For the media, it's all about ratings and money. Trump brings that to them, other candidates do not. I believe the Trump camp is dealing with short memories. He tried to destroy the state of Georgia. I will remember that come primary time.

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Erick, I wish I could agree with your narrative, but I think DeSantis' problems are much more severe than a negative press pool. Not since Marco Rubio have I seen a candidate I've invested hope in collapse from such a string of unforced errors, starting with the Ukraine "territorial dispute." I know you support a 6 week abortion ban, but in 2023 America it is an asinine position. Likewise his doubling down on the fight with Disney - he could have been magnanimous after he proved his point and got the CEO sacked, instead he's wresting a tar baby. I think he's jumped the shark, I'm looking for someone else.

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Hate to say but punting might be the best option for DeSantis at this time. I would vote for trump if he were to become the nominee. I prefer DeSantis but will then a large percentage of Trumps supporters then back RDS if he wins the GOP? I Feel like If Trump is we lose the presidency and If DeSantis is Trump doesn’t urge his supporters to back the winner but actually does just the opposite. Hope I am Wrong. If RDS jumps in the God Speed!

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I think the likelihood of Trump backing any nominee that is not him is slim to none.

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There is always a danger when a blog or post like this is read and I like it so much. Do I like this because it agrees with my preconceived notions? Or do I like this because it's true, it comports with reality?

I do really like this, but while not giving myself undue cache, I like it because it states a truth. The truth is not that DeSantis will absolutely be victorious, but it is true because you have framed this argument very astutely. This could go very badly for DeSantis. Yet this could also go extremely well.

I cannot see into the future. Nor will I engage in prognostication which I know has no basis in reality. Yet the press has undermined their credibility through their desire to push everything toward an ever increasing progressive extreme. There is a balance in the universe. It is not karma, or the ever-present yin & yang of Taoism. It also has nothing to do with DeSantis being a Republican. It has everything to do with absolute truth and natural (reality) law. When one seeks to work with natural law, they may get bloodied, but they eventually win. My hope is the Lord will allow us to see a win.

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Nothing has changed since "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington." The Media Machine is preemptively running full power against Mr. DeSantis.

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“NEWS” is defined as “information about a recently changed situation or a recent event”. It’s not what we see today, which is recycled nonsense for click bait.

It IS news when you report that DeSantis will not leak to the press.

EVERYTHING else they report about what he is planning is FAKE NEWS and “crap”, although Sir Thomas Crapper would likely be offended to be associated with this garbage instead of the toilet that he invented.


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Bush 42 made the mistake of not responding to his critics while he was president. He would not allow the Office of the President to be sullied. I remember Rush talking about it. His legacy took a hit, he is still "the stupidest president".

I love what DeSantis is doing in principal. He is doing something different. Just as Trump did in the Middle East removing the terrorist "Palestinians"; everyone previous thought they had to go through them.

DeSantis is removing the terrorist, can he effectively communicate without them?

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Yeah funny how people seem to forget the vitriol targeted at GWB. And his father for that matter. They also went after Romney and his "binders full of women" comment. Any and I mean anyone that runs for president with an R next to their name will be dragged through the mud. You can say trump is this or trump is that. But then watch when Desantis gets the nomination and a bombshell, non - story drops. Or a woman comes out of the woodwork claiming Ron teased her in Grade school. It won't matter what it was the media will pump it up to look like the worse scandal since Nixon.

Erick says "But look at all the soft spoken conservatives who ran and won... and all the trump candidates who lost "winnable" races " whatever. Those weren't for president.

Trump is an easy target because he makes a lot of unforced errors with his mouth but don't make the mistake of thinking "Anyone but Trump..." Because he is not the problem. The media is.

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An experiment worth trying.

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The conclusion here is the most important. The national press likes their position and power to make and destroy. Whether they do it from the position of the left or right they are not a free press.

I sincerely hope DeSantis has a plan to communicate across the nation.

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Yep, a pincer movement on them. Ignore them, and develop better sources of 'just the news'. I'm currently looking into the newly re-started New York Sun, as a source of actual news, no spin.

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Gonna be interesting

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I agree with Lisa. You are the only one I listen to. I can't trust the media any longer to give us the unbiased truth, or even any truth

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DeSantis is meticulous. That could cost him (has, with the current polling). He studied the findings of children acquiring COVID before deciding Florida's schools must be open, while Donald Trump, arms folded like Mussolini, stood behind Fauci and noddingly approved school closures all over the country -- a devasting blow to children's educations. Trump studies nothing, except building and golf course designs. He has basic feelings many of us approve of -- the U.S. shouldn't be suckers for the rest of the world (trade, UN support, borders, etc.) and taxes and regs should be low. This weekend on Fox, Rachel Campos-Duffy kept calling Trump "brave," but he was blissfully ignorant in not challenging Fauci, and a profligate spender and border wall deserter in not vetoing one Continuing Resolution or bloated Omnibus bill. Hardly a profile in courage. What he IS is a profligate liar, vicious against any perceived threat, so he and his team are actively lying about DeSantis. If Trump is called out on his lies, as Andy McCarthy just did in NR, then DeSantis's waiting might pay off. The obnoxious side of Trump (that cost him and GOP congressmen elections) will be revealed again for those who forgot. Fox people like Mark Levin, Larry Kudlow and Fox & Friends hosts, who claim to champion truth and justice, might start calling Trump's lies out. (At least they might put Andy McCarthy on!) Don't count on MSM to do it -- they want Trump to be the nominee, and no way DeSantis. They're not stupid.

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One point. The criticism of Desantis proves my point that no matter who runs the media will rip them apart.

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Yes, they accused McCain and Romney of both being extremists. Both about were / are moderate R as one can get. They’ll even accuse Haley and Scott of being racists…

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I agree, but I keep going back to Reagan. The media had a field day with him, with "Bedtime for Bonzo" references and "Ronald Reagan...the ACTOR??" followed by a hardy laugh. But Reagan had a way of responding that exposed the media for the partisan hacks they were (and are) while not offending the sensibilities of those who didn't want to engage in street fighting. Reagan embodied the mantra "Speak softly, but carry a big stick." IF DESANTIS CAN FIND THAT BALANCE, he can skyrocket past whatever rocks the media might throw during the campaign while continuing to firmly but gently discredit them. For me, that's the winning combination. Don't take their crap, but don't throw roundhouse punches at every comment, either.

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Different time in Reagan's day.

The media was not controlled by the liberals in the manner it is today. If Reagan ran as president today he would have been vilified worse than trump.

I believe strongly that it doesn’t matter who runs. If we don’t bring back or influence back those republican voters who voted for the dems in 2022 it won’t make a difference.

Voters who went out and voted for dem candidates simply because trump endorsed the other candidate is wholly what is wrong with todays situation.

You can say, “well that won’t happen with Desantis…” HA it’s happening.

NBC yesterday was already touting how Ron is really trump-light. A dig at the bud light controversy.

They will tie Desantis to trump and the dem controlled media will respond in kind. Trump won’t stop if Desantis gets the nomination and will campaign for Ron further tying him to Donald.

Those Republican idiots who voted for dems will vote for Biden again are thinking “man he’s just like trump…”

That’s what will happen.

Then you say “but kemp…” kemp won because he played like a democrat. He bashed trump worse than some democrats even. Desantis won’t do that.

Nope sorry. Until we remove the media stigma every candidate will be tied to trump in some way and be crucified on the liberal cross accordingly.

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Yeah, I've got to agree with Meg on this one. I could have had a memory lapse but I don't remember Kemp playing Trump's reindeer games. My recollection is that he pretty much ignored Trump. And if he did have a response it was nowhere near what Democrats were slinging.

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“Kemp bashed Trump like a democrat…”? Seriously? How did the news media miss that? Trump bashed Kemp repeatedly, and Kemp, time and time again, did not respond.

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With so many media enemies DeSantis must be do something right that they think they have to be so critical. I wish it would be possible for you Mr. Erickson to have a sit down with the Governor. I would really like him to be our next president.

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“Should DeSantis do well, despite all press coverage, it would be another very strong indication that the press’s ability to shape public opinion is weaker than it has ever been.”

Hope springs eternal.

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