Hallelujah. Erick!!! I wish this message could spread all over the USA. Live and let live and make our home towns a better place. Then the USA would be a better place. God Bless you!

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Your suggestion would be all well and good if the Justice Department didn't think it appropriate to sue the state whenever they disagreed. Even when the state is clearly exercising rights the Constitution leaves to the state.

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As a conservative with a small "c" living in a deep blue state, I agree with much of what Erick says here. I'm not for break-up -- The world needs a strong United States.

But political polarization is a threat and is exacerbated by the feeling of each side that the other represents an existential threat that cannot be allowed to come to national power. The Left has a point when it says we have minority control at the Federal level, and the Right has a point that the Constitution was built that way -- we have a federal government, not a national government.

More federalism might cool things off as people don't feel quite so threatened and become closer to the government that most effects their lives. Of course, the federal government will still have to guarantee certain Constitutional, personal and civil rights to all citizens. And the states would have to pick up the slack where the federal government leaves off. If, otherwise, the states become too extreme, we can expect significant migration to more moderate locales.

But, Erick, how do we get there?

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The Church is no longer the center of our communities. That needs to change. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the goverment of any other . John Adams Love your neighbor as your self. Dan

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Rural (red) areas also control the majority of food production which blue cities depend on. So I don’t think the Left would be favored to win if it came to a violent civil divorce. I still hope war can be avoided however.

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Agreed Erick though the problem is that it seems like we have a federal government intent on dictating policy to the states and that they’ll intentionally ignore the Constitution along the way. That’s the fly in the ointment…

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I love the idea, but...here's the problem with that...state governments pass bills that the majority of the people in their state want...federal government sues to overturn them. You can't do what you want to do in your own community, because the city/state/federal government micromanages every aspect of our lives.

Go volunteer at a women's shelter, and when a "transgender" demands that he be allowed to sleep and shower next to battered women, and you say "We don't do that here", the city government steps in and sues you for discrimination. (Anchorage Downtown Hope Center in Anchorage, Alaska)

Try to feed the poor and help the homeless in the name of Christ Jesus...nope. Government demands that you hire an atheist who openly states his purpose for working there is to change the nature of your ministry. (Seattle Union Mission)

Go to your local school board to protest them teaching kindergartners about transgenderism, or middle schoolers about gay sex, or CRT or mask mandates or even a teacher advocating for communism in the classroom...the school board will call law enforcement and the DOJ will call you a domestic terrorist.

For most people employed by a small business, or those who own one, packing up and moving to another state just isn't an option. A rancher can't move his land and herds from Colorado to Texas. A barber whose business relies on the clientele he's built up over the years...he can't just relocate to another city.

I get it...we can't just get a divorce from the "other side"...but we DO have irreconcilable differences. And we have irreconcilable differences because instead of just going to a different bakery, those who don't get what they want demand that the baker make their "gender transition" cake anyway.

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Sad, but so true.

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Amazing how intolerant the "party of tolerance" is, isn't it?

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Bravo! ❤️

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good stuff. Federalism for the win. But not likely. The lust for total control and power has already made that improbable. Sadly.

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