Then help me understand why the GOP does not adopt a better system?

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Been talking to Peter Strzok?

"The stakes are too high for a crowded field to hand the nomination to a candidate who earns just 35 percent of the vote, and I will help ensure this does not happen."

Baring any deep health issue(s) DT will be the Repub nominee. DeSantis might be ask to be VP. This will be to the chagrin of all Dems, RINOs, and just simple DT haters.

You wonder why DT has the attitude he does? Well, just think about the lies, accusations, that have been thrown at him from 2015 daily until today. Why will you not react to the flat out attempted coup against DT from Obama, Biden, and all Fed agencies, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NIL, et als? J Biden nor Kam Harris will not even be a or the candidate in 2024. So again, these John Kasich's will have their 10 minutes of application, and get their 8-10 % of votes, and then withdraw.

When will the GITMO military tribunals be formed to prosecute those corrupt Dems, including AG, FBI Dir, etc.? It has now been established that the FBI classified facts of Biden corruptions as " Misinformation"., and that troubles very few people?

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As you point out, Trump’s goal is retribution for all the slings and arrows that have been unfairly directed at him. But desire for personal revenge often clouds one’s mind, and it has made his whole campaign about him rather than what is best for the country. And the best way at this time to MAGA would be fir Trump to step back and unify the party and almost guarantee a Republican would be our next President. Because as the nominee he will splinter rather than unite the party.

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Pretty much all of these folks are fooling themselves except for DeSantis. I think if everyone dropped out today, DeSantis would poll virtually even with Trump. Christy, Pence, Haley, Scott, Ramaswamy...they're all kidding themselves. If they don't want Trump to be the nominee, they need to drop out immediately. But they won't because some political consultant somewhere convinced them that they can win. This is a two-man race for good or for bad and it's likely the "better man" will not win because these fools don't understand the GOP electorate. DeSantis has made some mistakes. But he is still electable if these back benchers would go away.

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Isn't that what's Great about America? Or at least used to be! A man, a Citizen of the United States, who is a sitting Governor has the opportunity to run for President of the United States. There's nothing in the US Constitution which states you must have governed a state with a minimum population in America. One could be a peanut farmer, a businessman or a technology executive and run for public office, including POTUS. Americans now have an opportunity to learn who Doug Burgum is. Whether it's Bergum, DeSantis, Ramaswamy or Trump, they are head over heels better than Biden or any other Left Wing Democrat.

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The field will quickly take proper shape after the first few weeks of primaries. I'm concerned about those final few weeks. Please, not President Trump. When Mr. Trump ran the first time it was clearly all about Make America Great, and the nation desperately needed (still needs) it. And, President Trump accomplished so much for America. But the second campaign, and clearly now this third attempt, was and is only all about him. His ego is running, not his ethics. Sometime, at least early in his second campaign, he stopped being "Mr. President" and retook his role as a TV Star/Personality. Adulation is a tough master because pride still goes before (leads toward) destruction. He obviously relished scrapping with his opponents and I applauded his many victories. But by now, he has taken instant, strong personal offense at so many, arguably many times justifiably, that it's developed into a habitual reaction. Now anyone who says or does anything he sees as even hinting of a negative connotation against himself is now targeted in his wrath. He instantly, inexcusably attacks people who do not deserve it, e.g. Kayleigh McEnany. His rabid attempts to defend against anything that reduces his perception of his public esteem only serves to make him seem small, petty. I've never appreciated his personality, wouldn't want to be around him other than to shake his hand for his first term's accomplishments, but I gladly voted for him twice. Unless he completely changes his sour, ego-driven attitude, I absolutely won't vote for him again in the primary. And I agree with Jim McFadden in saying "I hope I don't have to vote for him again."

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I’m just curious Erick. Other than the Democrats, do you ever judge the worth of someone running for office on criteria other than their political acumen?

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A credible observation, Erick, but it doesn’t seem to make sense? Presidential politics pushed sense aside in 2008 and its re-inclusion is not presently in sight. I didn’t know his name either, but if he comes up with a good slogan or gets one of the front-runners to use his name, the running-for-a-cabinet-seat possibility is always there.

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Erick, can't the GOP change the primary process to require a run-off between the top two vote getters?

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Of course they can do this. The party can even have a convention with delegates to decide who the nominee is. Oh wait, we used to do it this way and did so for over 100 years. In case you weren’t around then, conventions chose far better candidates than the current media dominated state primary system.

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Sounds he’s just trying to get name recognition. Maybe thinks he could be asked to be a running mate or start a podcast or something.

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Erick, the establishment GOP as we knew it is dead. Same with the Democrat party which is now socialist leaning towards Marxist. A new populist GOP is the future and for better or worse, it’s Trump’s party.

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I like President Trump. I like him a lot.

It was entertaining to watch him eviscerate his competitors during that first primary cycle. It was shocking to watch him win the Presidency. It was amazing to be part of the Make America Great Again movement. Even today, I still wear my MAGA hat, and I still get positive comments from everyday folks in shops.

BUT… I hope I don’t have to vote for him again. I will if he is the candidate, but I hope he is not. We have so many amazing candidates that it’s hard to choose between Senator Scott, Governor DeSantis, or Vice President Pence. I’m a Texan so I’ll have a chance to choose in the primary, but it won’t be for President Trump.

I do appreciate the profound changes he has made, and I consider the MAGA movement to now be an American movement and not just Trumpism.

Why have I changed? Because he has lost it. All the pressures and attacks have had an impact on his reasonableness and judgement.

I know I may take some arrows for writing this today, but my point is that if I can move away from Trump then his nomination is no longer inevitable.


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I agree 100%.....I just don't know why the Trumpers can't see this.....

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Since small with few, if any, followers seems to be de rigor for a presidential candidate this election cycle; l see myself as highly qualified for the fray about to take place. Therefore, I hereby announce my candidacy for President of the United States. My motto? “It’s Kern’s Turn”. Vote for me, Kern. It’s all you need to know. OK a couple of facts: I’m under 90, over six feet tall with all my hair. I’m an engineer and hate lawyers. My crowning political achievement was to be elected as president of our local RV club where I received an overwhelming majority of the votes. “You can learn that is now Kern’s turn”. Vote Kern!

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I think he wants to have people say “former presidential candidate” when they introduce him, like many others.

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Goodness, if you want to throw money away give it to charity. I’m sure that there are a couple of wonderful charities out there that could use a couple of million. Mr. Erickson has a great one.

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