The line I have used for the last several years - if everything is racism, nothing is racism. And to Erick's point, you run out of words for real racism.
We know that Trump’s selection for his cabinet are not the worst.Joey from Scranton already set the bar for that so let’s move on and go back to racist,nazi ,homophobe,anti trans ,etc etc . I didn’t vote for the supposed experts on the left or right that means you John Bolton. So STF up.
I beg to differ, Erick. Donald J Trump is considered to be the ultimate evil, their Satan, the beast and serpent of old, and the Anti-Christ in their religion of government. They consider ANYONE who supports and/or associates with him in any way a demon of DJT. Therefore the beast and his demon followers must be treated as such.
No one can be any one worse than DJT and his followers. That is their belief.
10 points to Gryffindor for good word usage: prescient.
Their words mean absolutely nothing to me at this point. They won't admit the press is lying. They won't admit any of the attacks on Trump were lies i.e. the Steele Dosier, Russia Gate I & II, Mara Lago Raid, Hunter's Laptop disinformation (don't EVER speak to me about disinformation again Leftists), Joe Biden is cognitively fine, and it goes on and on. They have ZERO moral high ground on telling America who the bad guys and good guys are. Zero.
The only way I will consent to having the conversation again is when the Left issues a public apology and stops listening to the liars. They won't, so I can safely ignore them and have conversations with intellectually honest and sound people like you Erick, and most of the folks who subscribe to your Substack.
Also it is as I said even when MG was getting the grilled relentlessly. People don’t understand it’s not just one person or one subject. The left has lost it.
They will go after anyone on the right. They fear being wrong, they want their way or no way.
- did you hear Pete farted in 3rd grade in front of the teacher? Did you hear (insert trump candidate here) walked down the street the wrong way and jay walked when they attended college? Gasp > scandal.
Yet the real scandal is on the left. The last two mayors in dem run cities to be ousted, are democrats.
Look at the recent ads. Look at girls sports. They don’t seem to care anymore how far left they go and how extreme they are.
Trump can at least end the trans madness right away on day 1, if he gets there. But the left will always be the left.
I have long said the Left projects what they secretly are doing or want to do on their opponents. Those things they accuse us of loudest are the things they are either doing actively, planning to do, or want to do.
Like it. We are to the point that we hear what are dogs are hearing. Blah blah blah blah
Woody(my dog) blah blah blah. Next we are all going to start cocking our heads to listen to the media because we hear absolutely nothing coming out of their mouths. Lol
True, and if Donald Trum suddenly stated the sky is blue the Democrats (Fetterman aside) would call him a liar. Schiff, Whitehouse and Schumer together in the senate 🤮 - thank the good Lord the R’s have 53 seats.
This Nation started this "out of words" type living because we started having teachers that wanted more pay and less work because of Unions and worthless people in charge. It has just continued to get worse. My Mother was a teacher back in the early 1900's. I have watched the change though a lot of years with my children, grand children and great grand children. The last two generations have NOT gotten any education like I and my children did. It is a sad state of affairs of todays schools and what the children don't get in school today.
Yes. Education is the key. If we can get school choice into law in all 57 states (yes, that was sarcasm. I know there are 50 states) we can retake our country as we return to teaching Civics, the Constitution, and American history as it occurred rather than the mythology the Left would like to believe.
We homeschooled our three boys. Best decision we’ve ever made in regards to our kids. They got classical education and college was a literal breeze for them - with the exception of a few classes here and there - graduated debt free because they lived at home and took advantage of dual enrollment in high school, and in state tuition (each year was less than $2k). One is in finance and the other in law enforcement. Third is a sophomore and going into medical field of some kind. It’s the education department. Big. Fat. Fail.
One of my grandmothers only went to school to the 8th grade. She was born in the late 1800's. We exchanged letters many years ago when I lived far from her. Since then, I have had the pleasure of reviewing written reports from young people recently graduated from both high school and college. My 8th grade educated grandma had better grammar, spelling and handwriting than any college graduate whose reports I reviewed. My teachers in the 1960's and 1970's were older, many having also taught my parents. It was definitely downhill after that.
My Father was about he same way. He only got through the 6th grade, but was sheriff for 8 years and was a wonderful Father that really helped me get started. And he knew the proper grammar.
Erick, I finally officially signed up today for your site. Been a fan for years, so this is my Christmas present to myself.
Loved today’s column; love CS Lewis.
Howdy to all of you commenters: I feel like you are somewhat family.
The line I have used for the last several years - if everything is racism, nothing is racism. And to Erick's point, you run out of words for real racism.
Today’s lesson was brought to by the Queen of Word Salads and former candidate for President…..Kamala Harris.
Words Matter.
We know that Trump’s selection for his cabinet are not the worst.Joey from Scranton already set the bar for that so let’s move on and go back to racist,nazi ,homophobe,anti trans ,etc etc . I didn’t vote for the supposed experts on the left or right that means you John Bolton. So STF up.
I beg to differ, Erick. Donald J Trump is considered to be the ultimate evil, their Satan, the beast and serpent of old, and the Anti-Christ in their religion of government. They consider ANYONE who supports and/or associates with him in any way a demon of DJT. Therefore the beast and his demon followers must be treated as such.
No one can be any one worse than DJT and his followers. That is their belief.
10 points to Gryffindor for good word usage: prescient.
Their words mean absolutely nothing to me at this point. They won't admit the press is lying. They won't admit any of the attacks on Trump were lies i.e. the Steele Dosier, Russia Gate I & II, Mara Lago Raid, Hunter's Laptop disinformation (don't EVER speak to me about disinformation again Leftists), Joe Biden is cognitively fine, and it goes on and on. They have ZERO moral high ground on telling America who the bad guys and good guys are. Zero.
The only way I will consent to having the conversation again is when the Left issues a public apology and stops listening to the liars. They won't, so I can safely ignore them and have conversations with intellectually honest and sound people like you Erick, and most of the folks who subscribe to your Substack.
Prescient, REALLY?
Oh, come on, that's great word usage. Do you not think it is appropriate?
[ presh-uhnt, ‑ee-uhntpree-shuhnt, ‑shee-uhnt ]
having prescience, or knowledge of things or events before they exist or happen; having foresight:
The prescient economist was one of the few to see the financial collapse coming.
It's a good word to have in one's vocabulary quiver.
It's gonna take a while, but if the right can get people to ignore the left and move on with their lives, the left will either change or perish.
I prefer the latter.
Reminds me of Dash from
The Incredibles - if everyone’s special that means no one’s special.
It is bad but fixable if we start now.
Also it is as I said even when MG was getting the grilled relentlessly. People don’t understand it’s not just one person or one subject. The left has lost it.
They will go after anyone on the right. They fear being wrong, they want their way or no way.
- did you hear Pete farted in 3rd grade in front of the teacher? Did you hear (insert trump candidate here) walked down the street the wrong way and jay walked when they attended college? Gasp > scandal.
Yet the real scandal is on the left. The last two mayors in dem run cities to be ousted, are democrats.
Look at the recent ads. Look at girls sports. They don’t seem to care anymore how far left they go and how extreme they are.
Trump can at least end the trans madness right away on day 1, if he gets there. But the left will always be the left.
I have long said the Left projects what they secretly are doing or want to do on their opponents. Those things they accuse us of loudest are the things they are either doing actively, planning to do, or want to do.
Like it. We are to the point that we hear what are dogs are hearing. Blah blah blah blah
Woody(my dog) blah blah blah. Next we are all going to start cocking our heads to listen to the media because we hear absolutely nothing coming out of their mouths. Lol
True, and if Donald Trum suddenly stated the sky is blue the Democrats (Fetterman aside) would call him a liar. Schiff, Whitehouse and Schumer together in the senate 🤮 - thank the good Lord the R’s have 53 seats.
This Nation started this "out of words" type living because we started having teachers that wanted more pay and less work because of Unions and worthless people in charge. It has just continued to get worse. My Mother was a teacher back in the early 1900's. I have watched the change though a lot of years with my children, grand children and great grand children. The last two generations have NOT gotten any education like I and my children did. It is a sad state of affairs of todays schools and what the children don't get in school today.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Yes. Education is the key. If we can get school choice into law in all 57 states (yes, that was sarcasm. I know there are 50 states) we can retake our country as we return to teaching Civics, the Constitution, and American history as it occurred rather than the mythology the Left would like to believe.
We homeschooled our three boys. Best decision we’ve ever made in regards to our kids. They got classical education and college was a literal breeze for them - with the exception of a few classes here and there - graduated debt free because they lived at home and took advantage of dual enrollment in high school, and in state tuition (each year was less than $2k). One is in finance and the other in law enforcement. Third is a sophomore and going into medical field of some kind. It’s the education department. Big. Fat. Fail.
One of my grandmothers only went to school to the 8th grade. She was born in the late 1800's. We exchanged letters many years ago when I lived far from her. Since then, I have had the pleasure of reviewing written reports from young people recently graduated from both high school and college. My 8th grade educated grandma had better grammar, spelling and handwriting than any college graduate whose reports I reviewed. My teachers in the 1960's and 1970's were older, many having also taught my parents. It was definitely downhill after that.
My Father was about he same way. He only got through the 6th grade, but was sheriff for 8 years and was a wonderful Father that really helped me get started. And he knew the proper grammar.