And the tongue lashings continue. Thank you!!

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So what the actual hell is going on? In a year that should be overly favorable to the GOP, it looks like the Senate is about to be lost and possibly the House. If that is the case, it’s full steam ahead with the green agenda. I blame Tik Tok.

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I continually marvel how the state of Kentucky has sustained the most diametrically opposed Senators in McConnell and Paul. An establishment team-player and a liberty-minded anarchist. It’s fascinating to watch, and all thanks to the democratic process. Grab some popcorn and enjoy

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I'm glad the Supremes struck down Roe. I just wish the deed were done in a non election year. I also wish the red states had just stepped back and taken a deep breath and delayed any and all abortion legislation until next year. This issue is not going anywhere at the state level and just added unnecessary complication to a national election. Bill said it best: "It's the economy, stupid". Abortion just didn't need to be a defining issue at this time.

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My criticism of McConnell has nothing to do with on who or where he spent money. He may be a good tactician. You would know better than I. But he’s not a great leader. He has essentially been absent as it relates to some of the nation’s greatest challenges.. He hasn’t spoken out or educated on the perils of MMT. He has not articulated why an open border is dangerous, criminally and economically. And he really appears to cave with every CR or spending bill. In times like this being against something is not enough. Leaders need to be front and center educating, persuading and fighting for American interests. Again, McConnell might well be an excellent tactician, but he’s not an excellent leader. We need leaders that can articulate the why and the benefit of the why to all of the American people. The GOP needs a DC leadership reset

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MMT?? MMT was quietly implemented by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department during COVID in the PREVIOUS (that would be the TRUMP) administration. It's just that no one called it that. But that's what it was. It was continued in the BIDEN administration. We'll see if the Federal Reserve will be capable of unwinding all the QE er MMT bond buying done over the last few years.

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We'll never know if someone else would have delivered three Supreme Justices as Mitch did. Other than that, I agree with you more than not.

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He did deliver, but again more tactical than anything. He’s got zero charisma and far from inspirational. He needs to be replaced by someone who can both articulate a vision and tactically execute. It’s long past time.

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We deserve everything that’s happened…. Blame doesn’t benefit anything or anyone. Our country is following history of great empires.

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The blame game is a losing discussion! America needs leadership, who will provide that vision? Biden has done nothing but hack away at Trump. Throwing Trump into the fray when most of the voters ranked him number two in the last 2 presidential races is a losing strategy. (Rather obvious) Why can’t we attack the abysmal record of Biden? Most democrats don’t want him but Trump candidates less.

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So basically, the democrats strategy of spending millions to get trump endorsed candidates on the ticket worked very well. Jeez the democrats are so good they got a vegetable and a freaking dead guy elected.

Not only that but trump is attacking members of his own party and a fat ugly boy just won a miss america beauty pagent in New Hampshire. I don't know if clorox has enough bleach to pour in the gene pool to fix this mess.

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100% agree. We have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court because of Mitch McConnell. We may not always agree with him, but he is a pro-life conservative and a master of the rules and procedures of the Senate, and without him as Majority Leader, Merrick Garland would now be a Supreme Court Justice. How would the critics of Sen. McConnell like that?

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Dude, you're supposed to take the day off!

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"She could have gone Manchin and betrayed her party as Manchin has betrayed his." This bemused me a bit. I was never quite sure what Manchin's endgame was on all his political stalling -- but I would rather have a senator who voted what was best for the country than what was best for the party. We have to hire/vote for people who have a thoughtful brain and vision, and who can take a broader view than "must tic this box because I am a Dem/Rep". If we already knew how they are going to vote on any particular issue, why bother sending them at all?

For the record, I do believe Trump needs to embrace the part of elder statesman and step back. We need a strong leader, someone who truly can rally us all as Americans first -- Trump is just too polarizing, and, I fear, too old, and this is coming from someone who voted for him in 2016 and 2020. We need new, fresh, vigorous blood with an energetic vision that encompasses us all as a country, not just the "left" or the "right."

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I believe Trump should retire. Enjoy the time you have left in this World. I am surprised he hasn’t started a political candidate training school.

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Well, his last university didn't work out too well . . . (d&r!)

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A political candidate training school would be the perfect grift.

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Forgot to add we need a win in Georgia so if you can’t rally the vote stay out of it

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I think that the problem with McConnell is not so much his strategy playing candidates, it is the lack of a compelling Republican coalition with a winning message. McConnell is in bed with the establishment and thus was playing both sides of the same political coin. That is why the GOP failed to pull in moderates and young voters... not because they hated Trump... because Trump was not on the ticket... but because the Republicans allowed themselves to be negative branded while ONLY attempting to win allowing the Democrats to step in their own mess. In other words, no contrasting plan for what the Republicans would do if elected... because McConnell and the rest of the establishment GOP actually supports some of the same things that the Democrat establishment wants.

So voters voted for the devil they know instead of the new devil that would be just like the old different devil.

This loss goes directly to McConnell and to McCarthy to a lesser degree. Hearing Paul Ryan blame Trump confirms this fact.

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I like Trumps policies but I don’t care for Trumps whining and crapping on other Republicans thou shall not speak I’ll of another Republican

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Well stated . Like what you think

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Full disclosure - I followed your free stuff for probably two years. It took me a long time to decide to be a paid follower as I don't always agree with you and sometimes even believe you are just wrong. Yet, you provide a great perspective and I think you are surely honest, sincere and fact-based. This article though while all the facts about spending between McConnell and Trump are right on, I have a hard time with McConnell bashing Republican candidates as mediocre or just weak. I think McConnell needs to be viewed as a standalone and not just "not as bad as Trump"

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