It simply means that, in her case, forget that she has such a purist opinion of herself and apparently identifies with and loves to consider herself equal to the underprivileged and oppressed victims in the world, she is still vain enough to have perfect teeth. She is the epitome of a privileged white urban female leading a mob of self absorbed media folks at NPR. Means nothing about anybody else. Just her.

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Forty or fifty years ago, weren't there something like 100+ media companies, but now there are only six? Can't these be considered illegal monopolies/oligarchies to be broken up?

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Let's hear it for the AWFULs...!

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Apr 17·edited Apr 18

She has no connection to reality whatsoever, and is the personification of "dingbat".

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Looks like the leadership at NPR is truly (an) AWFUL (Affluent White Female Urban Liberal.)

Make NPR a 501-C(3) non-profit so the rich, guilty, virtue-signalling white Progressives can donate as much as they want. But not one more cent of taxpayer money should go to this corrupt organization.

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People that listen to NPR think it makes them more informed about the world around them or the bumper sticker makes you look like your really smart caring member of society which we know is not the case. Time to defund NPR and get the tax payers off the hook

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What a pity, the enslaved press is slowly dying? Say it isn't so, y'all. :)

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Erick - Excellent summary.

I have friends and relatives that Listen to MSNBC and NPR and believe all of their Socialist articles. Sometimes I listen to these F SOCIALIST just to hear what these people that think they are so smart are hearing. Not sure if they are just trying to pretend to be "good" most of these are really self centered greedy people.

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But are they really dying? Consolidating perhaps. The NYT is quite profitable after going all in on leftist America and eschewing actual journalism. But the biggest challenge is that progressive dark money is funding hundreds of reporters inside daily newspapers across the nation. And billionaires can buy newspapers as playthings without regard to profitability. So are they dying, or just getting worse and remaining very much alive?

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Why make up anything about the media when they are a parody of everything they believe in? You just can't make this stuff up. They read like a script for skit on SNL, not funny, not intelligent, not thoughtful but very enlightening on how far left they have gone. In leaving any form of sanity behind they have made themselves relevant to only 1/3 of the country, the hard core left of the Democratic party. When they claim readership or viewership is down they have only themselves to blame. Those that see past their talking points have abandoned them. Why read or watch the news when you know it is really an opinion piece full of half truths or outright lies?

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‘Rosa Parx’ - 😂

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And I see from her photo, she also has nice teeth. I vowed years ago to stop listening to or watching NPR the equivalent of elevator music.

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Your NPR tax dollars at work....

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Defund NPR.

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I used to love and support NPR. Couldn’t-get-out-of-the-car-because-I-couldn’t-stop-listening good. Had a sticker on my car. I remember people questioning me on it. I’d would respond by pulling up any news story online for npr, fox news and cnn. NPR was clearly the most balanced, and it was like that for a long time. Sure there was commentary that leaned left.

Somewhere along 2014 they started doing more stories about transgender, and they were definitely not balanced. I really didn’t notice this for a while. Get to 2019, and I believe the last straw was a piece NPR did that named “they” as the word of the year. And then since then it’s been a steep slope to the bottom left.

Such a sad fall. I don’t wish any group of people ill will, but please don’t repeatedly try to shove it down my throat (how’s that not ill will?) and please don’t ask me to donate so I can hear more of it.

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Perfect ! Everyday when I read your columns I regain some of the hope that has been gradually depleted the past few years…thanks Erick!

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