It is "wait and see" time - gather evidence of "errors" as the presents themselves, make the case where it matters (i.e. *not* in MSM or public opinion but in court), decide from that point whether the various cases of irregularity are getting the serious consideration they should.
At some level, we are in the hands of lawyers and judges …
It is "wait and see" time - gather evidence of "errors" as the presents themselves, make the case where it matters (i.e. *not* in MSM or public opinion but in court), decide from that point whether the various cases of irregularity are getting the serious consideration they should.
At some level, we are in the hands of lawyers and judges during these periods, hoping (praying?) there will be some measure of objectivity at the end of the judicial process regarding election irregularities. Up to that point, yelling and screaming about "fair" as the left does is meaningless. Conservatives are not Antifa. Riots are a leftist tool, not a tool of the conservatives.
By comparison to Occupy xxx, Antifa, BLM et al? Care to cite equivalent misbehavior either in size, scope or grand larceny from conservatives in the last, I dunno, 50 years?
It is "wait and see" time - gather evidence of "errors" as the presents themselves, make the case where it matters (i.e. *not* in MSM or public opinion but in court), decide from that point whether the various cases of irregularity are getting the serious consideration they should.
At some level, we are in the hands of lawyers and judges during these periods, hoping (praying?) there will be some measure of objectivity at the end of the judicial process regarding election irregularities. Up to that point, yelling and screaming about "fair" as the left does is meaningless. Conservatives are not Antifa. Riots are a leftist tool, not a tool of the conservatives.
Since when? The right has turned to armed confrontation many times in recent years.
By comparison to Occupy xxx, Antifa, BLM et al? Care to cite equivalent misbehavior either in size, scope or grand larceny from conservatives in the last, I dunno, 50 years?