I hate to even think this, but I can't help but believe there is a significant number of people out there that hope there are problems with the vaccines so they can blame Trump and say "See? We told you couldn't trust the Trump vaccine."

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It’s time the the highly paid pundits begin to cover the tragic fallout from this pandemic while we wait for the vaccine. A vaccine they have vilified.

Words cannot express my anger at seeing small businesses and the service industry die as we wait. The people who are truly the backbone of America. So cruel. And, Hollywood can fall off the edge of the world they so egregiously denigrate!

The shame that the big box stores (you know who they are and we shop there), the social media, the Bill Gates, the overly-paid politicians who are sure of a paycheck, etc., etc., don’t have a heart for those suffering.

I’m not for redistribution of wealth, but charity begins at home. Where is our Christian heart and our national pride?

Thanks for letting me vent!

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My opinion is that those who would say they have a "Christian heart" are spending their extra money on the Trump efforts than on many of the charities in need out there.

Think of all the money wasted on this personal, egotistical crusade of his instead of on all the people who could be helped.

It's tragic that these Democrat-run cities are ruining their citizen's lives and futures, especially the productive ones who uphold the tax base for the less productive. I'm thankful we have Gov. Kemp who hasn't followed in their footsteps.

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Amen and Amen!!🙏

I’m just thankful to living in a state the refused to go along to get along.

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1. Was it not the breakthrough technology of messenger-RNA that has made the difference in the timeline of a Covid-19 vaccine?

2. The restoration of reasonable, appropriate journalism in this nation will be possible it the networks will discipline themselves to return reporting real events. Their obsession with Trump has served its purpose. Our USA progress requires, in the days and years ahead, as little mention of Donald Trump as possible. Let the man get back to wheelin and dealin with money instead of manipulating the affairs of state.

I was in Jerusalem earlier this year. I appreciate Donald Trump's relocating our Embassy in that city. That relocation, was in my opinion, the best accomplishment that he had during his term. Mr. Trump is also to be commended for his recent succeed in placating Arab countries in their relations to Israel.

But I must say, while on the subject of Israel, when one looks up at those heavily fortified Israeli settlements near Bethlehem and throughout the West Bank, there has got to be a better way.

So far, Jimmy Carter's efforts produced the most effective American efforts toward peace in that region.

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Erick, I wish we had a press corps capable of self reflection. It seems they're paid to lie, obfuscate the truth, and point fingers. I hope with you.

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Good piece. And thanks for the link to the NY Times article. I made a comment to my wife just yesterday asking about what MSNBC and CNN were going to do after Trump leaves office. CNN definitely made a decision to do politics 24/7 in the era of Trump. It will have to make a transition back to a more balanced approach to the various news segments. MSNBC was always too political and will probably remain so.

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You're absolutely right about self-reflection from the media. My former boss used to use Yom Kippur to reflect on everywhere he went wrong, every story he wrote sloppily, and he reflected publicly. I thought that was brave and wise.

On the vaccines, though, I just sat in on a Zoom call for reporters, with a bunch of medical professionals. They said that one reason for slowness of vaccine development was that it was hard to get people to do clinical trials. But for the covid vaccine, folks were lining up to volunteer. Also that (and I need to go back and re-listen, I could be wrong) there was something about how they didn't have to grow the vaccine from culture this time, and that that also adds to the length. So possibly the experts earlier this year were assuming the covid vaccine would have the same trajectory and the same problems, and it didn't.

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I’m going to take Moderna’s not Pfizer vaccine.

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Yeah, me too.

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Your examples, plus so many others, are the main reasons I rarely follow any "news". What's the point? It's all opinion-based now. Remember in early 2016, after Trump won, they said they would work to "do better"...mainly get out of their bubble? Did you believe them? Yeah, me neither.

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There used to be a group in Atlanta called "The 100% Wrong Club." The MSM seems to be that club on steroids.

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I too also long for a media that doesn’t frame everything around Trump. I’ll bet that if a tornado hit my neighborhood and any news organization wrote 6 paragraphs about it only 2-3 would be about the direct damage and the other 3-4 paragraphs would have something to do with Trumps response. Just let the news be the news.

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They'd blame the tornado on Trump's "disastrous environmental policies" and say thats why we need to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.

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Well well.....well. Finally Erick you call out these news organizations. WSB radio subscribes to some of these conservative radio commentators and I did hear a stand in host for Rush say, Steve Cortes, a reporter for National Review said blank. I fact checked Steve Cortes and found out he works for the Trump campaign and you have even mentioned Steve on your show.

What I want to ask you is why has WSB radio failed to report on anything negative towards Democrats? I haven’t heard Chris Chandler or Jamie Dupree say a word about Eric Swalwell’s spy girlfriend. They don’t even give the Hunter Biden investigation air time. Former President Obama is hiding the fact that he is for defunding the police in his recent comments where he says progressives need to keep quiet on that message for now, and the news people at WSB radio say NOTHING about it. Shame on them. Report both sides good and bad or STFU.

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Actually..I have definitely noticed a change in WSB as well.... New owners...I suppose corporate bs has a lot to do w it. It's made me move to podcasts. ...Not to mention the dam ED commercials. I cant take it.😝

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Chris has reported on the Eric Swallwell matter multiple times. Sorry if you didn't hear it. I heard it. Jamie Dupree has reported on it too. They also covered the Hunter Biden story at the time.

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Good answer. Wednesday evening I called in and gave your call screener my question and was promptly hung up on. Oh well accidents happen. My question is, why haven’t any of the people who committed voter fraud been charged yet? The excuse I heard was that they were new voters and didn’t know. What info do you have? I’ll listen in again because more information about Biden has been released. I’ll bet $100 bucks they don’t say a word negative about democrats. Love your show.......sometimes lol.

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Haha, I’ve been hung up on too!

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Jamie always framed Trump from his biased point of view, using terms such as baseless claims. That’s not news.

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I knew they were wrong about a vaccine. I am a nurse practitioner with 38 years of experience and 2 Master’s degrees one from Emory and one from UNG. I never watch CNN but my retired boyfriend watches non stop. On Friday night I clearly heard a doctor say we will have herd immunity by June. Not one word about this wonder. I just remarked last evening to said boyfriend, how he seems homesick for Trump and will miss him when he’s gone. Most of the media appears to be soon homesick for Trump. By the way, I can’t hear a word Bidey says with that mask on. His cough two nights ago was concerning and sounded pneumatic. I predict, well you know, we might have Kammy sooner than you think.

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I agree ....Kamala will be President before we know it😳

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Yes, his cough was quite consolidated. Bets on respiratory or a fall?

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