No one uses common sense and asks her why she thinks she’s smarter than God ?

The inflation is caused by their climate change policies.

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This is OT (Off Topic) but worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the Covid jab: check out this interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf:


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You have three classes.

At the top you have the economic elite, the managerial class... today they are mostly corporatists... Wall Street gamblers looters and rent-seekers, and the administrative elite, the ruling class. The latter are also looting and rent-seeking politicians... but without the skills to do it well in the private economy. Instead they peddle political influence for payola including insider stock trade information and book deals, speaking tours, and seat on boards of directors after the leave office.

Then there is the middle working class. These are the real producers of the economy. Elon Musk is one of them... even though he is the world's richest man at this point.

Lastly there is the low income class.

Obama, Biden and Harris are part of the that administrative elite that are committed to supporting the managerial class looters for the payola. They are threatened politically by the middle working class, so they appeal to the low-income class - stupidly but apparently effectively mostly because they hand out cash taken from the middle class.

The hilarity of it all... Biden projecting his Scranton working class roots, Harris "I am from a working class family upbringing as an oppressed black woman", Obama projecting as just one of the brothers that happened to attend Ivy League schools. It is all so inauthentic and plastic... and yet we have so many educated people supporting them and promoting their inauthenticity as worthy credentials.

Most of the reason that I cannot hold any respect for Democrats in general today is this point... that they lie to themselves supporting what are inauthentic actors on the stage. Trump is a lot of things but the one thing he is more than anything is authentic. He isn't playing any act... he is just being himself. A billionaire working class man from Queens.

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What a lot of people don’t understand is for the government to give you something material a house drugs money it has to take it from someone else so politicians pander and lie to convince there constituents that they are going to get something for free and everyone but them will pay for it

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Can you imagine the conversation...

Dem #1: "How can we bring back some black votes?"

Dem #2: "Hmmmm...... how about $20,000 loans that they don't have to pay back?"

Dem #1: "Loans? What are they going to do with that?"

Dem #2: "Call it de-facto Reparations."

Dem #1: "That's good, but we need more."

Dem #2: "How about we add free weed on top of it?"

Dem #1: "Brilliant! Let's channel LBJ when it comes to black voters. They're so dumb, I'm sure that dangling the extra carrots will do the trick!"

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I know a few black men since they rent apartments from me. Several are dads that live with the mother of their kids and they live in the same home as their kids. Give these families a school voucher and see how these black men will react. For once they have the resources (the equity) to pull their kids out of government control. This equity would then give them more options to pursue opportunities.

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Regarding those black only loans that don't have to be paid back - Just skip the paperwork and mail a check to every black man that votes for Kamala.

Shaking my head at the shady things these people come up with.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Whenever Democrats are well on-track to losing a major election, you can expect to see a handful of things happen, including:

- The media will start talking about how horrible and rotten American voters are.

- The Democrat candidate will suddenly start doing a bunch of interviews, even ones that may not be held in a comfortable, controlled setting with friendly allies.

- Democrats will announce bold new legislation which panders to racial minorities, gays and women.

All three of these have suddenly started.... and they will intensify as election day approaches.

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Just remember that Donald Trump informally launched his presidential bid with a resuscitation of the previously discredited anti-Obama birther movement, an effort whose success depended on a negative racist POV to succeed. Then in his 2016 campaign and early days in the WH he depended heavily on proud white nationalist activists Steve Bannon and Steve Miller.

Of course the Trump family's racism was already exposed in 1973 https://clearinghouse.net/case/15342/

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“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man.” - Malcolm X

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

That's at least one thing Malcolm X has said that I agree with.

Here's another good observation:

"I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public." -- Booker T Washington, 1911

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This brings to mind the scene in the Godfather where at a meeting of the Dons, Don Zalucchi stands up and decries the sale of drugs to the general public and in the schools but makes exceptions for the sale of narcotics to the dark people because "they're just animals anyway". I guess that wasn't taken as a racial slur.

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Erick, you forgot one:

Michelle Obama is hauling drag queens, female impersonators, and at least one foul-mouthed Pop Singer of Color around the nation on a Get-Out-The-Demented-Democrat vote tour. Maybe not racist, but this is about as pathetic as pandering gets.

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“I am shocked, shocked in tell you to hear that there are racists amongst the blacks..”

Yes we know this already. Not a big shock. What is a shock is the way the media is covering it. Not the usual spin masters they have been.

It’s not just politicians. The liberal blacks have been told for so long that they get special treatment that they now expect the same segregation treatment that the whites were receiving in the 40’s and 50’s.

Commercials, movies, even whole networks named after them. Yet still it’s not enough.

All the while seeding the culture of discrimination.

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Appropos of nothing, but after reading some of these comments, I need to know how you can block a poster, if that's even possible.

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This will all be history at the Thanksgiving table. Are there better things to take about than politics, absolutely. But the reality is Washington is way more prevented and therefore way more important than it should be.

No one argues over facts, they argue over the perceived consequences of facts, the future that they are certain of but is in fact uncertain.

Hence nearly all vices are rooted in the future.

We want him to be in the maximum uncertainty, so that his mind will be filled with contradictory pictures of the future, every one of which arouses hope or fear.

...we want a man hag-ridden by the future...

We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow’s end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the future every real gift which is offered them in the Present.

~The Screwtape Letters

What is relevant is what happened before Nov 5. "How is possible that ....... won? And now 3 weeks out either could.

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Toby, you vote like we say.

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