She keeps her job not "for reasons that baffle" but because she willingly supports and advances the narrative. She's not making mistakes. She's printing and saying EXACTLY what the WaPo wants her to say. They don't care if she gets it wrong and they have to retract it. They don't care about the truth at all. The Message is what matters.

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I seem to recall you mentioning moving goal-posts a while back. If goal posts (or guard rails for the matter) are constantly in motion, what can ever be deemed as truly bad? Worse, what can be deemed good? This highlights the anarchy and sociopathy of those who have rejected what is always, absolutely true.....

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I'm an old woman - and I think the joke is funny! Liberals have totally lost their sense of humor!

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Lower your expectations...this is the WashPo. They hire quotas, not jounalists.

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The discussion about “my truth” versus Truth is applicable here, too. Her “truth” is someone said something she doesn’t like, which should overshadow her misstatements. It’s the typical fantasy land the Woke live in.

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“You’re offended? You should work on that.” is my standard response.

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Lighten up, Francis. Nobody would have said a word had the joke been about a white, overweight, middle-aged, conservative male. TV ads beat the dead horse of the incompetent husband who couldn't find his arse with both hands into the ground by repeatedly targeting that stereotype, and it's always the brilliant wife who saves the day. I don't like it one bit, but not because I'm offended...because it's old, very unoriginal, and simply not true in most cases.

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I have a bipolar teenage daughter. I found the joke extremely funny. It's a joke. It's funny because it is so close to reality, yet so far in the real world. 5 years ago, few would have understood the joke.

For anyone who is gets angry about this joke, I suggest that they discuss it with their mental health professional. If the professional doesn't laugh when they read it, I suggest finding a competent counselor.

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The joke was funny even if it was said about men.

View the video of the Queen having tea with the Paddington Bear. Absolutely hysterical. Enjoy good comedy. Life is too short to be angry at everyone.

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I am female and I thought the joke was funny. People with even a tiny bit of a sense of humor know it is a joke and not a literal, factual statement.

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