This Article below is the Drugs that Hamas uses.

What is the drug found in Hamas terrorists?

A powerful drug was found in the pockets of Hamas terrorists who participated in the attack against Israel.

The drug, also called "Jihad drug" was also used by the terrorists of the ISIS organization.

Captagon is a powerful stimulant reportedly found in the pockets of dead or captured Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel on October 7. Captagon is an amphetamine (a stimulant drug that acts on the neurotransmitters) originally created in the 1960s in Germany to combat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and narcolepsy (sleeping disorder). while stimulating the central nervous system. Most countries stopped using captagon in 1986 due to its addictive properties and negative effects. But its popularity remains strong in the Middle East despite the drug being banned by Middle Eastern governments.

"It has become very popular for the leaders of various terrorist organizations to give them to people, first of all, to break them mentally and indoctrinate them, and in particular before operations because it makes them more hyperactive, more cruel and merciless."

Irina Zuckerman, a geopolitical analyst says that the terrorist organizations use the drug to control the fighters. They become more obedient, more open to suggestions, and more addicted.

"The main function of the drug is to increase the willingness to fight. And you can even see it from watching some of these terrorists, from their videos that they took with their body cameras, they seemed much more alert, and much more hyperactive."

Although the use of the drug is prohibited in the Middle East, terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah produce it cheaply and easily. They smuggle it through different ports. Experts believe most production takes place in Syria, where captagon exports are estimated to be worth $3.5 billion in 2020.


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I think it is really stupid for the US to keep telling the world how afraid we are for the Gaza war to escalate. That shows everyone our cowardness and weakness.

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Exactly. We should make our enemies and would be enemies afraid of what we might do.

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Excellent piece in Saturday’s WSJ on the pernicious leftist theory of “settler colonialism” and the violence against it that’s justified by today’s radicals. Erick has also explained “anti-colonialism” very well. It’s a frightening theory that must be defeated.

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Seeing the most recent protests - including the ones at Grand Central Station & Tulane - I've never been more afraid/mournful for the future of our country. Our nation simply cannot endure such division.

I'm not talking about Left v. Right. I'm talking Good v. Evil.

Anyone who engages in 'What about-ism' and moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas (along with Hezbollah and other terrorist groups) is a vile, reprehensible excuse of a human.

Everyone that can be identified as having taken part in these rallys who is in this country with a student visa should have their visas immediately revoked and be exported. (Yeah, right.) Once a student visa expires, it should not be renewed, and they should go back to their country.

Trump's idea to ban immigration from countries with high risks for terrorism should be immediately implemented. The ACLU and anyone else screaming it would be 'unconditional' should be ignored / discredited / ridiculed - since the 'US Constitution' doesnt apply to non-citizens in other countries.

If the Scripures are true., things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better - especially once the fan REALLY gets hit in Israel.

Like Sargeant Esterhaus used to say on 'Hill Street Blues' - "Let's be careful out there,.'

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“Israel, Israel, you can't hide. We charge you with genocide.”.

I am dubious. However, if that is true these fools are truly even more stupid and hypocritical, I know, shock.

Hamas is not the "Palestine people" (nevermind there are no Palestinians). Israel is not trying to kill "Palestinians" they are going after Hamas terrorists. Now these protesting fools want to say Hamas is the Palestinian people which means that are all terrorists.

Did the United States and our allies commit genocide against Germans in WWII, um, no. We killed Nazis. While Nazis were Germans the German people were not all Nazis.

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Re: "Israel, Israel you cant hide".... Someone should drop giant swastika on their heads..

Re: "Harvard Doxxing Truck": I find this delicious. The Left can't stand it when their own rules are used against them. It couldn't happen to nicer people. I'm laughing so hard, my sides are splitting.

Re: Mike Johnson. Let's hope he doesn't turn into another Paul Ryan.

Re: Noah's Ark. The story is something that I've always found pretty fascinating.... in the respect that it isn't physically possible. First, the largest wooden ship ever constructed (besides the description of the Ark) was about 2/3 the size of the Ark. The tensile strength of wood is such that, if you go any bigger, the whole thing will collapse on its own weight. Next, there's no possible way that they could store enough food and water for eight people, plus nearly 7,900 pairs of animals for 40 days plus a year when the waters receded. Next, you would need a constant, high-rate volume of fresh air being pumped down below for ventilation, otherwise they'd all die from asphyxiation. Next, the amount of animal waste generated would have everyone buried up to their necks within hours. So, unless Noah's Ark was given Godlike powers by God Himself, there's no way this could possibly be done. But, this is Old Testament stuff, burning bushes, Lucifer falling from Heaven and such...

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Joe, I believe it happened just as God said. He can create the universe out of nothing, so none of the things you mentioned matter...I mean they do from an engineering/biological perspective, but God is quantum leaps to the infinite power greater than our greatest minds, so, yes, as impossible as all you stated seems, I believe He adjusted all He chose to to make it happen. But, as we plan a lunar colony and someday a martian outpost, all you stated, and much more, is critical. God created the physical laws in play. He can alter them in any way He chooses to.

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If you could transport back in time as a civilized, educated German in the 1930s knowing what the Nazis would do to the Jews, what would you do to prevent it?

I fear that we have reached a point where the answer to that question is not good. Speech should be free and absolute, but advocating for genocide of of Jews has already been established as justifying the harshest of consequences.

My thinking on this is some patriot with resources should start a list of names of all the people spouting their antisemitism (and anti-Zionism is the same)... so that their lives are forever impacted by their demonstrated hate. Today these people think their position makes them more popular... part of the cool kid's group. It is dangerous.

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The Talking Points Are Out = cue the enslaved "press" a/k/a the DNC propaganda machine masquerading as "journalism".

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I doubt that I’ll ever visit Tokyo but if I did Bar Martha would be high on the list of places I would go.

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Regarding Lee’s statue being melted, the book “April 1865, the month that saved America” is a good read on the efforts of Grant, Lee, etc. that prevented a Balkan Style Guerilla war. Many “progressives” today think reconciliation was a terrible mistake.

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Every time I see one of these large anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, pro-Islamic terror, pro-genocide rallys in the Middle East, the natural man in me thinks 'Boy, think about what could be accomplished with a couple of cluster bombs.'

But then I repent.

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I sincerely hope DeSantis is not using state taxpayer monies to send FEDERAL-LEVEL aid to any mideast combatant. The time for such action is after/if he becomes POTUS.

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As Christ said; there are no vacuums, either the Holy Spirit dwells within, or Satan's spirit is the occupier. Selah

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The X video is gone but it is still up on the Tube.


For now.

wow, look at all those "white supremacists" from the Republican party chanting "we want Jewish genocide." Those are all Maga-Americans right? (that's sarcasm for residents of Rio Linda)

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And yet, will American Jews still vote for Democrats and the Left?

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I am sure some of them have learned a hard lesson.

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Yes, they will, and that baffles me.

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