Is it really surprising?

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AOC's ICE concentration camp rhetoric led to a firebombing

Obama's rhetoric over Travon and also his bring a gun to a knife fight, get on their face and shout them down corespondent to a rise in BML violence.

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Why Erick are you surprised? This is who the democrats are. Evil and rotten to the core. Yet somehow you act shocked that they do these things.

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sto·chas·tic | stəˈkastik |

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I am on the board of the pregnancy center in Washington DC very close to the US Capitol. We have invited Democrat Senators and Representatives to visit the center (less than a mile away) to see what the center actually does and to help reduce the rhetoric that has caused the center to be attacked. We have had to hire security guards for the center. None of them have taken us up on the offer.

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Thank you Paul for your mighty help in saving lives. My wife of many years, that went home to be with Jesus in 2001, worked at the Colorado Springs PC as a volunteer for 13 years as a speaker, worker, nurse, just saving those babies. I was a board member those 13 years as well and President 5 of those years as well as teaching the other nurses to drive our bus that had mobility to take them to high schools in the area where they could do test and show them a live baby moving. That really helped save many of God's children. But that all ended when my wife went home. Now I am 88 and ready but still driving and going strong for the life of many.

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Don - praise God for your faithful service. My wife and I met in Colorado Springs back in 1978 (really Ft. Carson), but we both lived in the Springs. Now in God’s sense of humor after 42 years of marriage we live on Colorado Springs Drive here in Virginia. I pray that I can keep running the race as you have.

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I now live in Denver, we need to get together some time.

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We go out to the Springs usually once a year to visit my wife’s father. Perhaps we could get together.

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I lived there from 1986 until last year. So I would love to do that. let me know and how to contact you or him.

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Don - send me your email address and I'll contact you.

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One mile away? That's the problem. If you and everyone involved had only carefully planned and then built your pregnancy center in Barbados (or some other enticing location) less than a mile away from a five-star resort with a compliment of world-renown chefs on staff and perhaps a discreet escort service, they would have shown immediate interest! Then, all you would have needed is a G650 to pick them up in Washington and bring them to inspect your facility in the superior comfort they deserve. That would have doubtless raised their interest to the point of their reluctantly accepting your gracious invitation. It wouldn't have changed their disgust with your service; they would have been suitably outraged, having seen firsthand the irreversible damage you are inflicting upon your patrons. But you would have at least had many visits. Sorry, Friend Paul; evil is never gracious toward good in any form. And at this time, you are asking a good many evil people to appreciate your good work. There's nothing in it for them. God bless you and everyone else involved in your PC.

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That's because organizations like yours threaten their holy of holies, their highest sacrament.

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Yup. The Director of the Center goes outside when we have protestors and ask them to come inside to get a tour and see what we do. Only a tiny fraction of them have come in and are surprised. She has also asked them are they upset that a woman decides to keep their baby because that's we what try to do to help pregnant women before and after their children are born.

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If this continues in this manner, this will not end well.

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Of course not! It’s always folks on the right who are the “anarchists”.

Right out if Saul Alinsky’s book ‘Rules for Radicals’. Accuse your opponent of what you do!

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