So I turn on Fox News last evening and there sits Sean Hannity yakking about Trump and Hillary Clinton, Trump and Russia, Russia, Russia, photos of Peter Strozok along with his paramour Lisa Page; on and on all things Trump ad nauseam. Can we stipulate that Trump got screwed, the Raid was a hoax and move on to something important like, say, the 2022 Mid Terms. After all, Trump. Is. Not. Running. for Anything in 2022. The Democrats are delighted to battle Sean Hannity and his crowd over everything Trump for the next three months. It will take the heat off Biden, who, in case you haven't noticed, has already been sent to the basement. But, if you are a Trump supporter regardless of the cost, you probably don't mind going down on the Georgia Ship again - purity and all that crap. There is an old saying that goes like this: "When your enemy is trying to kill himself, get out of his way." The Democrats with be happy to hold coats while the Republicans battle with the media over all things Trump.

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Totally Agree with you!!

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The GOP is going to struggle until they address 2 problems:

First, the party needs to have a plan. The GOP has nothing to offer the American people other than not being Biden. They are counting on a bad economy to get them elected. That plans starts to lose effectiveness when people begin to accept the economic conditions and the reality that they are not quite as bad as the GOP is trying to tell them. Republicans need a plan. A plan on healthcare. A plan on immigration. A plan for foreign policy. A plan on spending.

Secondly, Republican voters need to stop being stupid. Seriously, too many GOP voters are anti-science, anti-authority, anti-expertise rubes. This strain of anti-intellectualism in the GOP base is frustrating. Climate change is real. Vaccines work, even the Covid vaccine. (Sure it has risks, but the vaccine is no more dangerous than the virus.) Fox News lies to you as much as CNN does, you just like the lies. While there was no collusion, the Trump campaign did a lot questionable stuff in 2016. The 2020 election was not stolen. Handling of classified mattered in 2016 and still does.

It is getting increasingly difficult for serious minded people to align with a party that is being pulled to the fringes by a base that is irrational.

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It does work so well for you all to insist that people who look at all the available information on any given subject and reach a different conclusion than you do, are anti-science, anti-authority, anti-expertise rubes. Maybe, just maybe you all are the ones who don't know your tail from a hole in the ground. You could also be one of those who had "educated" himself right out of common sense. Spew the garbage you have been told, but we still have better sense than to believe it.

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As Ben Shapiro says, facts don't care about your feelings. In my experience, most hard right voters use the "all available information" claim when they really mean far right websites. Study after study show how ill-informed most voters are, even those on the right.

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Reading the Infowars website doesn't qualify for inclusion in "all the available information."

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That is something I have never seen or read in my life. So, I have no idea what you are even trying to say with that comment. I will assume it is supposed to be insulting. However, your opinion, even if I was familiar with the context, is of no importance to me.

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Then why did you bother posting your opinion? Why did you respond to me if you don't care?

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The cllimate change SCAM is a money grab for dim muck rats to give to their friends to be cycled back to the dims. Vaccines are worthless and dangerous.

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Climate change is not a scam, it is a scientific fact based on observation and data. The scam is the solutions presented by many activist politicians.

Informed voters learn to understand the difference between the two, because it is a critical difference.

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I should say the Covid vaccines are worthless and dangerous. Not sure about some of the other more modern vaccines but I have doubts about those too.

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Thanks for proving my point about being anti-science.

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I am not sure where you get your climate and vaccine information but I feel sorry for you for being so gullible and not doing your own research to find the truth. Unfortunately there a millions around the world being led down the same path. Good luck.

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You just keep proving my point. Only an ignorant person believes they are the only ones that understand the truth and everyone else is being misled.

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Pull the trigger to flood all Republican communications channels to establish a drumbeat from now through the election to plainly point out that Trump is not on the ballot, but every single Democrat member of the house and 1/3 of the senate is. Every single one of them voted in lock step with everything that has put the US in this precarious economic position. If Americans want to stop the bleeding, vote them out. Articulate the difference to get us back onto a growth agenda and not climate hysteria fueled decline.

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The Media Industrial Complex will always cover his failures. The only reason Biden hasn’t been replaced is that Harris is a monumental train wreck.

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Excellent commentary, Erick! We ARE the stupid party.....

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It’s so frustrating!

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Great points Erick. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for the GOP. Must be morons I guess…

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But a few of them can actually define what a woman is.

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Despite the founding fathers intention to limit the size of government we find ourselves with this really deep administrative state that has the FCC (and as a tentacle M.S.M.) under their control. They control banks. They control transportation. Energy. Imports. Exports. Everything has some portion of it under the authority of Washington elite administrators never elected, never held accountable, and acting thus. Their fight now is their greatest chance to keep power. Wag the Dog is an excellent analogy Erick! Watch the movie again people and VOTE CONSERVATIVE if you can.

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Erick, Trump's re-election in 2020, had he succeeded, would have been "only four years" too. There's no reason not to put him back in office for those last four years and a couple really good ones to do it.

First, let's get him elected with Cruz or someone like that as his VP. Then, he uses his lame duck term to be the Bull in the China Shop and absolutely wreck the place. WRECK IT. Don't just drain the swamp. Fill it in and pave it over. Done. He can use his four years of not caring so his VP can see the true colors of everyone who is going to be there beyond him. Then, that VP can put Ron DeSantis on as his VP in 2028. The VP-Now-President then removes or makes impotent all those Trump exposed. What that does is give us our country back in my lifetime in a very real way. 2032 becomes the year the Republic rises again as a nation of freedom for everyone where the Constitution is the law of the land for everyone rather than only valid when the Left can beat the Right with it.

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Unfortunately, if you all can see we are choosing between a 76 year old and a 78 year old. Don't we have better? One of them says that we have cancer and other ask us to drink bleach.

Country where everything is designed but manufactured elsewhere cannot find one person who could lead us who is not that old. Lobbyist, political analyst of the two parties have gone into their shell and no one wants to think outside the box. They never will. It is not their money. It has all come to make people angry and win.

How much money will be spent to bring down a person? it was all taxpayers money. Muller, Jan 6th investigation.

I am sure most of us do not approve of Jan 6th. But we will argue that the same happened in Arkansas in 2011.

2016 was not rigged, 2020 was not rigged too. Unless democrats come out and say 2016 was legit, then why should we say 2020 was legit. This is what our fight has come to.

Sometimes I have a feeling only war brings us together. I hope this time it is not internal.

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This. Absolutely. We made fun of the whinny progressives who said "Russia Collusion Stole Our Election" for four years. They impeached the duly elected president with no evidence in a political kangaroo court, twice. Now, because they are mentally unstable they are still pursuing him because he might get a lame duck term. I for one hope he does if for no other reason than to let the American people watch their heads explode again. They are so unbalanced by this man it might just make everyone realize how unbalanced the other side has become. Maybe then they'll grow beyond them.

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The problem will be Trump and his vanity. This new round of victimhood has already resulted in at least 10 Trump fundraising emails hitting my inbox daily.

I can see the ads and messages in my mind. "They want to make this about me when its really about the fear of having to answer for their own failed policies. We have gone from energy independence to dollars more per gallon of gas. Record wage growth and families getting ahead to record inflation and a looming recession."

"I am not on the ballot this November, but Democrat policies and the people who voted to put them in place are. In this time of record inflation every single Democrat voted for to spend $737,000,000,000, and had the chutzpah to call this monstrosity the inflation reduction act when it does nothing of the sort. There was not one single Republican vote for this payoff to pet Democratic causes with a few pennies thrown in for Medicare and other areas to distract you. Do not be fooled and stay focused on stopping this hemorrhaging of our life and treasure. Only your votes in November can stop this continued recklessness. "

If he had to he could point to the complete inaction wrt Hillary's server which was acknowledged to have been accessed by bad actors with storming his homestead for a few pieces of paper that had been lying in state for over 18 months.

Eric is totally right. Make them ALL ANSWER FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Not just about Biden. They are all complicit in where the American people stand today. Make them answer. Sadly the big question is will they make them answer or placate Trump's desire to be the center of attention?

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I would love to hear a non-stop drum beat out of Mar-a-lago about the double standard as illustrated by Hillary's server, emails, and classified data there. Let's get that back to the fore in the conversation. Yes. All day, every day.

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Republicans never actually do anything right, they just get lucky.

Democrats never do anything wrong, they are always victims of circumstance.

I understand the argument in the left's eco chamber. When they stop pretending their position is based on a reasoned examination of the facts we can start haveing an honest debate about policies.

For my part I concede Trump is the wrong person going forward, I wish he would go away.

But who will the Democrats give me as an alternative? Biden 2.0, Kamala, Boot-edge-edge, Fortune 500 billionaires (because Trump)? More hapless victims of circumstance, or CRT/DEI true believers?

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Their position is based on a "reasoned examination of the facts." Their definitions are different than ours and their "facts" are different as well because their definitions are different. That leads them to different conclusions. The problem we face is the insanity that the results aren't taken for what they are and we can't convince them their efforts have failed. Until they are willing to re-evaluate their "facts and assumptions" there won't be a discussion. We'll continue to be wrong and "that isn't real socialism" will continue to be their answer no matter how many times they try it again.

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I don't think it's about socialism pee se. Even is Bernie Sanders were President we would continue to be a market driven, capitalist economy.

It's about totalitarianism. Originating on the left (the world over, throughout history) there are now too many conservatives that would happily use the left's tactics to their ends.

Take the power out of Washington, give it back to the states.

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My quote about socialism was merely illustrative and not that it might be that they think it's the answer. Everything is like that with them. Results of their failed policies are only failures because they were "implemented incorrectly" and never because the policy is a failure or won't work. That's my point. I 100% agree with you we need to reduce the size of the Federal government and get it back to the semi-sovereign states where it was intended to be.

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Thank you Erick for a full article of what ALL the Republicans need to GET WITH IT to get Republicans back to being REAL Republicans again. I know I repeated myself but it was on purpose because they need to get our attention and you did an excellent job.


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