Thank you for sharing your thoughts Erick. Well done :D

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The same people trying to exploit Chandler's relationship are the same ones that derided Pence for not allowing himself to be alone in a room with a woman that was not his wife.

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It's refreshing to know that Chandler and his church are willing and able to work together to get through this matter in a scriptural and God-like manner.

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I’m curious to know what they discussed online. Pets, cooking, theology, etc. at first there appears to be just an online friendship but family issues can make the friend into something else.

When I send anything to a married woman (on pets, health, cooking, etc) her husband also gets a copy.

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When will Christians and Patriots stop using and participating in the woke social media platforms?

Don’t tell me you are ministering there or that’s where Jesus would be. Like Miami, nothing good happens there.

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The highlight of the story is the fact that while Chandler felt he did nothing wrong, he submitted himself to the authority of the church body. He did not view his role as the pastor as the head of the church body, or above it.

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Great story and thank you for sharing. I will share.

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Since I are a pastor (intended verb usage), and I have heard Chandler speak several times, I was interested in this event. Your analysis of this was balanced, scripturally laden, and well expressed. You highlight several aspects of biblical Christianity which makes it unpopular: 1) the Bible is counter-cultural,2) it is balanced, 3) it is not overtly political, yet addresses politics (woke, Dem/Rep, etc.), and 4) It is holy, separate from this world. Again, I sincerely thank you!

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Thank you for covering this. I saw a headline, but did not read the article. It's great to see a church & pastor handle a sticky situation so well. Thanks again!

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Keep preaching the wordPastor. The word is needed now more than ever.

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Thanks for covering this. I don’t know a ton about Chandler other than him getting called woke. But the way he and his church handled this situation is the best instance I have seen with pretty much any large church, ever. It is a testament to his character and the strength of church leadership at their church.

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