People generally don't appreciate how hard serious illness is not only on the person who is ailing, but on their spouses. That you are able to do so much while helping Christie through this is fairly amazing.

You guys hang in there, and congratulations on the success to this point.

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On the subject of the EU overreach, I have done a ton of business in the UK. I love London. I have many friends in England. They tell me that when the EU began regulating the way a pint was poured, or the temp, or the prices, it went too far and Brexit happened. Millions of locals across the country had had enough of the EU regs.

On the subject of California $20 minimum wage shutting down businesses, I take you back about 30 years to when Nebraska decided to start taxing the dry ice that Omaha Steaks shipped for free in their steak packages. Alan Simon (owner) threatened to truck their beef across the river to Iowa and end ALL revenue in the State of Nebraska. The Nebraska rev folks got religion.

Economic might does work where there are reasonable people to have a discussion with.

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To quote Dennis Quaid Trumps a asshole but he’s my asshole, I feel the same the alternative is a disaster his VP pick has to be more than likable we don’t need a go along get along VP we need one that can also lead the country after Trump or in case something happens to Trump. As far as holding the left wing protesters accountable we know that won’t happen it’s easier to prosecute grandma than someone with a Molotov cocktail take a look at Portland

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Christy is a bright spot in a depressing news cycle.

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Geritol Joe is a horrible man. I didn’t realize Kamala was a Hamas sympathizer, but it doesn’t surprise me. Meanwhile the woman who is one heart beat from being President says nothing about the Americans held hostage by Hamas. The best thing for America is she is working for MSNBC in 2025 and Geritol Joe’s only priority is ice cream, naps and not crapping his pants.

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It's a tragedy of course when anyone is killed. But I would be very cautious about accepting ANY figures that Hamas produces. They are blatant liars and are particularly adept at manipulating the media. You may remember the UN Humanitarian team that visited Gaza several weeks ago was unable to verify the graves of those Hamas claims were killed.

As to the Al Jezera reporter, I'll shed a tear tonight, but will likely manage a full night's sleep.

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Erick, please make absolutely clear to your readers and listeners the "very fine people" comment by Trump in Charlottesville was Rupared into a hoax promoted by the MSM and Biden. Here is one link for you and your readers: https://finepeople.org. There are other sources. In short, Trump never said or implied white supremacists and neo-nazis were "very fine people." In fact, he specifically condemned these groups in the same press conference from which his comments were taken out of context. The whole story is a hoax that quiet possibly cost Trump the 2020 election.

You owe it to your readers and listeners to set the record straight about this hoax and further expose Biden for the piece of dog excrement he is. He was either too stupid or irresponsible to make sure a sitting president would say something so obviously offensive or he knew it was a hoax and was lying. Either way, he is a worthless turd of a human being.

Additionally, there are prominent members of the media who still believe in the hoax. I know of one I debated on Twitter years ago who is a highly respectable Washington reporter. He was regular guest on Boortz's show and, aside from what looks like TDS, he is otherwise a top journalist.

In any event, please, please, do everything in your power to expose the hoax and the many others, such as the Russia Collusion hoax, the Drinking Bleach hoax, Steele Dossier hooker story, etc., and mock anyone who promotes this garbage.

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Dude, we all heard what he said. It is clear that he did not say there were good people among the white nationalists. He said there were good people on a side that included white nationalists. In my view that is a little less offensive . . . but not much. I mean, if the guy next to you is wearing a white hood, for a good person, that's a pretty good clue that you're in the wrong place.

There was no hoax. There was no confusion. We all heard what he said.

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Point well stated and in total agreement!

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Trump was referring to the reasonable people on the statue debate, not the lunatic fringe that wants to be on the news. The statues are a reminder of our past that should not have occurred. Slavery was wrong and so was the start of the CW.

Does anyone talk about bulldozing Auschwitz and turning it back into farm land?

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The Civil War Statues and Federal Parks are a great teaching resource for our young people.I learned a lot about the war in school. Maybe we should erase all the history of war .

That way young soldiers won’t have any Information of previous Tactics.

We can’t change what happened in the past. We can only change now and the future.

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Praise God for providentially getting your wife this new medication, located close to home, that works! Glad she got to see your daughter graduate.

Let’s pray for a Republican VP pick with integrity, who will appeal to undecideds, and do his/her best to mitigate Trump’s worst impulses.

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Tim Scott

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Great news to share about your wife. I suspect much of her success is due to her healthy attitude as well as to her medical regimen. Keep them both up!!

Two points:

1. Iran has already defeated Israel. At least that's true in the press and seemingly so in the majority of the world. It doesn't mater that Hamas fighters hide among a civil population. It does not matter that Israel was viciously attacked on October 7, 2023--that's not headline news anymore. It doesn't matter that Hamas (Iran) could end this immediately by releasing the hostages. My bet is that Iran does not want the hostages released as long as Israel is willing to continue its destruction of Gaza to find them. Iran and Hamas are sacrificing thousands of Palestinians for the reputational destruction of their sworn enemy.

2. Where the does Trump stand on the Israel/Iran/Hams war? I receive all sorts of blips and blobs from his campaign--all professing that he has been "screwed" by the progressive left. He's probably right but is that why I am supposed to vote for him? Common man, tell me where you stand on issues. Where do you really stand on the evil axis of Iran, Russia, China and North Korea? What would you do to rebuild our standing and respect in the world? What would you do to continue our economic recovery and growth. After all, a growing economy solves almost all of our problems!!!

I could go on and on. I used to be a member of the silent majority. No longer. My opinions may be flawed but they are mine and I'm hanging them out there to at least try and provoke a few thoughts. My last one is this: How in the hell did we wind up with the two candidates we have running for president? I've written about this before. A vote for Trump is just a vote against Biden (4 more years of a Biden administration will literally kill this great country). My instincts are to run and hide somewhere and not vote. Help me make the right decision and help me start with getting Trump's campaign to look at the issues that effect us all.

For what it's worth--Joe Card

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I feel you, Joe. I like Biden but wish he was not running. So I won't so much be voting for him as against Donald Trump; as will a great many people be voting not for Trump, but against Biden. I think the same thing happened in 2016, where a majority of people did not really like either alternative.

After this is all over, we somehow need to take a hard look at how this could keep happening.

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Iran never defeated Israel. All 350 rockets were destroyed.

Israel comptemplated nuking the whole country of Iran.

Israel has to continue in Gaza because of the thousands of tunnels

Underground because destroying

Them will ensure the safety of Israel.

20,000 rockets have been shot at Israel since 10/7.

You know my mom knew my S Dads Dementia was getting worse when he started watching MSNBC.

I too want Trump to change his tune.I think I will write him a letter.

I can’t vote for Biden as he has gone against God

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We live in a very screwed up world. Putting that aside , yea for Christy she is a fighter that is for sure. We must continue to pray for her as the battle is not over yet. We must continue to pray as Israel continues to fight to bring home the hostages and eliminate Hamas.

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Christy is amazing! I like how the Daily Mail captioned the photo that she was on her new ‘Davidson.’ Ah, the British.

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That wheelchair bound grandmother will see heaven before most of us. I believe Almighty God will mop the floor with the rest of us for not “fighting” for the unborn. 60 million since R v. W.

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Christy looks great! God is great all the time! :) I must confess that I did not know about the 75-year-old grandmother. She shouldn't have blocked the door, but that is a 'conversation' with her, not jail time. The link you provided showing left-wing broadcasters defending the 'right' to protest doesn't mention anything about vandalizing or intimidating Jews. I'm shocked, just shocked! Ah, no, I'm not. No fan of Trump. My brother, a staunch conservative, will not vote in the upcoming election. He despises him more than he despises Biden. I told myself after the last election that I could not vote for Trump again. The straw that broke the camel's back for me? The speech in Detroit. Lord help us, if this man is re-elected.

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As a double-hater I often ask how did we ever get ourselves into this mess?

The answer?

The GOP base lost its collective moral and civic compass and nominated Donald Trump in 2016. The responsibility for the ramifications of the next election will be and will remain yours.

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I was appalled at Trump as a candidate in 2016. But watching in the years since, I realize it is not the base who is at fault for his nomination, election and nomination again. It is the fault of the establishment republicans who, over and over and over have made promises to do things that they then made excuses not to do while also allowing the dems to get every one of their priorities moved forward. And I don't see that the establishment has really learned that lesson yet.

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I usually disagree with you, but here I don't. Republican leadership "played" its blue collar base for decades, making promises to it that they never fulfilled but taking care of business for their corporate supporters. This is why, as flawed as he is, the base refuses to let go of Trump.

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And if people would only listen to the ones like me who keep telling other conservatives and republicans that the biggest reason we keep getting Trump is because you all insist on truly vile rants about not just Trump but everyone who supports him. There are a relatively few die hard Trump supporters. Most seem more like me, don't much care for the man, but recognize he has far better policies than any democrat, and won't actually cause the complete destruction of the country. But as long as we all get tarred with the same brush as the most unreasonable Trump supporter, you aren't going to get anywhere.

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Actually, I don't so much blame the hard core MAGA person who believes Donald Trump is God's gift to mankind as I do the people who see who is and support him anyway.

In the entire 230+ year history of this country under the Constitution, there has only been one occasion when there was not a peaceful transfer of power, one occasion when the candidate of a major party continued sowing doubt about our election system after he lost, and one occasion when a former President was convicted of a felony. The author of all this might not destroy the country, but I cannot think of a better nominee for doing so.

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I hate both Trump and Biden, but you seem to really feel like if we get Trump, it's Hitler rising from the dead and putting you in a concentration camp. Do you honestly believe Trump is the return of Nazi Germany? When the alternative is getting fired if you speak up about the Rainbow Rebellion flag being flown outside US embassies as a requirement or places of business? How is what we have right now so much better? Because Democracy? I see scaremongering on both the Left and Right. Can you admit the possibility this at least could be true, or is it only the Right's problem because Orange Man Bad?

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I did not immediately respond to this because it caused me to stop and seriously consider just how bad I think things could get if Trump were to win. There is definitely scaremongering happening on both sides and I have pushed back against that concerning Biden; him being no worse than other Democrats (Obama and Bill Clinton) whose presidential administrations the Republic seems to have somehow survived. Now it's my turn to acknowledge that America would likely survive a second Trump administration as well.

First, Trump is no Hitler. Setting aside the difficulty of anyone matching that level of evil, our Constitution would not allow Trump to amass the absolute power that Hitler came to possess. If he follows through on what he and others have said about Trump getting involved in prosecutorial decisions that have traditionally been left to the Justice Department alone, this could eventually lead to a situation like that in Russia, where Putin no longer has any real opposition. Here again, however, our Constitution will not allow Trump to remain in power long enough for things to reach that point.

My biggest concern about a second Trump administration lies in the area of foreign policy. For going on 80 years now, world peace has for the most part prevailed because we have been its guarantor. Our allies knowing that we will stand with them could now be even more important than potential adversaries knowing it, for absent that assurance, the best alternative for those who can no longer count on us is to just nuke up. With nuclear proliferation unchecked, soon the unthinkable becomes not just possible, but likely. I fear that Trump would just let Putin take Ukraine; which would lead the Chinese to think they can take Taiwan; which would then lead either to war with China, or to all of our allies knowing quite clearly that they are now on their own.

Domestically, however, make no mistake: the prospect of Trump winning still scares the hell out of me. Setting aside his own conviction, I believe there have been no fewer than a dozen of Trump's business or political associates who have also been convicted of crimes (not even including Steve Bannon whose prosecution for ripping off the faithful on a "build the wall" scheme was thwarted by a Trump pardon), and you know what they say about "birds of a feather." Finally, there is the matter of Trump's now clear approval of what took place on January 6th.

So we have a convicted felon himself whose associates have included far more convicted felons than for any other President, and who also would seem just fine with criminal behavior if it seeks to further his interests. I mean, what could go wrong?

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Trump drove the $$$$$ at the media companies which was a huge plus because of his unlikability and the impossibility that he, as a novice politician, could win. Who else, among the republicans, would they be pushing for the nominee against their anointed messiah Hillary.

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That’s an excellent point. It, however, doesn’t absolve members of the Republican Party from their duty to nominate a man of character.

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Yeah, I didn't support him, pretty much anyone else in the primaries, but isn't it the voters who voted for him in large numbers in the primaries. Unlike the Democrat Primaries where there are a large number of Elites who are "super delegates" are for almost the largest portion of delegates for selecting their nominated leader, even though Bernie won states, he still lost in delegate counts in those states and fell further and further behind until he was offered a couple of houses and pay off his debts... The DNC tilts the table toward their favorite children.

I do agree, character matters, but policy matters too. Unfortunately, the character portion doesn't seem to fly very well on the other side of the aisle either. Biden is not exactly a nice guy, even though, the press is so optimistic that Biden was so very different from Trump. The only difference I see is that Trump is actually not offended by the average 'joe' on the street.

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At least once upon a time, Biden was an average "joe" (no pun intended); giving him the actual experience of being blue collar. Trump has never been that for even one second of his entire life.

Maybe he is cut in the mold of Teddy Roosevelt; one born of privilege who took up the cause of the common man. However, Roosevelt was consistently a reformer for his entire life. Trump, on the other hand, having changed a number of his policy positions since entering politics, could be genuine in these conversions.

Or he could simply be a very skilled political grifter.

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Joe Biden is a good example of gifted political grifter. Still poor after a lifetime of political service.

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I take your point and I understand the frustration with “establishment” Republicans. But I fear the cure is worse than the disease.

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It is hard to imagine something more difficult and worse than a Harris Administration.

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We don't have to imagine it. We lived it during Covid.

Or perhaps I should say we died from it; Trump having admitted that he "downplayed" a disease that went on to kill about one million Americans.


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Do you not remember when we first begin to hear of Covid? Trump was sounding the alarm and democrats around the country, Pelosi, Cuomo, the mayor of New Orleans, Fauci et al, all went on TV and screamed to the Heavens that Trump was making a mountain out of a mole hill, that covid wasn't any worse than the flu or a bad cold, told people to go out to the parades, restaurants in China town, and called Trump a racist xenophobe for trying to ban travel from China. So, he backed off, urged caution for the vulnerable and did not take any drastic action. That was in fact the correct thing to do. Jump a few months and the same folks who threw a fit because he was reacting to what he had heard now went into paroxysms of hysteria that he hadn't locked down the country and done something drastic. Oh, by the way, when it first came out, dems were in the midst of the ridiculous impeachment and couldn't be bothered with anything else. People with common sense had a basic understanding of viruses and knew the drastic measures now supported by Fauci and the dems were ridiculous. Masks don't stop viruses, closing people up in closed spaces is unhealthy, not treating symptoms can be deadly. Yet all those things were recommended and followed by, apparently most cities. Luckly, I live in a place with sane people and we didn't do that to any great extent. This rewriting of history is getting absurd.

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No, I don't remember that.

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It's hard, but not impossible.

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Let’s see. In “retribution” Trump shuts down support for Zelenskyy because he’s still mad about the first impeachment. Putin then takes over Ukraine so Xi figures the U.S. is a paper tiger and attacks Taiwan. The U.S. isn’t a paper tiger and we get into a shooting war with China. On the first day China uses that cool missile they have and sink a couple of our aircraft carriers. How’s that for a really bad scenario?

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Theirn, I read your comments all the time and I doubt you need this analogy, but here it is: General Patton was profane, prideful, and could be a jerk, but he was great at beating the Germans. So much so, Ike used him as a feint to fool the Germans that Pas de Calais would be the D-Day invasion point, because the Germans respected Patton’s tactical abilities and determined the fake invasion force they built in SE England was the real one. Saved lives. Trump is a bit like Patton, rough, crude, but effective. I hope Erick can help Trump with independents but Trump, as he is, is far superior to the collection of ideologues currently running the country through Biden.

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I do find the analogy a good one for illustrating your point. It is highly problematic for your ultimate argument (in support of Donald Trump), however.

As a cadet at West Point, Patton signed onto an honor code that many commissioned officers try to live by for the rest of their lives: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do." Given Trump's habit of saying things that simply are not true, his proven attempts to cheat in the valuation of his assets for prospective business partners, and that to steal the 2020 election, that last clause of the cadet code strongly suggests that General Patton could never have supported Donald Trump.

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This Patton analogy must be making the rounds with Trump cultists. My good friend from Utah who is a Bishop in the LDS church brought this up when we had lunch a couple of weeks ago.

It is a specious argument. Patton was not president or a former president. And if he had been I’m sure he would have had nothing to do with an attempt to block the peaceful transfer of power after an election. I’m a fan of Patton and know his history well. It is an insult to his memory to equate him to someone as amoral as Donald Trump and a draft dodger to boot.

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Well, I’m no Trump cultist and sorta surprised at your curt comments. I’d not heard anyone else make that analogy, so to me, it was unique. I’d expected a more thoughtful, layers of grey response from you. I miss judged. The analogy is not perfect and a thoughtful person would not need to expect a perfect overlap of the two. A perfect overlap wasn’t intended.

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I’m not usually curt. My frustration as the reality of Trump winning grows is getting to me. So I apologize for the tone.

That everyone doesn’t see the civic degeneracy of the man is maddening to me.

Patton had a value system. I don’t see one with Trump.

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In April I joined the cancer battle and am now fighting as well. Mine was caught early and there has been remarkable breakthroughs. I am on a treatment that has been available for about a year or two. God is with us.

Even if I fail heaven will get another angel.

Now about this weekend. The rescue should have been the biggest story. Instead we got Harris mourning the enemy.

These people are godless creatures. Actually they do have a god but it’s not the true one. They pray at the alter of the corrupted god.

The fact that the race is tied, at least in the polls, is a testament to how uninformed people are. That along with rampant fraud. I don’t see how Trump wins it. But I have faith and that is all we got right now.

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Praise the Lord for all He does for many of us. YOU are a Blessed man with a Blessed WIFE. She is very attractive sitting on her Harley and ready for some fun finally after all she has been through. I Pray for many more years for Her and all the family to enjoy His Healing for your wife.

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