So, so true.

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Great post!!!!!

“ You die, the worms eat your body, and Simba sings about the Circle of Life until the sun explodes, everything incinerates, and the universe goes dark.” ............one of your greatest lines of all time IMO

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How arrogant to think we can stop “global warming”? I laugh each time I hear it. This article gives credence to the hypocrisy.

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and yet it is the poor that give the power to the secularists to burden their lives. Will they never learn? It's tiring to vote against my own economic interests to help folks that call me evil and racist.

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We must all rise up and cry "The Emperor is naked" and not just stand stupidly and accept what the "Woke" minority demands!

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I love it.

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Yeah, the woke folk don't realize that the big gas-guzzlers also accommodate the car seats that are also mandated...well into childhood depending on where you live. And the pickups get us through the snow when our jobs demand that we be there on time. Part of joining the woke camp is a loss of interest in and compassion for how other people live.

As John says below, there's the absolutism and then there's simply doing our best to care for what we're given. Absolutism and its climate apocalyses (apocalypsi?) have scared a whole generation much as a certain kind of preaching did in the 19C. No doubt there's a connection there -- terror of mass death can force a conversion. We learn from history and repeat.

The lack of compassion is what drives me mad about the environmentalism, the state of woke, and everything that goes along with it. It's a religion, as Erick says, where one is completely sure one is right and the consequences of not going along with it are not just evil but catastrophic.

How to reach people like that? I'll say again, the woke people I know absolutely believe in this. Do we start with where they are and work them out of it? It's a slow effort but would pay dividends. (Given that they have to listen first, but if it's an offshoot of evangelism then they *want* to convert us. Because we are lost souls otherwise.)

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It is arrogance that leads the Woke-O Haram to believe that polluting humans are responsible for climate change and that only woke humans can fix it. The climate has been changing for eons. It gets cold, then it gets hot, then it gets cold again. It has been happening since the beginning of time. The Creator manages the creation. It is entirely up to him and our human emissions (or lack thereof) have little or nothing to do with whether or not the planet gets hot or cold. It is silly to think that if we all just work together to make it colder, the world will be a better place.

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If only Christians, who purport to believe that they were given a charge by God in Genesis to be stewards of His creation, were as concerned about the Earth as those nasty “secularists,” wouldn’t that be a great world!

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