Carmine Pescatore ---who are you?? I write Eric and you answer? Why? David

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“If we have 15 different colors and three shades of gray, it’s a paralyzing choice,”

This echos the article you read awhile back about the guy who was paralyzed by too many bread choices and left without buying anything.

It's not paralyzing, it's bad product management.

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Hmmm, the Biden Administration wasn't going to say anything about the spy balloon. A complete and utter shocker that they would just ignore the truth. Did Joe OK it with Xi?

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Claudine Gay is "toast". The PHDs do not tolerate plagiarism. I graduated from Southwest Texas in San Marcos, TX in 1969. My degree was signed by an "Acting President". James H. McCrocklin In 1969 McCrocklin resigned when it was revealed that much of his doctoral dissertation had been plagiarized; Leland Derrick became acting president. So there it is! And, McCrocklin was a LBJ man too. It did not matter. McCrocklin was tossed.

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On China and our military...

I don't know how the left can think extremism is rising among the military when its been completely euthanized of its core beliefs since Obama. Its training is a joke, the policies are all political, and rules of engagement have muddled every officers ability to win any battle. Their recruitment policies have also been softened. The kind of people that would get extreme in the military are not joining the military.

As for China. Everyone needs to search on youtube for a video called Apocalypse 2027 WW3. It tells the tale in stark reality what will happen if Biden or any democrat wins.

In short, China will invade Taiwan which will touch of a domino effect eventually leading to the world ending in nuclear fire. I somewhat believe this is inevitable with the inconsistencies and corruption in our voting system, I don't see how trump wins with that in play. So this scenario is probably an eventuality.

Just enjoy the 3 years or so we have left.

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And now for the bad news………

Wow makes me glad I’m old. I would have liked to have seen my grandchildren grow up.

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There was a great WW3 book published in 1986 - very realistic - by Tom Clancy called “Red Storm Rising.” Just terrifying.

I joined the USAF in 1980 fully expecting to fight the Soviets. None of that happened.

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Hasn't happened.... yet. I would also say that was during the 80's. Reagan and Bush combined to bring down the Evil empire. If not for them...

Bill Clinton was a womanizing Draft dodger, but he was also very much against nuclear war and although he patsied the US around, Lobbing missiles for show, China stood still as they knew they couldn't take on the US. Translation is different time.

This is very very different. China after releasing the COVID strain has grown a pair. They had a temporary setback thanks to Trump being in office but with him out of the way, they have run roughshod over us in the South sea.

Want to know why the USSR never pulled the trigger against us from 1967 onward? Because it knew they would be obliterated in return. China has no fear in that regard in this world where democrats will send emissaries instead of soldiers.

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WW3 will be fought with computer viruses, EMP’s, disease, etc. Thanksvto Brandon and Company, we are weak.

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I’ll give you Putin is working hard to resuscitate the USSR. If Xi thinks China wouldn’t glow radioactive green after nuking us, that’s a really dangerous world.

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China wouldn't be the one Nuking us. if you watch the video it paints a picture in which NK is the instigator of firing off Nukes while China attempts to cripple us with a cyber attack.

But that's not the point. Once the Nukes start flying, no matter who fires first, we are all screwed.

And i also think China believes in our weakness and thinks like us sane people do that if China did invade Taiwan, I don't think Joe would do anything. He would send emissaries and try to negotiate his way out of it, but would do everything possible to prevent boots on the ground. The reason China hasn't done it already is the election. If they invade Taiwan now that would favor the GOP candidate. They are locked in to getting Joe elected. So your right, and Erick is right. The Dems didn't steal the election. China and other 3rd party factions interfered.

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I have no doubt that the world - and this awful generation of leaders - could blunder into a World War, like in 1914.

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Judges moving left, eh? Hope there's room for them; the left is pretty crowded with state AGs who believe they can make unilateral decisions about which names appear on ballots.

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I used to listen online to Rush via a newstalk station in Idaho Falls. I got so familiar with local SE Idaho businesses!

You would be a good fit for them.

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Erick is a smart guy, followed him for years. Bi the polls are a joke. Yet he acts as if they are the only indicator for voters to make their voting choices. It's too bad that he's just like every other member of Con, Inc. "Haley is only 3 points behind in Iowa" LOL 😂🤣😂 The Iowa "polls" will be off 20 pts as always. Then we'll start talking about who got a "bump" for New Hampshire. It's all crap. And it's extremely damaging to our system.

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