In the Soviet Union, it is the future that is fixed and the past that is always changing. Or so goes a not meant to be funny joke. Socialists and progressives always tend to use broad generic terms like capitalist-pig, white-nationalist and Nazi to apply a broad brush of condemnation to anybody who disagrees with their political views. I…
In the Soviet Union, it is the future that is fixed and the past that is always changing. Or so goes a not meant to be funny joke. Socialists and progressives always tend to use broad generic terms like capitalist-pig, white-nationalist and Nazi to apply a broad brush of condemnation to anybody who disagrees with their political views. In contrast, honest people judge individual actions rather than condemning large groups of people without good evidence. Good article Erick.
In the Soviet Union, it is the future that is fixed and the past that is always changing. Or so goes a not meant to be funny joke. Socialists and progressives always tend to use broad generic terms like capitalist-pig, white-nationalist and Nazi to apply a broad brush of condemnation to anybody who disagrees with their political views. In contrast, honest people judge individual actions rather than condemning large groups of people without good evidence. Good article Erick.
Notice my own generalization, which is certainly a generation, even if I think it has a lot of good evidence.