromise our rights away.

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Red flag laws violate citizen’s Fourth Amendment rights. They make a person forfeit his/her due process right, and they make him /her forfeit the ability to confront an accuser, since such laws allow for anonymous reporting. It’s a good way to get gun confiscation through the back door.

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I totally agree. I believe it is fundamentally impossible for Congress to write and pass a bill that would be beneficial to most Americans.

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I would think that sleeping with a Chinese spy might also be a red flad trigger, which would eliminate Swalwell from ever owning a gun.

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This is why I'm extremely leery of "Red Flag" laws. They will be poorly written and abused by the left. Some of the other parts of the "gun safety" measures the Senate is reportedly looking at like school security and mental health may be worth looking at.

There's no such thing as "gun violence", guns in themselves are not violent. More phraseology of the far left.

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Absolutely good advice. The left will weaponize this as they do anything they can. Your comments, Eric, need to be sent to the ten republicans that appear to support the upcoming law. Not a fan of legislation formed as a reaction to events just to say they did something. Research, study, then enact actual solutions.

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No one would change the intent of these law(s) for their own ideological spin or personal gain... Nah!

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As a mental health provider with 40 years serving in the industry, I'm very concerned about some of the wording and the implications for behavioral health treatment. We're just getting to a point where people are less afraid of the stigma, but I know, as a resident of the south, people love their guns! Our daughters friends had guns at a very young age and if we have to begin reporting on teenagers, parents won't bring them when they really do need help. I agree something needs to be done, but accessing mental health records I believe is a big mistake.

What if we had some type of class and evaluation before they bought a gun? Maybe an 8 week class so the evaluator could experience them over time? We evaluate DUI offenders or people charged with substance abuse or domestic violence. But keep mental health records protected!

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Reasonably thought. You’ll probably be hated for it……😎

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Well said Erick

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Again, you are the voice of reason! Except for the grief it would bring your family, I wish you were representing us in Congress! Our nation needs your wisdom and insight. May your tribe increase!!

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Just contacted all the Pubbie Senators who voted for these red flag laws as part of the gun bill. They won't listen to me because I'm not from their states, but I don't care. I feel better for having made my voice heard. " Try it, you'll like it!"

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I suspect these laws will begin to be challenged and should be found unconstitutional given lack of due process. The question I have is how much damage to innocent lives will occur before that time?

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Tim Pool, a creator that strikes me as having pretty mainstream opinions, has had police show up to his house no less then a dozen times based on anonymous 911 calls. This is officers with, weapons drawn, showing up to his house in the middle of the night. It would be very easy for something to go terribly wrong during one of those responses.

There is clearly a fringe in this country, on the right and left, that will weaponize whatever they can in am effort to silence voices they feel oppose them.

It is the "politics of personal destruction" taken to a new level. Use whatever means available to not just defeat your "enemy" politically, but destroy them personally.

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Totally agree with you Erick - this will become a weapon for both sides of the aisle. When an accusation is made, the accuser needs to be identified, and if the accusation is found to be false, then that person should be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, to include and not limited to financial damages, both while defending themselves and any future possible loss of income, and that accuser should then be placed on a "watch" list for those making false accusations.

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