2 Timothy 4:3...

This has always been, it is the work of the devil and his work does not stop.

The time has come when those that practice mythology and reject sound teaching are no longer content to do so off in the corner. They are no longer content to simply passively attract victims. They demanded equal footing with sound teaching in the public square, which they got when Christianity was driven from the public square.

Now they claim they are sound teaching, and sound teaching is deviant.

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Exactly right. Our primary loyalty is to the truth, and to the God who is its source.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

MTG is channeling her inner Maizie Hirono and Hank Johnson :-(

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I do not believe man will destroy earth. God formed it and nothing can come against it. He knew the future and what we would do to it and nowhere in the scriptures does it say We will be its end. i think He built in safeguards to combat such destruction.

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A couple of years ago the Easter Bunny was following the president of the United States of America to steer him away from awkward conversations at an outdoor function on the grounds of the White House. After this, nothing seems to surprise me. I take in the news from the major media sources with the more skepticism than I give the Babylon Bee.

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Some shibboleths unpronouncable by progressives include "rule-of-law" and "voter-ID".

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How about "Absolute Truth"? That seems to get a rise of progressives, regardless of which truth is referenced.

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I’m not sure if I should just call you fair and balanced or trying to play both sides of the fence.

The whole thing about MTG is a media overblown nonsense.

If Dems or evil powers could control hurricanes things would be far worse than they appear. But I say again. Let’s pretend they did. What the heck would you be able to do about it?

It’s just like I said before. Let’s say the Dems do have a relentless and well organized fraud campaign in place to steal elections. Including massive voter dumps of fake votes or manipulating electronic ballots.

What would you or I be able to do about that?

They could literally come out and say they did it and doing it and nothing could be done.

MTG said it in sarcasm but either way let’s say she was serious. Fools, and the few they are, follow it and espouse it.

And while these crazy loony conspiracy theorists are of the right they pale in comparison to those crazies on the left. While we may have a few for Dems it’s all of them.

All of them believe that Trump endorses project 2025. Or that men can be women etc…

But here we go again. Yesterday talking about Harris’s implosion and now back to Trump supporter bashing. Not sure which is worse.

Stating idiocy just for the heck of it lends validation. Ignore them and they go away.

If not for the media would anyone have heard of 2025?

Exactly. So thank you for bringing that to our attention. But we have a lot to go over so let’s move on.

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Bill Nye the "Science" Guy was just recently on MSNBC saying that a vote for Kamala would put an end to category 5 hurricanes. My, my...who knew she was so powerful?

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Yep and in 2004 during the Kerry campaign they used them paralyzed Reeves to say that if you vote democrat they can make people walk again.

Dems are always trying to turn themselves into living gods. That’s why they hate religion. How can the Dems claim godhood of people already worship a god.

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Erick this was an outstanding worded writing which you describe EXACTLY where we in America are TODAY. Your writings and yur program are PAR EXCELLENT!

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Ya know, if the media would refrain from reporting the nutjobs on both sides, we develop a bit of civility in this world.

Nah...just kidding.

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Big problem. The media reports the crazies on the left with a breathless endorsement and take it as truth.

The media is the problem.

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It's about the $$$ - clicks generate money, sensation and silliness garner clicks, so...

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The left is abundant in agreement with AOC. MTG represents her district and it stops mostly there. 🥂

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Spot on people say they can’t vote for Trump I’m afraid no way to vote MTG can’t believe I got switched to district!

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This is what happens when you turn power and authority into idols.

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While I agree that it is a degree of crazy to believe that the government is directing a hurricane, it is not in the least correct to call those people "progressives". There are, indeed, progressives who claim to be conservative. But those are the republicans who are supporting Harris instead of the republican candidate. And they are the ones who gave us Trump as a candidate in the first place. The progressives who claim to be conservative are the very ones who worked with the democrats to keep Trump from winning in 2020 and are doing the same in 2024.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

I say with confidence if you’re progressive with liberal ideologies then you’re not a republican or conservative. But most politicians who call themselves republicans even though they believe and vote democratic policies. Are usually doing that to maintain power. They live in a swing district or blue state. Etc… like the reps from main and most from cA.

And I lump Kemp and Brad traitorburger in there as well.

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There is nothing new under the sun, and Erick, has the skills to shine a light on it. Thank you sir.

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Just because a person is charismatic or potentially charismatic, does not mean that they are NOT also stupid. And yet, some follow them because they say the right word(s).

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This is a really well done job of weaving biblical passages into our present political context and an interesting read.

The thing about tribalism / bordering on cultishness is the need to keep affirming and signaling your conformity to the tribe in increasingly outlandish ways. On the left it's cringey virtue signaling and on the right its contorting yourself to embrace any narrative to defends Trump's words or actions. When I saw my friends and family posting stuff about "election integrity" after the 2020 election I knew these people were too smart to jump on the rigged election crazy train, but still had to signal their tribal identity to the group with some bs nod to the rest of the tribe.

Trump is pretty brilliant at exploiting this reflexive tribal identity complex on the right. He comes up with simple phrases that allow his tribe to categorize anything negative about him into easily disposable mental bins: Fake News, Locker Room Talk, Rigged Election, Lawfare, etc. etc. These terms allow simple minded people a simple reflexive defense to immediately discard anything negative about him that gets revealed especially because we live in a world of nuance. For example, the Alvin Bragg NY prosecution of Trump was flimsy BS. Thus the tribe can embrace a term like Lawfare to never have to look at the details / grapple with the other prosecutions that definitely have merit. Its a huge societal problem for our leaders to exploit.

Thankfully, I haven't actually seen anyone I know or read embracing this government controlled hurricane stuff yet. I bet if you did a venn diagram of people who are talking about a government controlled hurricane the circle would fall almost entirely within the larger circle of people that talk about rigged election / election integrity.

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Blair, wish I had time to comment fully, but don’t. But I loved you saying, “…we live in a world of nuance.”. Moon landing didn’t happen…crazy. Hurricanes being formed and aimed by the DNC…crazy. Other things can be debated with facts iteratively gotten to over time. But online comments often leave out nuance because most rarely have the time.

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I don’t know either or you, and I don’t always fully agree with either of you. But I definitely appreciate the perspectives you and Blair. Ring to this comment section. Virtual coffee mug or cocktail glass raises to you both!

Now if only that Thanksgiving company were half as thoughtful…

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