Bloomberg is the bonehead in these notes .Shutting down coal and gas fired energy plants.Will cause us the American people to be without electricity and only the rich will be able to afford it. Only an ungodly individual would have zero empathy for the American people.

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“Government shutdown is coming.” Why oh why do you keep going down this road Erick?!?! Why do you philosophize, strategize, commiserate, contemplate, predict, discuss or even mention this bf stupid topic?!?! This is insanity! The Republicans ARE going to completely cave, giving the Democrats EVERYTHING that they want while the Republicans get 20% of what they want. Then they are going to dive to the closest microphones and scream that they did an excellent job pulling the reins back on the Democrats through their heroic descent. And that will be a damnable lie. How do I know that? Because that’s exactly what they did last time. AS I PREDICTED. And what they always do when we have a courageous genius like McCarthy at the helm ….

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Just looking for an explanation of the report that Bloomberg and wanting to close all coal plants and new gas plants... how will that work if that is what powers the electrical grid??

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If you get the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan has a good article that touched on Fetterman and the GOP. The title says it best "We want to be respected but no longer think we need to be respectable." I agree with Erick that the GOP needs to clean up its house. Bad actors on both sides of the isle are hurting America.

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Well, at least it looks like Menendez was trying to diversify his portfolio by investing in precious metals like gold.

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TB been coming in since Jimmy Carter brought the Viet Nams in. He said the only ones allowed to come would be healthy, educated, and could earn a job. Now where the hades is the outcry to finish building the Wall on SB? So Haley might win NH? After Bidenomic meltdown has fully occurred, DT will be the candidate and win 2024 election. Selah

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Yeah, once Menendez’s wife began wearing a gold head-dress and those asp upper arm bracelets we were suspicious. And instead of cremation or burial, they both have specified that they want to be mummies.

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Other than scale, how does Menendez's corruption differ from that of the Biden family?

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One is being charged or at least investigated the other is being ignored.

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That is exactly my implied point. Menendez is charged and the Biden family skates.

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I will take Haley over Biden. In fact, I would take a wet turnup over Biden.

But I am in Vivek's court. And every day he takes shots from inside the Republican establishment I am more in his court.

I am good dropping support for Trump with Vivek. But Haley is a proven neocon war monger. Her connection to the American multinational industrial war complex is part of the big problem why Republicans are so despised by every voter demographic except neocons and Republicans with TDS... which together don't amount to anything close to what is needed to win elections.

Haley can talk abortion. But haven't you noticed that the Democrats are not interested in any reasonable talk about abortion? I cannot find a single liberal Democrat in my large network of friends that isn't fond of repeating "it is a choice for women about their bodies!". The media is not going to help promote a national ban on later term abortion no matter how nuanced the message is delivered.

Here is the problem with thinking that Haley can attract the center vote. She will cause more Republican working class voters to stay at home, and she will not cause any left of center voters to vote Republican. Conversely, Vivek's message and platform is appealing to a subset of youth, minorities and absolutely pulls the working class. Vivek pulls Bernie Bros. And he pulls from the Republican party elite (educated and high income) like myself that supports Trump for reasons that we see the American political establishment as the real tyrannically threat to the republic and the world... and Trump's personality as a twaddle problem in comparison.

I mean come on man... THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT CAUSED THE ELECTION OF JOE FREEKIN' BIDEN! Isn't THAT enough to prove that the political establishment... the Ivy League educated cabal of management class people dominating government, media and Wall Street... are a threat to everything our ancestors have sacrificed to create this, still, the greatest nation on God's green earth? They put Joe Biden in the king seat of the most powerful and successful nation in the history of humans. Yes, we had Trump in the seat before that... but Trump was the attempt to apply harsh medicine to the growing gaping wound before us.

Haley is not medicine... she is part of the gaping wound.

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Ivy League educated cabal of management class people dominating government, media and Wall Street... are a threat to everything our ancestors have sacrificed to create this, still, the greatest nation on God's green earth? Vivak anyone? Smart has some good ideas and appreciates this country but reckless.

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I can’t figure out the polling on DeSantis . I cheer every time I hear him speak. Halley talks a good game but she wants to do the things that DeSantis has already done in Florida. Just look how prepared he had his state when the hurricane hit and this was the second year in a row. Have his numbers fallen off because he was taking care of the people of his state? I don’t understand what is not to like. Other candidates talk about it , DeSantis does it.

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DeSantis has proven to be a policy candidate and not a story candidate. Story candidates win, policy candidates do not. Ideally they are both.

Trump and Biden are story candidates. Biden has some policy experience, but frankly it has not translated into much demonstrated policy talent.

Haley is both. Pence is trying to be both, but he sucks at the story side.

Vivek is interesting... more story but also gets into some of the policy weeds.

DeSantis needs a lot of coaching for how to better connect with the electorate on a personal level. He is a very likeable character, but has gone too stiff. He needs to get out and rub shoulders with the common folk to the point that he actually fits into their lives and sees himself as one of them. He can wear a suit doing that. He should wear a suit doing that. Then he can speak with more confidence and empathy that appeals to more voters on a personal level.

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I still think DeSantis is the best choice to protect and stabilize our country. His polling is bad because of the constant attacks from media. Open your PC and it is nothing but attack articles, right now 5 just on his polling. Between liberal media who don't want a strong conservative and those who follow Trumps rants about DeSantis he is getting hammered. Why do folks vote on style/flash. Vivek is a smart candidate but the more I hear the more I wonder about him tearing everything down without a solid plan on the fallout and the little people who get crushed when it's "hey, just business". I see the Dems taking aim at whoever is our best choice, then moving on to crush the next one, and the next till Trump only one left.

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Agree completely. The only thing I can figure is that he has been dubbed as another Bush type by both some die hard Trump supporters and a few establishment republicans. And he isn't the best speaker in the world. To me, the claim he is like the Bushes is nonsense and I can get past his not so exciting speaking style. His policies and firmness in getting them done are what counts.

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In other words, according to the latest CNN poll, Vivek is in second place. It's time to stop ignoring him as a legitimate candidate, Erick.

Also in the news today, RFK, Jr. will announce by mid-October whether he will run third party. I'm sensing a Kennedy-Gabbard ticket in the works.

This race is still interesting.

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This morning I am channeling Mr. Rogers.

Schumer blinked when Senator Tuberville refused to approve 300+ military appointments with a unanimous consent motion. He wants them to be approved 1 by 1 unless the Military stops using our money to fly military to abortion friendly states, and funding DEI instead of lethal maneuvers. Unless Tuberville backs down it will take 89 8-hour days of debate to approve all 300+ candidates. And, btw, no military work is undone. All those waiting for confirmation are already in their jobs and doing their work.

Schumer blinked when Lunatic Slob Fetterman refused to wear a suit on the Senate floor. He desperately needs him to walk to the well of the Senate to cast critical votes.

Schumer will now have to duck questions on Crooked Menendez who kept on taking bribes even when he barely escaped the last batch of felony indictments. He can’t afford to lose Menendez’s support or absence for any votes.

Schumer can’t call out Brandon’s dementia, or even call out McConnell because he would have to face his Feinstein problem.

Even McCarthy has a problem with governance due to his tight Republican margin.

What is the difference between GRIDLOCK and SHUTDOWN? Nothing. It's all good when it stops the Senate from moving legislation that threatens America.

As Mr. Rogers used to sing “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood”.

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Ukraine is never going to pay those "loans" back. Be real, Erick. That would smother any government spending recovery or economic growth whenever this war ends. And not to belabor the point, but they are the most corrupt nation in Europe. Ukraine will pay back that money when men can get pregnant. Never.

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Agreed. Kinda hard to repay sovereign debt when most of the funds have been grifted and skimmed off to private individual accounts. Have you looked at Ukraine's GDP lately? HA.

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Not only will those loans never be paid back, the defense contractors are profiting twice: once through the weapons Ukraine is purchasing with our money and again through the US military's necessary replacement of the equipment we're sending to Ukraine.

Erick's argument for sending money to Ukraine - that it ends up back in the pocket of defense contractors - is one of the best reasons to question our support of this proxy war that is killing hundreds of thousands of people and risking nuclear destruction.

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Let's not forget the Haliburton's & Black Rocks that will step in to profit off of the rebuild of Ukraine's infrastructure once it's over.

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It's already begun. Episode 148 of Glenn Greenwald's System Update details the choice of billionaire Penny Pritzker to oversee the rebuilding of Ukraine.

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Ukraine is more corrupt than Russia and Belorussia?

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Probably equal with Belorussia. It was frequently considered the most corrupt before the war. Russia historically feels like a different animal as it is also an Asian nation. But all super corrupt. Point was on Ukraine ever paying back that loan. Thoughts?

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Erick says the loan is guaranteed by the EU. I personally would support Ukraine aide as a total gift, but if the EU connection is correct, we’ll get it back. I spent the first ten years of my military service planning to and expecting to fight for Soviets. Then, they went away is a miracle from God (and Reagan). Now, Putin wants to bring them back.

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I'm not debating the merits of us supporting Ukraine, just that the loan will be paid back. You really think Germany and France are going to pay us back for Ukraine's war when most of the money came back to our manufacturers anyway. I just think this is pie in the sky. Not reality at all. They STILL don't pay their share for NATO.

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Or the DNC :)

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I read somewhere that widespread corruption was in direct relationship to a nation’s previous geographic and political proximity to the Soviet Union, Russia being the primary inheritor of that. It’s a lot for a country to deal with when fighting for its very existence.

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Menendez was indicted on bribery charges in April, 2015; it ended in a MISTRIAL. Menendez is a Democrat. Let's see what happens this time!

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But this time you can add espionage and treason to the crimes. Tough to forgive offenses that in the past called for a firing squad. "Go Dems Go" :)

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