So, people are going to sue the celebrities that were nothing more than pain promoters FTX. How about look in the mirror and take responsibility for making a bad decision.

But... how about suing the DNC and every Democrat candidate that got funded by FTX money. They are more culpable than paid celebrities.

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I said (to business friends) in 2016 that Trump "executed a hostile takeover of the Republican Party". And it worked! A long established brand that had gotten "stale and unprofitable" that could be turned around by letting go of it's unprofitable products and services (policies and constituencies) and launching new ones (Populism).

He failed in his attempt to do the same with DC. At some point (in the more distant future) maybe a Presidential historian will lay out why.

I wonder if there is someone who can change DC in the absence of a "Generational Crisis" (like the Great Depression + WWII did, or the successes of the old Soviet Union in the 70's leading to Thatcherism / Reaganism in the 80's).

And if there is, and someone emerges, will they be an FDR (not again!) or a Reagan (please!).

It would be great to hear your thoughts on who that might be (other than De Santis, who is the current "front runner" for the Republicans)...is there a "bench" right now?

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I just don't know what to say! May be that our country deserves what is happening to it. Ukraine is corrupt. Just look how the Bidens profited from it. How many times did the Children of Israel come under judgment in the Old Testament for the same kind of sin? The rich oppressing the poor. God heard the cry of the oppressed no matter who they were. Don't get me wrong there is nothing evil about being rich. I love the founding of the USA. Equal opportunity, the freedom to pursue your dream. Being a country of laws. We just can't ask God to bless the corruption that is happening now. He is a just God.

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Have you ever thought of running for office.? We so need people just like you that really gets it.

Thank you Sir.

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Fine, but the GOP establishment has its hands in the same cookie jar.

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